Special Meeting/Reorganizational Meeting
City Council
June 24, 2014
5:30 PM – City Hall
Mayor Flaherty called the meeting to orderat 5:30PM with Council members Maunu, Schilling, Belmore, and Ulmer present.
Absent: Reis and Pahl
City Employees present were: City Foreman Flynn, Building Inspector Kassa and Police Chief Frannea.
Also present:R Johnson, representing Dickey County Leader, Mayor-Elect Matt Thorpe, Eric Fuher and Mickey Thorpe.
Building Permits: Motion by Belmore, second by Maunuto approve the Ellendale Public School permit to demolish the house at 305 1st St. N. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Ellendale Village Apartments building permit: Motion by Ulmer, second by Schilling to approve the request to re-roof 305 6th Ave. S. building. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Lynde building permit: Motion by Schilling, second by Maunu to approve replacement of windows and to place a concrete floor in the garage. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Sigafoos fence permit: Motion by Ulmer, second by Maunu to approvevariance to waive a survey and approve a fence permit. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Garbage Contract: Council reviewed the withdrawal of the Garbage Contract bid from Kendall Construction. Motion by Belmore, second by Schilling to accept the withdrawal of the garbage contractbid from Kendall Construction. All members present, aye. Motion approved.
Mayor Flaherty informed the Council of the advertisement to rebid the garbage contract placed in the local paper, along with several letters sent to area garbage contractors inviting them to submit a bid.
OL-G and Lot 5 Environmental Testing: As part of the purchase agreement for Outlot G of Shepards & Grahams Addition and Lot 5 located in Sec. 11, Twp. 129N., Rge. 63W., the City agreed to have an environmental study to assure no remnants of the old landfill encroach on this property.
Proposals received:Terracon -Phase I analyses for a cost of $2,650;and a Phase II analyses estimated at $7,500 depending on findings. Braun Intertec Phase I analyses for a cost of $2,600 and a Phase II analyses estimated at $8,000 to $13,000 depending on findings. Motion by Schilling, second by Belmore to accept the Terracon proposal. Roll call vote: Maunu – Yes; Schilling – Yes; Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes. Motion approved.
Kosel Abatement: Motion by Schilling, second by Ulmer to request Dickey County to abate the outstanding real estate taxes and for the City to abate special assessment for Lot 4, Block 7 in Original Plat. Roll call vote: Schilling – Yes; Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes; Maunu – Yes. Motion approved.
Mayor Flaherty expressed his appreciation with a plague to be presented to Darren Pahl for his 16 years of service to the City.
Informational Update: Dale Middlestead will complete the water repellant sealant and spot tuck pointing to the bricks at City Hall for a cost of $2,495.
Ellendale Concrete replaced the Stars of Fame on Main Street for a cost of $1,735.
Mayor Flaherty contacted the gentleman interested in removing the Main Street buildings and he is still interested but is still in Montana. As soon as he is in ND he will come to Ellendale to review these projects.
Interstate Engineering is working on apreliminary draft of a new City map.
Auditor Middlestead presented Mayor Flaherty with a plaque for his 4 years of service as Mayor. Council expressed their appreciation for his work and dedication to the City.
Mayor adjourned the meeting at 5:57 pm.
Donald W. Flaherty, MayorCandace Middlestead, City Auditor
(Minutes subject to corrections and approval at next regular meeting)
Reorganization Meeting
City Council
June 24, 2014
6:00PM – City Hall
Auditor Middlestead called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM with Council members Maunu, Schilling, Belmore, and Ulmer present.
Absent: Reis.
City Employees present were: City Foreman Flynn, Building Inspector Kassa and Police Chief Frannea.
Also present: R Johnson, representing Dickey County Leader, Mayor Elect Matt Thorpe, Eric Fuher, Don Flaherty and Mickey Thorpe.
Auditor Middlestead requested Police Chief Frannea to administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected Mayor Thorpe, and Council members: Schilling, Maunu and Fuher.
Auditor Middlestead turned meeting over to Mayor Thorpe.
Mayor Thorpe called for nominationsfor President of the Council.
Ulmer nominated Schilling, Belmore second. Ulmer motioned nominations cease, Maunu second. Roll call vote: Maunu – Yes; Schilling – Yes; Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes. Motion approved.
Belmore nominated Reis for Vice President. Belmore’s nomination died due to lack of a second.Schilling nominated Ulmer for Vice President, second by Fuher. Fuher motioned to cease nominations, seconded by Maunu. Roll call vote: Schilling – Yes; Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes; Maunu – Yes. Motion approved.
Appointments: Mayor Thorpe appointed the following:
City Auditor – Candace Middlestead
City Public Works Director – Todd Flynn
City Attorney – Kim Radermacher
City Engineer – Interstate Engineering
City Official Newspaper – Dickey County Leader
Motion by Ulmer, second by Maunu to approve Mayor Thorpe’s appointments. Roll call vote: Belmore – Yes; Ulmer – Yes; Maunu – Yes; Schilling – Yes. Motion approved.
Mayor Thorpe administered Oath of Office to Auditor Middlestead and Public Works Director Flynn.
Mayor Thorpe discussed the portfolio assignments. Fuher will replace Pahl, and the remainder of Council members will remain in the same areas.
Informational: BI Kassa reported a Notice of Dangerous Building was sent to the owners of the Nodak building, inviting them to the July 14th meeting.
BI Kassa updated the Council on the 104 2ndSt. S. property.
Interstate Engineering will attend the August council meeting to discuss the Infrastructure plan.
Next meeting will be July 14that 5:30PM.
Schilling motioned to adjourn meetingat 6:21 PM.
Matthew Thorpe, MayorCandace Middlestead, City Auditor
(Minutes subject to corrections and approval at next regular meeting)