Ft. Lauderdale High School Instructional Calendar

Course: AICE Environmental Management

Dates: 8/21/17- 9/1/17


/ Assignments
Day 1
Classes / Monday
Don’t forget the AP environmental Science text book is online, for instructions see syllabus.
/ Objectives: Know Rules and Procedures of the classroom
WU: Solar Eclipse info and safety
CW: First Day Scavenger Hunt- Syllabus, IFC, classroom procedures and rules, Over view of Cambridge website
HW: Read syllabus get all forms signed by a parent. Go online to the Cambridge International Examinations website and read the course syllabus, have a look around the website so you know what is on there. Follow my directions in the syllabus
Day 2
Day 3
Blue / Tuesday/ Wednesday
8/22/17 / 8/23/17 / Objectives: Know Rules and Procedures of the Lab
Objectives: Complete an AICE Environmental Management Pre-Test
WU: Review Rules and procedures
CW: About the Cambridge Course- Requirements for coursework
Discuss- The value of a Pre-Test
AICE Environmental Science Pre-Test
Why is Lab Safety important?
Review AICE Pre-Test
HW: Read syllabus get all forms signed by a parent. Go online to the Cambridge International Examinations website and read the course syllabus, have a look around the website so you know what is on there. Follow my directions in the syllabus
Day 4
Day 5
Blue / Thursday/ Friday
8/24/17 / 8/25/17
Essential Questions: How can society become more sustainable? How are our Ecological footprints affecting the earth? / Objective: Know how society can live more sustainably Objectives: Become aware of some important environmental issues facing the planet.
WU: Read article-Living Sustainably/sustainable products
CW: Discussion- Living Sustainably- gather in small groups to discuss your answers
Class Discussion- How are our Ecological footprints affecting the earth?
Go to myfootprint.org complete the online questions to see your impact on earth.
Review AICE Pre-test
HW: Current Event Article- Find an article that demonstrates how the challenges of living sustainably have been met positively or negatively. The article should be at least 2 pages in length and your summary should be a good half a page. You must email the link to me at for full credit. Due 8/28/17 (white) or 8/29/17 (blue)
Day 6
Day 7
Blue / Monday/ Tuesday
8/28/17 / 8/29/17 / Objective: Know the structure of the earth
Objective: Model how geological fit can be used as evidence to support Pangaea plate movement
WU: Video segment- Structure of Earth
CW: Discussion and drawing/notes-Internal structure of earth
Activity: Modeling Pangaea
Discuss rubric for HW- Earthquake/Volcano Project
HW: Project- Earthquakes and Volcanoes see rubric due 9/12/17 (White) or 9/13/17 (blue)
Day 8
Day 9
Blue / Wednesday/ Thursday
8/30/17 / 8/31/17 / Objective: Model how geological fit can be used as evidence to support Pangaea plate movement
WU: Practice AICE Question and review
CW: Finish-Pangaea activity
Discussion- Post-Pangaea plate movement
HW: Project- Earthquakes and Volcanoes see rubric due 9/12/17 (White) or 9/13/17 (blue)
HW: Pangaea Activity and conclusion Qs due next period
Day 10
Day 11
Blue / Friday / Tuesday
9/1/17 / 9/5/17 / Objective: Know the major plate boundaries
WU: Review- Pangaea Activity Qs
CW: Discussion/Notes- Geological processes- Plate Tectonics, convection currents and types of plate boundaries.
AICE Practice Q- Plate tectonics
HW: Project- Earthquakes and Volcanoes see rubric due 9/14/16 (White) or 9/15/16 (blue)
ELL/ESE Strategies
Gifted / A2, A4, A7, B1, B2-5, B6, B8, B10, B11, B13, B14, B16, C1-3, C6, C7, C8, E19, E21, E22, E26, G1
E1, E5, E8, C2, C3, C16, PC8, PC9, PD6, A3