Band Boosters of Lake Zurich


Band Boosters of Lake Zurich Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Lori Schwartz at 7:00 pm.

2. Attendees:

Lori Schwartz , Sheri Conover, Dennis Byrd, Catherine Halinski, Kathy Fitzpatrick,

Paul Pike, Barb Antonoff, Kelly Brodeur, Charlotte Furton Walker, Jenni Witt,

Laura Hurley, Liz Miller, Lynne Recktenwald, JoAnn Niermeyer, Mary Kalafut,

Chris Cranstoun

3. Old Business

o  All covered below

4. New Business

·  Open Positions for 2017-2018 Committee’s – I know it sounds like this is early, but the year will be over before you know it! Please let me know if I have missed any positions

o  Open –

§  Decorating JBTL – Beth / Elizabeth moving into coordinating event (Oct – Feb)

§  Poinsettia Finance – Renee Mueller graduating (Sept – Dec)

§  Buzz Book Coordinator (May-Oct)

§  8th Grade Half-Time co-chair (Oct)

§  Car Wash (July-Aug)

§  Communications – New – Intermittently throughout the year

§  Band Spirit Wear – help with getting rid of old items at MB Uniform measuring as well as any new items we might want to order for beginning of the year – (June-Oct)

o  Shadows –

§  Wine Pull – JBTL (Nov – Feb)– Lori graduating

§  Director at Large (all year) – Jeni Graduating

§  Cheesecake (April – May) – Barb graduating

§  Yard Signs (July-Sept) – Julie / Jen graduating

§  Band Camp Coordinator (June-Aug) – Marilen graduating

§  JBTL – Auction items (Sept – Feb) – Skelton’s graduating

§  Student Accounts (throughout year) – Renee graduating

§  Secretary (throughout the year) – Lynne graduating

·  Proposition for creating 2 thank you plaques

o  One for Mr. Nightlinger

o  One for Rolly Vazquez

o  Both are leaving at the end of this year

o  Have really supported the band

o  Probably about $30 - $50 for each thank you plaque

4. Approval of Minutes:

o  Minutes were approved from last month

5. Band Director’s Report

o  Pep Band has been completed for this year.

o  Thanks for your participation!

o  February 25:

o  Jazz in the Meadows

o  February 28th:

o  Jazz Concert

o  March 9th:


o  Symphonic / Concert Band to bring treats

o  Music for next concert is progressing nicely

§  Wind Ensemble is currently recording 2 works to submit in an application for U of I Superstate competition (due 2/24)

§  Freshman are making good progress in class and with assignments that keep them practicing

§  Symphonic band continues to be a strong group which is working on some challenging music

o  March 17:

o  Wind Ensemble Invitational

o  Concert will be 7 – 9 pm

o  Wind Ensemble -Bring treats for after the concert

o  Joint concert with Libertyville and Zion-Benton

o  March 20th :

o  Solo and Ensemble Contest

o  From 4pm – 9pm

o  Not a lot of need for adult assistance other than to procur judges’ meals and some refreshments for them

o  There will be no food for students

o  Wind Ensemble is required to participate

o  Only 4 rooms will be used for band events

§  Room monitors will be needed

o  April 8

o  Hersey Chicagoland invitational Festival

o  Wind Ensemble ONLY

o  Aug 2 – 4

o  Band Camp!!!

o  Scholorships will be offered again for this summer

o  Currently listed on Facebook

o  Will be posted on the website also

o  Offers up to a maximum of $300 towards a summer music camp

o  This is not for the LZHS Band Camp, but an external summer band program

6. Financial Officer's Report:

·  Income is over 100% of budget

o  It has been a great year, but we need to keep going strong!!

o  Income is currently projected to be in excess of the budget thanks to all of the great fundraising efforts over the past year

·  “Friends of BBLZ” is gaining some strength

o  Still growing strong (over $2900 year to date)

·  Expenses are staying in check so far this year

o  A couple of big expenditures coming up yet this year

o  Still have about $4800 needed to be spent before the end of the year

·  Possible expenditures will be to purchase some instruments that we currently don’t have within the district

·  Tax Exempt letter went out yesterday and should be good for the next 5 years

·  Any questions on what you should be spending for event, please check with Dennis BEFORE event

7. Fundraising

·  Manna Gift Cards

o  A GREAT way to earn money for band events for your student!

o  Kelly will let you know when cards are available for pick-up after ordering

o  Lynne will be shadowing next month

Next Order will be March 6 –10

o  If interested, you will need a login

o  Contact Kelly Brodeur at

·  Friends of BBLZ

o  $2,926 for the year once one outstanding matching gift is matched

·  Jazz By the Lake

o  Money Raised – about $12,000

o  Feedback:

§  Was really nicely done

§  Had several very nice silent auction gifts

§  Food was average

§  Kids did a great job performing

§  Wine pull is good because you get to take something home

o  152 people attended the event

o  Still have the misperception that the parents student must be in jazz band in order to attend

·  DVDs

o  Paris

§  Just about complete. Still in editing

§  Should be complete in the next couple of weeks

§  One DVD per family who attended the Paris trip will receive a free memory DVD

o  End of the year

§  Still collecting video for the end of the year with the remaining concerts

o  DVD Video coordinator for next year will be Chris Cranstoun

·  Cheesecake and Coffee

o  Thursday April 6 will be the tasting

o  April 6 – 24 will be the sales period

o  May 5th Delivery (Friday)

o  Same Cheescake and Coffee vendor as last year

o  Barb Antonoff – chair

·  Buttons

o  Band Exchange for middle school

o  Movie night for 5th graders

o  $300 for 1,000 buttons

·  Restaurant fundraiser

o  No updates

·  Spirit Wear

o  No updates

·  Hospitality

o  No updates

·  Car Wash

o  Nothing new to report

·  Yard signs

o  Nothing more to report for this year

·  Buzz Books

o  Nothing new to report for this year

·  IMEA Jazz Festival

o  Nothing New

·  Ornaments

o  Nothing New

·  Poinsettias

o  All done for this year

8. Wind Ensemble Invite – Friday, March 17 – 7-9

o  Kelly Brodeur / Donna Young chairs

o  Dinner for schools before concert

o  Libertyville and Zion Benton will be here

o  Between 140-150 kids

o  Wind Ensemble students will bring in treats to share with all of the students

9. Solo and Ensamble – Monday, March 20 @ LZHS - 4-9

o  Mary Madsen / Linda Kramer chairs

o  Judge’s dinner

o  We will supply some kind of dinner for the judges

o  No food needed for students

o  Only need room monitors

o  Only 4 rooms are being used

o  Lake Zurich Choir, Band, and Orchestra will all participate

o  No scales, solo’s only

10. Newsletter

·  Next Newsletter with concert – please make sure and send info to Kathy Fitzpatrick by Friday, March 3

·  Add the open positions for next year to the newsletter for the March concert

·  Attempting to do every other month as electronic versus paper

11. Website NEW!!!!

Need to post the open positions and descriptions for next year

o  Lori to go through and ask for updates

o  Take poinsettia tab down or change to coffee / cheesecake?

o  Update Latest and Greatest

o  Move the fundraiser entries around

o  New site will have tabs at the top

§  Home - has links to prior information – minutes / newsletters

§  Latest and Greatest

§  Everything Paris

§  FAQ

§  Fundraisers

§  Pictures

§  ‘Comments’ on website goes to Josh’s email

o  30 day calendar – on the right side of the page – driven from Josh’s website calendar

o  We will be posting the committee chairs and their email addresses

12. Uniforms (Marching Band & Concert)

·  No new updates

13. Band-O-Rama

o  Nothing new to report

Meeting Adjourned @ 7:40 pm

·  Next Meeting: March 21, 2017 @ 7:00 pm in band room… for postings