Hastings School Library

Bookmark Design Contest

“My School Library is AWESOME because…!”

Celebrate our library program by designing a bookmark that highlights the many activities, lessons, and services that we share in our school library.

Think about new skills, great books, or exciting

activities that take place in our library.

What has been your favorite experience?

What makes our library program special?

Entries will be in three divisions:

Division I: Kindergarten – Grade 1

Division II: Grade 2 - Grade 3

Division III: Grade 4 – Grade 6

When the bookmark designs are turned in at Hastings, entries will be sent to the Massachusetts School Library Association. A team of authors, illustrators and others will judge the entries. The winners and honorable mentions in each division will be awarded prizes at the

MSLA/MLA Legislative Day at the State House on March 8, 2016.

The Bookmark Contest is strictly voluntary.

Entries will NOT be returned so if you want one, keep a copy!

Contest information will be shared with grades 1-5 (not K) during their library time.

Official entry forms are available in the library.

They can also be downloaded from the Hastings Library Website at


Ms. Rich

Hastings Library Teacher

Please turn page over for contest rules

“My School Library is AWESOME because…!”

Bookmark Contest Rules


Before you begin, check these rules:

·  Create your bookmark on the official entry form.

· Check for correct spelling – entries with misspellings will be disqualified.

· Use markers, crayons, pencils, or pens. (Note: gel pens do not photocopy well.)

·  Artwork must be student’s original work – no copyrighted images or

characters from books, TV, movies, comics, etc.

·  The theme “My School Library is AWESOME because…!”

is an important part of the contest. Bookmarks that do not involve the theme will be judged accordingly.

·  Entries must have parent/guardian signature.

· Artwork must be student’s original work - No copied or pasted images or

otherwise pre-created images from digital art software may be used, nor

may students duplicate any copyrighted images or characters from books,

TV, movies, comics, etc.



· Students may submit either a hand-drawn or a digitally created entry.

Artwork can be lined-up and printed onto the form, or physically pasted on.

If you have any questions, please see Ms. Rich or email her at

Please turn page over for more information