Office of Information Technology
Administrative Computer Password Guidelines


The following are password reset options for University employees.

When do I need to change my password?

Passwords will be necessary if you want to access Administrative Computing (also known as the iSeries), back up files on the network, or share files or calendars with someone else on another computer. If you don’t do any of these things, then you can use the same password you presently have and never change it. You will receive a warning that your password has expired only if you attempt to log on to Administrative Computing or remotely access another computer.

When logging on to Administrative Computing with an expired password, this message will appear. Click Yes.

Things to remember when choosing a password

  1. Must be exactly 8 positions (combination of characters and digits).
  2. Must have at least 1 number. The password cannot begin with a number nor can the numbers be next to each other. For example: Wrong password – paswrd23 Correct password –pas2wrd3
  3. The same letters can’t be next to each other. For example: Wrong password – passwrd1 Correct password – pasword1
  4. Valid characters to use in the password can be any alphabetic character from A-Z and numbers 0-9. Special characters that are acceptable are # $ _ @
  5. Passwords must be in lower case.

Creating the new password

  1. Once you’ve clicked Yes indicating that you wish to change your password, this window will appear.
  2. Note that your User ID has already been inserted.
  3. A cursor is presently located in the space after Old. Type the old password. It will appear as a series of asterisks.
  4. Tap the Tab key to move to the area requesting the new password or click into the area.
  5. Type the new password which will also appear as asterisks.
  6. Then Tab or click in the area marked Confirm.
  7. Repeat the new password.
  8. Click OK
  9. If you’ve followed the restrictions under Things to remember . . ., a message will appear that you have successfully created a new password. Click OK.

NOTE: Always log off (Start/Shut Down/Log off ) immediately after the password has been changed. You can then use the new password to log back on.

General notes

  1. Your User ID will remain the same.
  2. The password you create will be valid for 90 days. Fourteen days before the expiration date of the password, a warning box will appear each time you log on to the iSeries (Administrative Computing) and ask if you want to create a new password. You can change the password immediately or any time during the 14 days by clicking Yes where it asks if you want to change your password.Then put in your old password and create the new one. The new one will need to be typed a second time in the area that says Confirm. Click OK.
  3. You cannot use a previous password unless the duplicate was created 8 passwords ago (about 2 years). In other words, you must have at least 8 unique passwords. Passwords, however, can remain basically the same with just one character or number changed. For example, if you end your password with the number 1 the first time you create it, from that time on when it’s time to reset your password, all you need do is change the number to 2 until you reach 9. Then you can start over again with number 1.
  4. I you are unable to change your password, submit an email to the OIT Help Desk: requesting help resetting your password.

Original Issue Date:

June 16, 2010

Last Updated:

Print Date 09/30/18