Algebra I Syllabus
2012-2013 School Year
Mr. Highbaugh – Room 46
Welcome to your Algebra I Classroom for the 2012-2013 school year. This year we will be going through Algebra I content as specified by the Quality and Common Core outlines. My classroom is located in Room 46 at the end of 4th hall’s Freshman Academy. My email address is . Email is my primary source of communication to be used by students and parents during this school year. We will also be communicating through my class website which can be found at or through the Hart County High School web page. Students will be required to keep up with class content through, an online communication website. Parents will also have the opportunity to join this website, using their email accounts; and by doing this, they may receive weekly updates on the class. Instructions for creating an account can be found on the class webpage and will be discussed in class during the first week of school.
I know that this is your Freshman year, but this is also the beginning of your high school careers. Everyone is beginning with a blank slate and on level ground. You will begin walking down a path that can lead a variety of directions, to college, into the work force, or the military. Regardless, you are now becoming more responsible for your actions, and in this class, you will be in charge of keeping up with and completing the assignments by their designated due date. Do a good job of starting the school year off right, and it will make the rest of the year much easier.
Grading Policy
The grades in this class will be weighted as follows:
Grading Scale
A 89.50-100%
B 79.50-89.49%
C 69.50-79.49%
D 59.50-69.49%
F 0-59.49%
Within each category, a total point system will be used. For example, if you score 95 out of 100 total points in tests (95%), 45 out of 50 total points on quizzes (90%), and 16 out of 20 points on homework (80%), the student’s grade will be (95 x 0.40) + (90 x 0.35) + (80 x 0.25) = 89.25 , and the student will receive a B. This is a student-friendly classroom; do not get overwhelmed by the content or grades. Do your best each day you come to class, spend extra time where it is needed, and the grade will take care of itself.
Make-Up Work
Students will be able to make up work after absences, as specified by the Hart County High School Student Handbook. I will strictly follow the policy in our handbook. Late work will be accepted up to two weeks after the assignment is due, but will receive half credit for being past the due date. You will be responsible for checking the homework folder upon returning to class to check for any missed assignments.
You may re-take tests, quizzes, and homework. To do a retake, you must attend two tutoring sessions. The first one will review the content you are doing the retake over, and the second will be the retake. Students may not retake during class. For all retakes, the two grades will be averaged, and this score will be recorded in my grade book. Students may not retake a single assignment more than once.
Class Discipline
The rules for class are posted on the class bulletin board in the classroom. As a general rule, treat all students and faculty with respect, be honest, and work hard. All policies, as specified by the Hart County High School Student Handbook, will be followed in regards to student conduct. Failure to adhere to School and Class Policy will result in a Class Pink Slip on the first offense. Further offenses will result in office referral, but I hope none of us have to get that far. All disciplinary actions by the teacher are final and not up for discussion. Again, you have my respect the moment you step into my classroom; please extend the same respect to me, and we will have a great school year.
Student Name ______Period ______
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______