Update: The new moon of Elul 1 should be sighted either the night of the 30th or 31st of August, 2011. But, we will have to wait and see what the official sighting is from Jerusalem to set Elul 1. This Elul 1 is the most strategic Elul 1 in human history--a pivot point towards the return of the tiny remnant of the ten tribes of the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel, with repentance and humility, totally submitted to the Master, the Spirit of Yahuweh, who will join with Judah to do “exploits” in the face of the “Beast”, son of Lucifer, the lawless one, who is soon to come. This month of T’shuvah, “the return”, must begin with His trusted, faithful gatekeepers opening the portals for their return—calling the remnant of Ephraim home from the furthermost islands of the North Atlantic, from where they left for North America, into captivity for their sins. Now, a small remnant is being trusted by the Master to do His will in the earth in these last days, and so the opening of the portals will bring His will into the earth, and the deliverance of this tiny remnant.
From last year:
As of the eve of August 12th, 2010, the new moon being sighted in Tiberias and Jerusalem by several witnesses, we are in the Hebrew month of ELUL.
Tonight, August 12th and tomorrow night the 13th, there is a four-planet alignment in the heavens after sunset – the new moon with Venus, Mars and Saturn. It is accompanied by a spectacular meteor shower that is best seen early in the morning. (Go to spaceweather.com for information)
As the first sliver of the new moon appears announcing Elul has arrived again, we begin the season of T’shuvah—a season of serious repentance before Yahuweh, a season to align ourselves with the purposes of Elohim, so that when the “last trumpet” is blown on a Yom Teruah--the Feast of Trumpets yet to come--we will ready to receive Messiah as He return.
I John 2:28: “But now, little children, abide in Him, that when He shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming”.
It is the time to return even more to purity and set-apartness--getting ourselves totally in right standing with Him, and with others.
He will return on the Feast of Trumpets! “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed”. (I Corinthians 15:51-52)
“And the seventh angel sounded (the last of seven trumpets) and there came to be loud voices in the heaven saying, `The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Master and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever’. And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath has
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come, and the time of the dead to be judged, and to give the reward to Your servants the prophets and to the set-apart ones, and to those who fear Your Name, small and great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.” (Revelation 11:14-18) (Italics mine)
From an excerpt from a past Lekarev Report: “The four Hebrew letters of the word Elul (aleph-lamed-vav-lamed) are the first letters of the four words Ani I’dodi v’dodi lee – `I am to my Beloved and my Beloved is to me’” (Song of Songs 6:3). These words sum up the relationship between Ha Shem and His chosen people. In other words, the month preceding Rosh HaShana is a time when Ha Shem reaches out to us in a special way, and we reach out to Him. It is always a very special time and includes individuals reaching out to others, asking forgiveness for any failure during the past year that has offended or hurt another person. The shofar is blown throughout the month to call us to repentance and holiness”. (“HaShem” means “the Name”—referring to the Name of Elohim--and is sadly substituted by Jews for His real Name--Yahuweh/Yahweh/Yahuah)
Psalm 81:3-4: “Blow the shofar at the time of the New Moon, at the full moon on our festival day (speaking of the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles, which both start during the full moon). For this is a law for Israel, and a right-ruling of the Elohim of Jacob”. (Italics mine)
In Israel, in Bible times, the moon was used to determine the new month. The
“new” moon is still used to determine the new months, not only in Israel, but in the Arab world.
This did not thrill me until late December of 1999, when I did my homework, and also began celebrating the new moon festival according to Scripture. It is our Father’s calendar, and it has to do with what our Father has taught us regarding how He wants us to calculate time for His Shabbats and the Festivals for His people. How long will we celebrate the new moon?
Isaiah 66:22-23: Speaking to the Levites: “`As the new heavens and the new earth that I make stand before Me, declares Yahuweh, so your seed and your name shall stand. And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me’, declares Yahuweh”.
From Genesis chapter 1, we learn that His days begin at sunset. We learn that He put the moon in the heavens for "times and seasons"--Genesis 1:14.
The word for “times and seasons” is “mo’edim”. This word is used for the set appointments of the Feasts of Yahuweh (Leviticus 23:14).
In I Thessalonians 5:1 Sha’ul (Paul) said that the people of Yahuweh didn’t need to be told the times and season of Messiah’s appearing—but then, he was talking to those that honored the Feasts of Yahuweh. They knew it was at a Feast of Trumpets.
In His exact, to-the-second appointments with man, He deals with the Feasts, He deals with each individual who knows Him, and by them. He also deals with
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the nations and world events. That is why most major world events occur around His set-apart appointments (mo’edim)—the Feasts.
His Feasts, or Festivals, are grouped into three groups. The first group of three are in the Spring of the year, at the time of the barley harvest in Israel. Passover, First Fruits, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread come in March or April in the month of Abib. “Aviv” is the stage of the barley grain—indicating it is ready for harvest within two weeks.
Exodus 12:2: Yahuweh tells us that Aviv 1 is to be the “first” of the months forHis children—in order for us to arrange our lifestyle around His Feasts (Leviticus 23). It is not the world’s calendar. It is His calendar that marks the progression of the plan of salvation for His people, so that His people can rehearse the actual events before they happen, or look back and understand the plan of salvation more clearly from celebrating, now, the first four Festivals that have already happened. (For more information on how Messiah fulfills the Feasts, please refer to the article: “Yahuweh’s Seven Appointments With Man”). It is our “tracks of righteousness”—Psalm 23:3—the path that we walk on to be in right standing with Him in His Kingdom!
The ancient calendar, going back to creation, begins with the Hebrew month of Tishre 1—and the Feast of Trumpet blowing and shouting—Yom Teruah.
The “Tishre” calendar also marks time within the civil year of the world. Both are important within their context. The Jubilee years are determined by the cycles of the Tishre calendar—after seven “shmittah years”, the 50 year is the
year of Jubilee. (Leviticus 25) Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy”.
Our lifestyle centers around the Festival cycles, beginning with Aviv 1. But, prophecy marks time using both calendars—also using the existing world calendar, so that His servants might know His timing without all having to know the Hebrew calendar. Many, many of His servants have no access to the Hebrew calendar, yet He tells all of His servants what He is doing before He does anything (Amos 3:7).
The three parts to the Feast of Unleavened Bread are: 1) Pesach (Passover), which commemorates the Exodus from Egypt—the blood sacrifice of the Lamb—
Exodus12/I Corinthians 5:7-7, 2) the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which lasts the whole week, and 3) the Festival of First Fruits, commemorating the crossing of the Red Sea and the resurrection of Yahushua. (Exodus 14/I Corinthians 15:20-23) The whole seven days of this Feast is called “Unleavened Bread” because we eat matzo (unleavened bread) at that time.
The second Feast is only one day--the Feast of Shavu'ot (Pentecost). It comes in the month of Sivan, usually June--at the time of the wheat harvest. It commemorates the giving of the terms of His marriage contact with His people at Sinai, by the Ruach (Spirit) Yahuweh--Exodus 19-20—and the coming of the Ruach Yahuweh to write these terms on our heart—Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Acts 2. The book of Ruth clearly distinguishes between these two seasons. It is also called the “Feast of Weeks” because from the day of First Fruits, during
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Passover week, we are to count seven weeks, then on the 50th day is Shavu’ot. (“Pentecost” in Greek means 50).
The third set of Feasts is in the Autumn (September/October) and contains three Feasts: 1) Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets—also called Rosh Ha Shanah—the head of the year), 2) the Day of Atonement -- Yom Kippur and 3) The Feast of Booth, or Tabernacles -- Sukkot. This is at the fruit harvest of “the five species”: pomegranates, grapes, dates, figs and olives.
As we saw from Isaiah 66:22-23, even when we have a new heaven and a new earth, and our Father has His City suspended over the new earth in eternity, the Shabbats, the New Moon celebrations, and the seven Festivals of Yahuweh will still be a part of life in His Kingdom. As Leviticus 23 tells us--they are forever!
Ecclesiastes 3:14: "I know that whatever Elohim does is forever. There is no adding to it, and there is no taking from it. Elohim does it that men should fear before Him".
When He calls the festivals "eternal" and "everlasting", He means it. There is
no prophecy in the Tenach (acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings) that Yahushua would change the Word of Yahuweh to fit a new religion! The
Festivals of Yahuweh are for those who honor Yahuweh and His Messiah, Yahushua. To honor the days of pagan gods that are honored by the world system under Lucifer puts us as “enemies” of Yahuweh—whoring adulterers and adulteresses--and at enmity with His Covenant (Ja’cob—James—4:4).
"T’shuvah"—“TheReturn”--It is the time to return to Yahuweh, to His Torah, to right-rulings in our life, to right standing with our fellow man, and to return to what we should be for our own life and peace and joy, and freedom.
This T’shuvah we really need to prepare ourselves spiritually for the up-coming events—the full-blown worldwide “seal judgments” and the “trumpet judgments”. For, the time of preparation for the coming of anti-messiah is not only being done by those set-apart Torah-guarding believers in the know, but
also the New Age people and all the elite of the Luciferic world. They know what is coming—and are preparing for it as a lifestyle. Are Yahuweh’s people
living as though Messiah is returning? -- For the most—NO!
In Hebrew/Scriptural understanding, if we say we believe something and are not acting it out in everyday life, it is a sure sign that we really do not believe it. So many say they believe in His return, but do nothing to prove their belief. Many believe salvation is through faith in the blood of the Lamb, but they do nothing to give out this Good News to their neighbor. “Faith without works (corresponding actions) is dead”. (Refer to: Ya’cob 2:22-26)
T’shuvah is the time we enter into His restoration of all things (Acts 3:19-21) and return to relationship with Yahuweh and the Messiah Yahushua that Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden! That’s His goal—to return a remnant to that kind of relationship that was there before the rebellion of man, and to once again walk with His people in the “cool of the evening”. The spirit of
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Eliyahu (Elijah) is in the earth now to restore all things – Malachi 4:4-6; Acts 3:19-21; Matthew 17:11.
T’shuvah is the forty 40 days before Yom Kippur--the Day of Atonement. It is the time that we make sure that we are right with Yahuweh. The time extends from Elul 1 to Tishre 10. The ten days from Tishre 1 to Tishre 10, from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement), are called “the days of awe”.
During these ten “days of awe”, we stand in the fear of Yahuweh, realizing that we are but humans, and that He, alone, is the Almighty. We remember that “we are dust”, and He is our Creator. Yom Kippur is the time we “afflict our soul”—to realize our smallness, and stop the pride, arrogance, haughtiness, and superior attitudes that make us think we are more important than others.
It is the time we remember Isaiah 59:15 and 66:1-2: “For thus says the high and exalted One who dwells forever, whose Name is set-apart, `I dwell in the high and set-part place, with him also who has a bruised and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the bruised ones’…Thus says Yahuweh, `The heavens are My throne and the earth is My footstool…all these things My hand has made, and all these that
exist…Yet to such a one I look—on him who is poor and bruised of spirit, and who trembles at My Word’ ”.
Unless we become as little children, humble and trusting, obedient and loving, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Yahushua or of Yahuweh. Therefore, we must
become “child like” in our fear of offending the One we love with all our heart, with all our mind, and all our strength. (Matthew 18:1-4)
We need to look at Scripture that gives the requirements for protection—the general Scripture consensus is that we must fear Him, know Him, know His nature, obey Him, and side with Him totally—coming out of all that displeases Him. T’shuvah is the time to do that!
The New Age world says we have entered “the time of the quickening”--a type of “Lent”—their version of a t’shuvah--in which they are preparing for the coming of their Avatar in 2012—which will turn out to be the son of the destroyer. They are “purifying” themselves to be able to receive the ancient gods from the skies—the ones that Genesis 6:2, 4, II Thessalonians 2:8-12 and Revelation 13:13-14 talk about—and be ready for their return. If the whole world’s people who do not know Yahuweh and Yahushua are preparing for such things—for disasters and for the reception of Lucifer and his angels, then what are we doing to prepare ourselves for the coming of the real Messiah—Yahushua Ha Machiach?
It is fascinating that in speaking of disasters, which they say will happen between now and 2015, physicists and astronomers are using Revelation 8
as a text. Truly the cosmic events are at hand. If the world’s elite leaders, many of who are Illuminati group members and worshippers of Lucifer, know what is coming, then the “sheep” who are supposed to hear the voice of the Shepherd, Yahushua, ought to know--don’t you think? Yet, the church system
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and the news media are keeping a lid on everything—not telling anything much. “As it was in the days of Noah”, they didn’t know anything until the geometric pole shift began and the rain started pouring down as the deep broke up. It is those like Noah, who daily are preparing their ark, who will survive.
Use this month to get rid of everything in your possession that you don’t absolutely need to survive—you may be giving away, throwing away, or selling hundreds of pounds of worthless junk that you’ve thought of as important to your emotions and mental security. But, as little as I have in three different rooms around the world, I love to get rid of more, and more, and more. It is very good for “psyche”, and uplifting to the spirit! I just got rid of several thousand pictures from the present back to the 1950s.
Look at those who are losing everything, including family members, in the flooding, earthquakes, and mudslides in Asia, and in the fires in Russia right now. The fires in Russia are spreading over vast areas of land, even into North China, and over areas where the Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened a few years back, the ground being full of radiation--even Greenpeace is warning about the seriousness of the radiation.. One third or more of Russia's wheat crop has been destroyed. The fires number in the hundreds, and they are not
being put out. Russia estimates that about 700 a day are dying from the heat, the pollution, and the fires--heart attacks are up 30%, for example. The heat is incredible, the smog in the air is making breathing very difficult. The spread of the radiation from the Chernobyl by air to many areas of the world is very much a reality. They say that the fires in Russia and in China have been caused by lightening. I smell Nikola Tesla!