Birnam Wood Bugle

“Our mission is to promote the enhancement of property values, security, and overall livability of our community while improving and maintaining the Common Areas.” - Mission Statement for Birnam Wood III CAI

August - October 2016 Office phone # 281/350-8556 Like us on Facebood: Birnam Wood III

Email: Go on to “Nextdoor Birnam Wood” also


Calendar of Events

August 2 – Monthly Meeting 7:30pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

August 6 – Birnamwood Blue Marlins swim team will have a water sale at the corner of Cypresswood and Treaschwig starting at 10am

August 9- Monthly Water Board Meeting – 7:00pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

August 11 – Backpack drive at the Pavilion from 6pm – 8pm

August 22 – First day of school

August 22 – 26 Pool closed

August 27 – Mobile Vet 10:00am – 3:00pm in the back parking lot at the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

September 3-September 5 – Last days pool is open – Free Root Beer Floats on September 5

September 6 – Monthly Meeting 7:30pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

September 6 - Monthly Water Board Meeting – 6:30 pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

October 4 – National Night Out 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

Ocotober 5 - HOA quarterly meeting 7:30pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

October 11 - Monthly Water Board Meeting- 7:00pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

October 28th - Proxies must be submitted for verification no later than 4:00pm at the office

November 1- Annual Meeting 7:30pm in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse


Board Members

Shannon Cobb – President

Les Novak – Vice-President

Kathleen Harrison – Treasurer

Perry Trosclair – Director

Jerry McBeth – Director

Yard of the Summer

23926 Clipper Hill

Here is the list of properties that were runner-up in no particular order:

1. 23907 Goodfellow

2. 23918 Clipper Hill

3. 23514 Wintergate


Labor Day is our last pool day. We will serve free Root Beer Floats at the 4, 5, 6 breaks. We hope to see all the residents come out and have a good time.

IT’S FREE!!!!!!!! AND FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday & Sunday (Aug 27 & 28 & Sept 3 & 4) 1:00pm - 7:00pm

Monday Sept. 5 (Labor Day)...1:00pm – 7:00pm

Pool Cards and Tenant Forms

We are still issuing Pool Cards. If you do not have a card on file come on down to the pool during our normal hours, bring your I.D. and we will issue you a card. If you are a renter and want access to the pool, the owner will need to complete a tenant form. Tenant forms can be requested by

Email: . Your landlord or management company will need to fill in the form, sign it and email it back to the office. Cards are $10.00 each for anyone 3 or older. Tenants will need to bring their I.D. and if it does not have the current address on it, a bill that has been mailed to their address will be required.


On Saturday August 27, 2016, the MOBILE VET will be in the back parking lot of our Elly Brokaw Clubhouse from 10:00am until 3:00pm. This is a great time to get your pets their annual shots. All cats and dogs in Harris County must get at least a Rabies Shot. Office # (936) 449-4412

Dog Packages:

Rabies- $9.95 Bordetella- $19.95



Rabies-DHPPC-Occult Heartworm-$53.95

Rabies-DHPPC- Occult Heartworm test, Fecal-$72.95

Rabies-DHPPC-Bordetella-Occult Heartworm Test $89.95

Cat packages:


Rabies- (FVRCP) Distemper-$28.95

Rabies-(FVRCP) Distemper-Leukemia-$48.95

Rabies-(FVRCP) Distemper-Leukemia-FIV-$60.95

Flea & Heartworm Medicine also available

We all love our pets, we feed them, play with them, but yet, we do not want to clean up after them. Do yourself and your neighbor a favor and clean up after your pet, wherever they may go. This will keep our community clean and happy.


Come and participate in our Annual National Night Out on Tuesday October 4, 2016 from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Meet the Constables & Firemen who serve and protect our community. Also meet your neighbors. The best way to prevent crime is to know who belongs on your street. We will have hotdogs, drinks, music, a foam pit, and raffle items. National Night Out will be sponsored by Birnam Wood III C.A.I. and Harris County MUD # 43. Harris County MUD #43 will be sponsoring the recycling again this year. Please look on our website: and to see what recycling services will be provided. Also look in your September water bill for more information.


Come join Our Faith Fellowship Church and your neighbors on Thursday August 11 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Pavilion for a backpack and school supply drive. The church, which meets Sundays at 10 am in the Clubhouse, is accepting donations to help our neighborhood’s elementary students prepare for the school year. If you would like to make a donation, please contact the church’s Pastor Davis at or or 281-222-6929. Donations of backpacks and school supplies, or funds for the purchase of them, would be greatly appreciated. If you know of any children in our neighborhood that could use this assistance, please make sure they come to the Pavilion on Thursday, August 11 between 6 and 8 pm. In addition to backpacks there will be music and sno-cones for the kids!

Please be considerate of your neighbors. These donations are meant for the elementary students that reside in our neighborhood. There will not be enough to invite others from outside the subdivision.


Birnam Wood is looking for volunteers to help with the many activities and committees that have been formed. Our big party of the year is Memorial Day but if we can get volunteers we could would have enough help to plan additional parties.

Also our committees are open to anyone who has an interest in helping us reach out to the entire neighborhood. Check out our web site for more information at Please either call the office 281-350-8556 or email us at . Join VACTT today and get on our email list for updates.

And last but not least Santa will be coming around in the blink of an eye and the Birnam Wood Carolers will be starting practice in a couple of months. Last year they were part of the Santa Drive and are planning on doing it again this year. We are looking for a Choirmaster. Perry Trosclair will head this group, so anyone who wants to join should email him at . This is great fun and we encourage you to come join the choir. You do not have to audition and all volunteers of all ages are welcome.


Also, don’t forget….Heavy trash pickup is every Saturdays and recycling & regular trash are on Wednesdays

Important phone numbers

Constable Prescient #4………281-376-3472

Trash Company WCA………281-368-8397

Animal Control………………281-999-3191

MUD #43 (TNG)……………..281-350-0895

Spring Post Office……………281-288-8465 Baldwin Boettcher Library….281-446-8588

Harris County Maintenance...281-353-8424

Mercer Arboretum………...... 281-443-8588


Any garage sale or any advertising signs should be on stakes and removed promptly. No signs whatsoever may be put in the flowerbeds of the Subdivision. No advertising signs may be put up. If you see ad signs feel free to remove them.


10. Articles the trash company won’t take: tires, paint, batteries, refrigerators, etc.

9. Commercial or over-sized vehicles.

8. Repairs: garage doors, roofs, soffit, fascia, etc.

7. Basketball goal on curb or lying on side.

6. Articles visible: ladders, toys, buckets, etc.

5. Boat and/or trailer visible.

4. Inoperable vehicles (cars or truck) visible.

3. Grill or smoker visible.

2. Trash cans: on the curb, in front of garage door or visible from the street.




Are there street lights out in your area, maybe in front of your house? If you know where a streetlight is out this is the website for you.

https// or call 713-207-2222. Follow the directions provided and Centerpoint will come out and get it fixed.

Birnamwood Blue Marlins Swim Team

The Birnamwood Blue Marlins swim team is having a water sale fundraiser on Saturday, August 6th at the corner of Cypresswood and Treaschwig starting at

10 am. Please stop by and support our local swim team.


Perry volunteers his time to teach Aerobics classes on a month to month basis as his schedules permits. If you are interested in attending these 9 AM classes on M/W/F, check the schedule at under activities or call the office at (281)-350-8556. All classes are subject to change without prior notice and line dance classes are offered periodically.

Our Faith Fellowship Church

23803 Birnam Wood Blvd.

Spring, Texas 77373

Pastor: Stanley B. Davis

Every Sunday at 10am -11am

In the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse

23803 Birnam Wood Blvd.

Spring, Texas 77373

Happier Mind and Body Class –YOGA*

-- Breathing, stretching, yoga poses, positive affirmations, relaxation, and aromatherapy –

Happier Mind and Body Class began Jan. 1, 2013 and is now offered as one hour YOGA. If you are interested, please feel free to come and observe or join the class on Saturdays starting at 9 AM unless otherwise noted. YOGA takes place in the Elly Brokaw Clubhouse and is intended for men and women 18 and over. Minors under 18 are permitted with adult supervision. Contact Perry or click under activities at or call the office (281)-350-8556.

* Waiver, exercise mat, and water required for all fitness classes; monthly schedule posted on Clubhouse window and web-site

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