R9 Mark Twain Supplement 7500-2002-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/27/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed / 7510
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FSM 7500 – water storage and transmission
Chapter 7516 – inspections
/ Forest Service MANUAL
mark twain NF (Region 9)
rolla, mo

fsM 7500 – water storage and transmission

chapteR 7510 – Project administration

Supplement No.: R9 Mark Twain 7510-2002-1

Effective Date: August 27, 2002

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Acting Forest Supervisor / Date Approved: 08/27/2002

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was MT Supplement 7500-93-1 to 7516.

New Document / R9 Mark Twain 7510-2002-1 / 2 Pages
Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / MT Supplement 7500-93-1
Effective 8/12/93 / 2 Pages

Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement.

7516 – Update the inspection schedule for dams.

7516 – INSPECTIONS. The following represents the inspection schedule of the dams on the Mark Twain:


DistrictDamInv. No.FrequencyYear Inspection Due

SalemLogger Lake1002AnnuallyEvery Year

SalemLittle Scotia10055 yrs05-10-15-20

SalemBig Scotia10045 yrs05-10-15-20

SalemHuzzah No. 110315 yrs01-06-11-16

SalemHuzzah No. 210325 yrs01-06-11-16

SalemHuzzah No. 310335 yrs01-06-11-16

SalemHuzzah No. 410345 yrs01-06-11-16

SalemHuzzah No. 510355 yrs01-06-11-16

SalemHuzzah No. 610365 yrs01-06-11-16

SalemHuzzah No. 710375 yrs01-06-11-16

Potosi/Fred’townCouncil Bluff1003AnnuallyEvery Year

Potosi/Fred’townTimberlane10013 yrs02-05-08-11

Potosi/Fred’townHowell10183 yrs03-06-09-12

Potosi/Fred’townPalmer10193 yrs03-06-09-12

Potosi/Fred’townParole10203 yrs03-06-09-12

Poplar BluffMarkham Springs10082 yrs02-04-06-08

Poplar BluffBeaver Lake10112 yrs02-04-06-08

Poplar BluffPinewoods10212 yrs02-04-06-08

Poplar BluffEast Twin Pond10065 yrs03-08-13-18

Poplar BluffPiney Pond10105 yrs02-07-12-17

Poplar BluffUpalika Pond10125 yrs04-09-14-19

Eleven PointMcCormack Lake 00023 yrs01-04-07-10

Eleven PointLewis Lake00065 yrs05-10-15-20

DoniphanFourche Lake00042 yrs01-03-05-07

DoniphanRipley Lake*00033 yrs03-06-09-12

Rolla/HoustonRoby Lake No. 110132 yrs02-04-06-08

Rolla/HoustonRoby Lake No. 210142 yrs02-04-06-08

Rolla/HoustonDewitt Pond10175 yrs05-10-15-20

FredericktownCrane Lake1015AnnuallyEvery Year

Willow SpringsNoblett Lake0001AnnuallyEvery Year

AvaBateman Pond10375 yrs01-06-11-16