Let His Light Shine
Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. . . and he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” Mark.10:14 & 16.
How blessed we are for all the boys, girls & youth who attend church on Sunday mornings. Today is a special day when we have a baptism. Pray for this family, for all our young people, parents, friends & grandparents.
Let’s keep Jeff in our prayers at post-ordination training days this week 21s t- 25th May. Remember to pray for Ann Marie, Luke & Anna. Also Barbara, William & their families.
Many of our young people still have exams in the coming weeks. Let’s pray for them as they study & revise. Some Exam Time Table details are still available. Ask for God’s help, clarity of mind & ability to read, decipher & answer what is required.
Give thanks for many good Tuesday mornings with the Tots & Toddlers. For Mums, Grandmothers & others, bringing the little ones. For the Syrian family who have participated. For the team of helpers involved each week. Pray for 10 boys & girls now starting Nursery School.
The Food & Fellowship lunch on Wednesday was enjoyed by all. We thank & appreciate all who were involved in its preparation & serving.
Pray for the Strean Holiday Bible Club, Monday 16th – Friday 20th July. Remember the Coffee & registration morning on Saturday 16th June.Pray for the team leaders & helpers, for God’s wisdom & preparation for every detail of those days with all the boys & girls who will come.
East Africans in the UK. Prayfor Edwin & Anne Kibathi with Ben, Sam & Jo, Presbyterian Church of East Africa Missionaries. Pray for them as they work in East London & reach out to the East African expatriates.
Pray for Eddie Spence a Community Outreach Worker in Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church, involved with house groups, discipleship courses also seeking to build bridges between the congregation & community.
Let’s continue to uphold and pray for the farming community.
If you have any specific requests for prayer please contact the prayer chain
co-ordinator, Tommy Scott, on07783658382.