Invitation to join us for the

1. ESRC CBAR Workshop: The Regulation of Stem Cell Research

Exeter, EGENIS, 23-25 January 2007

The aims of the workshop are exchange amongst each other and learning more about the ethical, legal and wider governance practices around stem cell research on the national and theinternational level. We hope to create a forum for discussion from a social science perspective.

The idea is todebate the regulation of stem cell research in the UK, the EU, and other selected countries,and addressmajor (bio-)ethical issues. The workshop will offer a combination of expert presentations, open discussion of selected texts, and joint interpretation of regulatory situations. This format will give the opportunity to share and extend expertise and to engage with the CBAR colleagues.


Tuesday, 23 January

12.00- Introduction of participants and of workshop aim and structure

12.30 - Lunch

13.30 - Part I/1 Special status of the human embryo; IVF-ESC interface, with Glenda

Cornwell, King’s College

15.30 - Coffee Break

16.00 - Part I/2 Special status of the human embryo; different legal regulations

19.00 - Dinner

Wednesday, 24 January

10.00 - Coffee

10.30 - Part II/1 EU regulation and national implementation,with Ingrid Geesink, Cardiff

12.30 - Lunch

14.00 - Part II/2 Umbilical cord blood and fetal tissues: Uses and surrounding practices

15.30 - Coffee break

16.00 - Part II/3 Patent policies and patenting reality, with Sigrid Sterckx and Julian

Cockbain, Gent/Oxford

19.00 – Dinner

Thursday, 25 January

09.30 - Part III Ethical relevance of SCS regulation and its meaning for social research

11.00 - Coffee End of workshop–14.00 Start of EGENIS Conference Governing Genomics

The workshop is free of charge and limited to max. 20 people. A short list of readings and web-links to relevant documents will be sent to all signed up participants by mid January.

The ESRC fund a number of CBAR colleagues with regard also to travel and accommoda-tion; free places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. In order to reserve hotel rooms for participants, registration before the end of the year would be great.

In order to register for the workshop, please contact Susanne Weber by 8 January 2007. Email: or phone the Egenis Office: 01392 269141.