User Guide: Time Recording, Touch Screen Operations.
Time recording,aggregation and reporting is achieved using two separate but linked systems.
- Time recording using a touch-screen data collection system situated in the workshop area
- Data aggregation, analysis and reporting that is accessed through the Operations Website.
The operation and maintenance of the data aggregation, analysis and reporting functions is described in a separate document entitled User Guide: Time Recording, Aggregation and Reporting.
This document describes how to use the touch screen and how to manage the data it stores.
The touch screen operates in real time so when you book on to a job your start time is recorded and you remain booked to that job until you either book on to another job or select the option to “End your shift”
To clock on at the start of your shift or to start a new job:
- Select the letters near the top of the screen that include the first letter of your first name and then select your name from the dropdown list that appears.
- Select the word “Job” and then the appropriate number from the dropdown list
- Select the word “Category” and then the appropriate Category from the dropdown list
- Select the word “Discipline” and then the appropriate Discipline from the dropdown list
- Then press “Clock On”
- Ensure that your entries are appropriate and then press “Confirm”
- You are now booked on to a job and the touchscreen is available for use by others.
To clock off a job or to end your shift.
- You do not need to clock off from a job. You will be automatically clockedyou’re your current job when you clock on to your next job.
- You do have to clock off at the end of your shift
Simply select your name as you did when clocking on and then press the button “End your shift”
Overview of current bookings.
Supervisors can check the the current bookings to ensure that all personnel are allocated to known activities by selecting “show activity report”
A list of all personnel currently active will be displayed showing which jobs they are doing.
System Management
The system management operations are undertaken on an authorised PC that has network access to the Time Recording System.
On the authorised PC select the file bookings.accdb at location “???”
The system management functions are accessed by pressing the button “System Management” at the top of the screen, entering the password and pressing OK.
You will then be presented with the screen shown here:
The system administrator will maintain the export locations and any file links that are required.
To export data for uploading into the Data aggregation, analysis and reporting system select the option “Write bookings to csv. For upload to Intuit”
The data will be immediately written to a nominated storage location. It does not matter if you repeat this operation for the same data many times there will be no duplication of data and the integrity of resultant reports will be maintained.
Edit Functions
Certain data types have to be maintained within the system. They are:
- Jobs
- People
- Work Patterns
- Work Categories
- Disciplines and Bookings
When new jobs are created, select the option Jobs from the edit list, enter the new Job Number, Title and set Status to Open.
When a Job is finished set the Status to Closed
When personnel join the company select the option People from the edit listand enterPerson (first and second name), Works ID (works number),Use Breaks (tick box) and Work Patterns (dayshift)
When they leave their names can be deleted using the Delete option which is also accessed through edit list. Leaving names in the system after people have left will have no negative operational effects on the system.
Work Categories
Similar process the items above.
Similar process the items above.
This option allows authorised personnel to modify existing bookings or input new bookings