Research Assistant Position (50% FTE)

Fall 2017 thru Summer 2018

The University of Washington/University of Nairobi/Kenyatta National Hospital research collaboration is recruiting a Research Assistant for the SPEED study ("Simulated Patient Encounters to Promote Early Detection and Engagement in HIV Care for Adolescents”). SPEED is a randomized controlled trial evaluating a clinical training intervention to improve retention in care for HIV-infected adolescents and young adults (AYA) in 24 HIV care facilities in Kenya. The study includes an evaluation of the cost and cost effectiveness of the intervention on HIV transmission and disease progression. We are seeking a Research Assistant for 12 months to support the adaption, validation, and testing of an AYA-specific, population-based, dynamic mathematical model for the cost-effectiveness analyses of this study.

The SPEED Research Assistant will work closely with the health economics and modeling experts on this study (Drs. Ruanne Barnabas and Monisha Sharma) to include new AYA-specific model parameters, adapt an adult HIV model, validate the new model, and perform costing estimates. This is a 50% FTE position and based in Seattle. The Research Assistant will report to the Study Lead (Dr. Kate Wilson) and Principal Investigator (Dr. Pamela Kohler).

Key Responsibilities and Tasks include:

The Research Assistant responsibilities include:

Literature review of AYA HIV prevalence and sexual behavior in Kenya, and HIV disease related progression to inform model parameters (20%)

•  Conduct a review of AYA HIV literature

•  Provide a literature review summary with relevant estimates to use for model parameters

Learn to adapt an HIV model to fit data from the AYA lit review (40%)

•  Work with the study team to adapt an existing HIV model from Kenya to an AYA population or create a simple new AYA model

•  Perform cleaning of study data that will be used for model parameters

•  Provide a written summary of results to share with the team

Perform preliminary costing analyses using the validated model (30%)

•  Use the adapted model to estimate the cost effectiveness SPEED under several varying scenarios

•  Provide a written summary of results to share with the team

Manuscripts, presentations, and communications (10%)

•  Contribute to at least one manuscript for submission to a peer review journal

•  Present primary results at a UW and/or external conference

•  Participate in team meetings and calls, as necessary

Required Qualifications, Skills and Experiences:

•  Current Masters or Doctoral student in Public Health, Epidemiology, Nursing, Health Services Administration, Implementation Science, Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program, or related field

•  Strong quantitative skills

•  Experience with data analysis using statistical software such as STATA, SAS or R

•  Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and excellent time management

•  Excellent team player who can work effectively with local and international team members

•  Strong written and oral communication skills

Desired Qualifications, Skills and Experiences:

•  Experience in or desire to learn cost-effectiveness analysis

•  Experience in or desire to learn software used for mathematical modeling including R, Stella, or Matlab

•  Completion of EPI 554 (Introduction To Epidemic Modeling For Infectious Diseases)

•  Interest and/or experience in HIV or AYA research

Terms of Employment:

This contract will be for 12 months (4 Quarters). The position will include one trip to Kenya.


•  We are accepting applications until the position is filled.

•  A cover letter and CV should be emailed to Dr. Kate Wilson, Study Lead: , with a copy to Dr. Ruanne Barnabas: and Dr. Monisha Sharma:

Requirements: Appointment is governed by a union contract. In order to maintain eligibility for your appointment and its benefits, you will need to enroll in at least 10 credits.
Non-U.S. citizens hired to perform teaching duties must (1) meet English language proficiency requirements and (2) participate fully in the International Teaching Assistant Program at the Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR). Documentation will be requested prior to appointment.

Tuition coverage: Tuition is paid from the category Graduate Tier I rate (operating and technology fees), reflecting the Office of Planning and Budgeting’s (OPB) current policy. Please visit the OPB site for the most up-to-date information, including tuition and related fees:

Special Requirement: You can elect to join UW/GSEAC Academic Student Employee (ASE) union.
For more information see website:

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450 / 206.543.6452 (TTY) or