Food Investigation Tasks – AQA

AQA NEA task 1 – Eggs and Foams

  • Eggs are a key ingredient used to make a foam. Investigate the functional and chemical properties of eggs and other ingredients when making meringue.

Food Investigation Tasks - AQA
Eggs and Foams / Introduction to colloidal systems
  • Enable information on foams to be put across (PowerPoint)

Accompanying Worksheet

Food Functions explained (Poster)
  • Includes section on using egg whites to make meringues

  • Includes section on how eggs hold ingredients together

CommNet PowerPoint – Page 9 of 10 - Eggs and foaming

Sensory Testing
Introduction to the senses / PowerPoint

Poster of vocabulary

Teacher’s Guide

Food choice and acceptability poster

Sensory Tests / Due trio tests – simple worksheet

Paired comparison (discrimination) – simple worksheet

Paired comparison (preference) – simple worksheet

Ranking Test– simple worksheet

Scoring Test– simple worksheet

Star Diagram– simple worksheet

Triangle Test– simple worksheet

Hedonic scale – simple worksheet

Odour – simple worksheet

Experiment Sheets / 5 points 1 product - Excel Worksheet
5 points 2 products- Excel Worksheet

5 points 3 products- Excel Worksheet

5 points 4 products- Excel Worksheet

10 points 1 product- Excel Worksheet

10 points 2 products- Excel Worksheet

10 points 3 products- Excel Worksheet

10 points 4 products- Excel Worksheet

10 points 5 products- Excel Worksheet

Hedonic Scale for 3 products- Excel Worksheet

Hedonic Scale for 4 products- Excel Worksheet

Hedonic Scale for 5 products- Excel Worksheet

Sensory Test examples
Duo trio test sheet- Excel Worksheet

Paired comparison discrimination sheet- Excel Worksheet

Paired comparison preference sheet- Excel Worksheet

Triangle test sheet - Excel Worksheet

Star Diagram Word document

Younger Age group Work (8-11) could possibly be incorporated, includes overview work on;
  • Teachers guide
  • Your Senses and Food PowerPoint
  • Umami
  • Sensory food cards
  • Sensory vocabulary word bank
  • Hedonic scale
  • Scoring
  • Triangle test
  • Star diagram
  • Excel chart 5 points 1 product

There is also the BNF nutritional analysis programme ‘Explore food’ to aid classroom work

© Food - a fact of life 2017