Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 18th July 2017

in the WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton starting at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllr I Rowland (Chairman), Cllr Mrs C Newbery, Cllr G Restorick, Cllr B McNeill,

Cllr R Heyd-Smith, Cllr Mrs A Rousell, Cllr Mrs V Rowe.

In attendance; Clerk Mrs J Chant, SSDC & SC Cllr Mr M Best, SSDCllr Mrs A Singleton Linda Hayden SSDC & 4 members of the public (1 for part of meeting).

Public Question Time; i) a resident enquired if the Parish Council would be looking into the

newly announced Government funding for local councils regarding road bypasses for rural areas.

Road group to meet to discuss, date to be confirmed.

ii) a resident requested that diverted part of footpath at Newberry Lane be maintained. A map

showing footpath was provided.

Parish Ranger to be informed of need to clear this section of footpath.

Apologies: Cllr P Gillard, Cllr G White.

17/18-29: Declarations of Interest & to receive any written requests for DPI dispensations: Cllr G Restorick and Cllr V Rowe declared interest in minutes 17/18-32 and 17/18-36

Land at Bullring Farm, Misterton.

17/18-30: Minutes of the meeting held on 20th June 2017 that had been circulated were agreed to be a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.

17/18-31: Matters arising from the minutes not elsewhere on the agenda: none.

17/18-32: Linda Hayden SSDC gave an overview and update on the previous and current

planning applications for land at Bullring Farm. She explained the previous application had been

for temporary vehicular access and the current one is for permanent vehicular access. She noted

that there had been informal access prior to these applications. She expressed regret at the

length of time taken to regularise the situation, but she understood there had been complications

with bereavement and title of ownership which had delayed compliance with the temporary

planning conditions. An enforcement notice had not been issued. There was some discussion

around landscaping and drainage as well as previous and current use of the land.

The Chair thanked her for her report.

17/18-33: Highways: i) Local bus services are to run as usual during the road closure at North Perrott, which is scheduled for 3 days from 25th July 2017.

ii) Proposal for double yellow lines outside Prospect Row was raised on the grounds of, reduced visibility when exiting Misterton Garage, parking close to a bend, and blocking the pavement for pedestrians, pushchairs etc. SCCllr Mr M Best confirmed County Council now enforce parking restrictions.

Action: To be discussed by Road Group when they meet

17/18-34: District Councillor’s Report:

SSDCllr Mrs A Singleton confirmed she had nothing to report. There has been no further progress with the Taylor/ Wimpey development in Crewkerne. There were no questions

17/18-35: County Councillor’s Report:

SCCllr Mr Mike Best reported there will be a full council meeting Thursday 19th July 2017.

He requested confirmation that councillors had seen the report by SSDC Tree Officer regarding Knowle Hill, Misterton. Cllrs confirmed they had seen report.

17/18-36: Planning: Land behind Bullring Farm Application number: 17/02693/FUL.

A Planning group of Cllr Mr I Rowland, Cllr Mr B McNeill and Mr R Heyd- Smith made a site visit

on Monday 10th July 2017. Their report raised concerns over non-compliance with previous

planning conditions, inaccuracies and lack of clarity in the application and flood risks

They proposed refusal of planning application and this was agreed.

Resolved to refuse planning application

17/18-37: Recreation Field & Play Area: i) the inspection reports were noted.

ii) it was noted annual inspection by Play Inspection Company is later than usual.

iii) The Open-Air cinema event is not receiving support from local organisations wishing to fund raise and questions over the number people attending were raised. Cllr Mr B McNeill confirmed that the Village Hall committee does not want to be involved, but they will allow access to the hall, although they feel a donation should be made by the organisers to contribute towards their costs.

Action: Clerk to contact Organisers and request they contact the Village Hall Committee if they wish to proceed.

iv)a late estimate for the replacement of two swing seats had been received and two companies were offering similar prices. It was proposed The Clerk contact the two companies for further comparison and order the replacement seats at a cost not in excess of £ 100.00 plus VAT.

Resolved: Clerk will order replacement seats within agreed budget

v)it was noted the net behind the MUGA needs attention.

vi) a replacement dog litter bin was discussed, but given the cost, it was decided to explore the option of fixing the faulty lid.

Action: Cllrs Mr I Rowland and MR R Heyd- Smith will undertake possible repair

17/18-38: Finance: (circulated with actual v budget).

i) Council approved the following payments;

HMRC PAYE £ 44.61, MSD C Langford (Salary and reimbursements) £545.31, J Chant

(Salary)£ 289.31, J Chant (reimbursements) £ 27.21 Somerset Landscapes Ltd (Cemetery)

£ 831, Vodafone DD £ 35.58. Cox and Co (payroll)SO £ 21, Village Hall (rent) SO £ 45.00,

Misterton WI (hall hire) SO £ 11.00, Eon (MUGA)DD £ 6.19

ii) Council noted no monies received.

iii) Council discussed bus shelter repair and approved replacement glass.

Resolved that Clerk proceed with replacement glass at cost up to £ 50.00 plus VAT

It was proposed and seconded and all agreed to approve the Financial Report.

17/18-39: Chairman’s Report; i) Emergency Plan update; the Green Emergency Plan box is

now in place at the WI Hall. A key safe box will be purchased to allow coded access to the box.

ii) The newly installed defibrillator at MJ’s Café will be online in a few days, but a second

“guardian” is required to help maintain the equipment. Cllr, I Rowland will seek a volunteer.

iii)The Village Hall defibrillator has been approved and it will be of similar design to the existing

ones in the village.

iv) Nominations were invited for the SCC Chairman’s Award. A candidate was chosen and

councillors’ comments on the candidate are to be forwarded to Cllr I Rowland

Nominee was proposed and agreed

17/18-40: Clerk’s report: i) Clerks report for the month had been circulated.

ii) Misterton Annual Show requested use of Parish Council Office on the morning of Saturday

12th August. Clerk can attend if required

Agreed Parish office could be used.

iii) Updating Village Information Sheet is still in progress

17/18-41: Correspondence received; No other correspondence

17/18-42: Reports from Outside Bodies; None

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 19th September 2017 starting at 6.30pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55 p.m.

Signed: Dated:

J Chant – Parish Clerk – July 2017 2 of 2