Kindergarten Lesson – Art Lesson 3:
Mini Paint Roller Activity
Class level: Preschool &/or Kindergarten / Lesson Time: 30 minutes
English level: Beginner / Expected number of students: 5 - 10
Context: Using art and English to explore knowledge of language abilities and expression.
Teaching Materials Needed: Small paint rollers, paper, and acrylic paint (white, orange and yellow).
Learning Goals:
Cognitive: Students will show persistence in approaching tasks by asking the teacher if he/she can continue working on his/her art project during the next center activity time.
Social-emotional: Students will show ability to adjust to new situations by taking part in the art activity after saying goodbye to their caregiver.
Physical: Students will control small muscles in hands by rollers roll paint onto large sheets of paper taped to the wall, the art easel, and the table.
Learner objectives:
For all students to use English to describe the colors they are using and to be able to follow directions to use the paint rollers to make art. Students should also have the opportunity to interact with the teacher to hear correct English usage and pronunciation. / Teacher aims:
Involve all students in an engaging lesson. Assess student learning.
Expose students to speaking English in a structured learning environment.
Procedure / Phase / Timing
Getting Started:
Place a paint roller and three dishes, one with white acrylic paint, one with orange acrylic paint, and one with yellow acrylic paint, along with one large piece of paper at each student’s place mat. Newsprint will be under each of the large pieces of paper to help absorb any over-spill.
To let students know what the teacher is doing and to interest them, the teacher needs to display a large example of prints on paper onto a clothes line running over the art activity area.
Ask students to identify the colors they see on the large example with prints on display at the art area. Ask the students which leaf prints they like.
Demonstrating the Activity:
Show the students how to take the rollers, dip them into the paint and roll it onto the paper to make art.
Demonstrating English with the Activity:
Report to the students using English what s/he is doing by using informational comments to narrate to the students what they are doing:
Ø  “I noticed that you have rolled a line of paint across the paper.”
Ø  “I can see that you have rolled a line of paint from the top to the bottom of the paper.”
Ø  “It looks to me like you have mixed the dark orange and the white to make a new color.”
The activity for this lesson:
The students will use their hands and leaves to make orange and yellow prints on paper.
Allow the students to work freely
Closing Activity
Review the actions of the study phase.
1. The teacher points out the various colors that were made on the student’s papers.
2. The students and teacher together can take note of the different directions the paint has been rolled onto the page.
3. The teacher asks the students what they like about each other’s art. This can be identifying colors, patterns or other differences they find pleasing. / Introduction of Activity
Study / 5
throughout lesson
10- 15
5 min minutes