September 2015

Dear Delegate

Thank you for expressing interest in our TOE refresher course.

It will be held in the Post Graduate Education Centre (PGEC), City Hospital Campus, Nottingham, on 3rd and 4thSeptember 2015. The course has been approved for 10 Royal College CPD points and 4 BSE reaccreditation points. The course is aimed at candidates preparing for the BSE/ACTA TOE examination with plenty of MCQs, video clips and interactive lectures.

Places are limited to 12 delegates. Please return the application form and cheque for £250 payable to “Nottingham Anaesthetic Trust Fund” to secure your place on the course!

Directions to the CityHospital are on the following link:

If you plan to come by car it is best to enter through gate 4 off Edwards Road and park in the Purple pay‐and‐display car park.

The PGEC is located on the North Road, next to the City Side Restaurant. Click the following link for the map:

Accommodation is available from the Trust accommodation at City Hospital Campus at a cost of £30 per night. Please contact MrImran Asif via email or

0115 9691169 ext: 76249.

Kind regards

Rahul Basu ()

Amr Mahmoud ()

Transoesophageal echocardiography:
Nottingham Refresher Course

3rd-4thSeptember 2015

Clinical Skills Centre (Post Graduate Education Centre)

NottinghamUniversityHospitalsNHSTrust-CityHospital Campus

Hucknall Road, NottinghamNG5 1PB

Provisional Programme

Thursday 3rd September
Welcome and registration / Dr Basu / 9:00
MCQ and video exam / 9:10
Coffee / 11:10
MCQ Feed back / Faculty / 11:20
Lunch / 12:30
Video feed back / Faculty / 13:30
Prosthetic valves / Dr M Sosin / 14:30
Interesting cases / Dr P Sadhahalli / 15:15
Coffee / 16:00
Pitfalls and artifacts / Dr T Mathew / 16:15
Close / 17:00
Course Dinner / 19:00
Friday 4th September
LV: systolic and diastolic function / Dr H Skinner / 8:30
Mitral Valve / TBC / 9:15
Coffee / 10:00
Nottingham Nachos / TBC / 10:15
MCQ and video exam / 11:00
Lunch / 13:00
MCQ feedback / Faculty / 13:45
Video feedback / faculty / 14:30
Close / 15:30

Application Form

Transoesophageal echocardiography: Nottingham Refresher Course

(Post Graduate Education Centre)

NottinghamUniversityHospitalsNHSTrust-CityHospital Campus

Hucknall Road, NottinghamNG5 1PB

Present Post:
Address for correspondence:
TOE experience:
How many years experience in TOE you have had? / 0-1 1-2 2-5 >5

Are you planning to sit the BSE 2015 exam? Y/ N

Please send the filled in application with a cheque for £250 (payable to “Nottingham Anaesthetic Trust Fund”) to

Dr Rahul Basu

Dept of Anaesthesia

NottinghamUniversityHospitalsNHSTrust-City campus

Hucknall Road

Nottingham NG5 1PB