

Chapters 1 & 11 – Socratic Seminar Discussion Questions

Political Culture and Political Ideology: Pages 11–27 (skip 22–23)

Discussion Date:10/12/15 & 10/13/15

  1. What is political culture? Describe the following characteristics and explain how they influence political culture. What do you think are the three most important characteristics?


Personal Liberty – ______

Equality – ______

Popular Consent – ______

Majority Rule –______

Popular Sovereignty – ______

Civil Society – ______

Individualism – ______

Religious Freedom – ______

  1. What is political ideology? Identify and describe four major factors which influence political ideology.


a.) ______

b.) ______

c.) ______

d.) ______

  1. What are the two most popular political ideologies in the United States? Which political party is each ideology usually associated with? Briefly describe each ideology and discuss major differences between the two.




  1. How have the demographics of the United States changed since the late 1700s? In what ways has the Constitution changed in order to adapt to the changing needs of an increasingly–diverse population?




  1. In what ways have the perception of American democracy changed over recent decades and centuries? How is life and the visualization of the “American Dream” different now than it was in previous generations?



Socratic Seminar Discussion Questions

Examining Political Socialization and Influencing Factors: Pages 376–389

Discussion Date:10/14/15 & 10/15/15

  1. In your own words, what is political socialization? Look at the political socialization factors below and explain how each contributes to one’s political socialization. Furthermore, be sure to analyze and evaluate trends which may be present within each category.




a.) Family – ______


b.) School and Peers – ______


c.)The Mass Media – ______


d.) Religious Beliefs – ______


e.) Race and Ethnicity – ______


f.)Gender – ______


g.) Age – ______


h.) Region – ______


i.)Impact of Events – ______


  1. Of the factors listed above, which three do you think are the most important influencing factors of political socialization and why? Furthermore, if you had to select one as being the most important, which one would you select?





Socratic Seminar Discussion Questions

Public Opinion and The Polling Process: Pages 389–401

Discussion Date:10/20/15 & 10/21/15

  1. What is public opinion and how is it generally measured? Additionally, who was George Gallup and what influences did he have on public opinion?




  1. Discuss the history of public opinion polls and describe contributions from Literary Digest and Gallup Polls. Also, define the following terms relating to public opinion polls: Straw Polls, and Sample.




  1. In order design an accurate (reliable) public opinion poll, close attention must be paid to several factors surrounding the poll. Explain why each of the following is important in ensuring that a poll will be accurate and reliable.

a.) Content and Phrasing of the Questions – ______


b.) Selecting a Random Sample – ______


c.)Contacting Respondents – ______


  1. What are push polls? Explain the intended outcome and how they are used.



  1. What are tracking polls? Explain why these are used and how you think this data can be incorporated into a political campaign.



  1. What are exit polls? When and how are they conducted and what purpose do they serve?



  1. What is a margin of error? Explain why an accurate margin of error is essential to an accurate poll. Furthermore, describe other factors which can contribute to inaccurate or unreliable public opinion polls.


