Gavilan Joint Community College District


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project Management Services


Gavilan Joint Community College District

Gavilan Joint Community College

5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard

Gilroy, CA 95020

Contact: Joseph D. Keeler

Vice President of Administrative Services

Telephone: (408) 848-4715

FAX: (408) 846-4994






Gavilan Joint Community College District will commence a district-wide effort to procure and implement a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. The ERP applications will include Fiscal Information, Human Resources, and Student Information Systems. The District will work with the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC) to develop the District requirements for the ERP application. The primary product of this relationship is a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to which vendors will respond either manually or in electronic form. The District will have full use of Advantiv’s DecisionDirector™ tool for developing business and technical requirements. The tool will also prepare a series of reports that evaluate those vendors who chose to utilize the “Electronic Proposal” responses.

The ERP Management Services Consultant will actively support the project, the project participants, the project budget, and the project calendar. The Consultant will monitor progress and handle issues, escalations, and conflicts.

Through this request for proposal (RFP) process, the District will select an experienced Information Technology Consultant to provide consulting services to the District relating to a (a) a needs assessment based on the existing District ERP systems applications; (b) identification of alternative ERP systems sufficient to meet or exceed the District’s ERP needs, as identified in the needs assessment, and (c) assistance to the District in the procurement and implementation of new ERP application systems. The successful Consultant must have a proven track record in a public agency environment; specifically a California Community College District. The Consultant’s work experience should also include successful participation as a project manager and a lead analyst in the implementation of a similarly complex ERP application. Familiarity with Fiscal Information, Human Resources, and Student Information application systems in the setting of a public higher education institution is a strong requirement.

The District requests proposals for consulting services as more particularly described herein. To be considered, Bidders must timely submit written proposals which fully respond to this RFP and upon invitation of the District, selected Bidders may be requested to make a presentation of their Proposals to the District. The District reserves the right to modify or amend this RFP or portions hereof by issuance of addenda to this RFP. If any addenda are issued by the District, a copy of the same will be transmitted by the District to each Bidder who has theretofore obtained this RFP.


Gavilan College was originally established in 1919 as San Benito County Junior College. It operated under this title until 1963, when a new community college district was formed that included both San Benito and southern Santa Clara Counties. Successful passage of a local bond in 1966 provided the needed funds to construct the present campus at Santa Teresa Boulevard and Castro Valley Road in Gilroy, California. In the fall of 1999, the College celebrated its 80th year of operation as a community college.

The District operates two instructional sites in Hollister and Morgan Hill to augment their curricular offerings at the main (Gilroy) campus. These two sites are an integral part of the district’s effort to enhance student access to a college education. The District also operates an aviation classroom and laboratory at the Hollister Airport. In FY 03/04, Gavilan College served an estimated 7,415 students. Gavilan College employs 204 full time equivalent permanent employees and approximately 130 part time faculty employees each semester.

The main campus in Gilroy rests against the foothills that form the western boundary of the Santa Clara Valley. The District is 35 miles south of San Jose, 80 miles south of San Francisco, and 40 miles northeast of the Monterey Coast. The main campus was initially master-planned to accommodate an enrollment of 5,000 students and rests on a 150-acre site that has been carefully planned to take advantage of the beautiful, natural and tranquil setting.

The District presently serves residents of the Gilroy Unified, Morgan Hill Unified, Aromas-San Juan Unified, and San Benito Joint Union High School Districts. This is a total population of approximately 115,000. The geographic areas served by the District consists of approximately 2,700 square miles in southern Santa Clara County and all of San Benito County.

Coyote Valley Development is an area North of Morgan Hill and South of Bernal Road in San Jose. As outlined in the Coyote Valley Specific Plan, the population in this area could reach 80,000. This expansion would justify establishment of a second campus. Because Coyote Valley resides within the Gavilan College service area, it is Gavilan College’s responsibility to serve this area.


The District’s current system consists of an HP3000/969 mini computer running COBOL and Speedware (4GL) software to process student information (California Community Colleges Software Consortium (CCCSC) software), Financial Aid (Computing Options Company software) and fund accounting (Sungard BiTech software). The main issues affecting this current configuration are the end of life for the HP3000 hardware in December 2006 and a lack of integration between the various functions of the District.

There is full integration within the student records modules, which include Admissions & Records student data, Student Accounts, curriculum, schedule and catalog data, counseling information, DSPS data, EOPS data, Puente information, facilities information, assessment data, telephone registration and state reporting requirements. There is only partial integration with Financial Aid, SARS (Scheduling and Reporting System), eTudes (distance education software via Foothill-DeAnza College), Ed-Plan and the fund accounting software. There are several areas with no integration, specifically Human Resources, Payroll, Community Education, TRIO, Ed-Express, and Library functions.

Critical issues surrounding the move to an integrated system include a shortage of staff in all departments, including in MIS. For example, there is a MIS Director, an Assistant Director, one part-time contracted position, and three technical support personnel to support all the above functions. Data conversion and implementation of any new system will require additional contracted positions. Location of new hardware and associated support staff for a new system is also an issue as space is at a premium throughout the campus.

Another critical issue being considered in the District’s move to a new integrated system is the sequencing of additional projects that are dependent on either the current system and/or the new system. Those projects include the move from an 18 week to a 16 week semester calendar and the introduction of web based services such as web registration. It is possible that the ERP project may start and stall when resources are diverted to these other projects.


The selected Contractor will provide technical and project management expertise and services in support of the following major phases:

1) Project organization and planning

2) Needs assessment

3) Procurement of the ERP application system

4) Implementation of the selected ERP application system

Anticipated Schedule of Activities. The following sets forth the anticipated schedule of activities relating to this RFP. The District expressly reserves the right to modify the following schedule.

Advertisement of RFP / December 6, 2004 and December 13, 2004
Last Date/Time for Submission of RFP Responses / January 20, 2005; 3:00 P.M.
Place: Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services in Human Resource Building.
Tentative Date of Interviews / February 4, 2005
District Board of Trustees Meeting to Consider Award of Contract / February 8, 2005
Commencement Date of Contract / February 9, 2005
Forum: Needs Assessment Presentation to Gavilan’s ERP Needs Assessment Group in Conjunction with FCCC / February 16, 2005; 2:00 – 4:00 P.M.


Bidders must provide a complete statement of qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the Bidder and its proposed use of other Sub Consultants, if any, to provide the consulting services contemplated by this RFP and as more particularly set forth in the attached form of Consultant Contract. The statement of qualifications must address the following items:

1.  Statement of Qualifications. In addition to the information requested by Paragraphs 2 and 3 below, each Bidder responding to this RFP must complete and submit with its Proposal the form of Statement of Qualifications attached to this RFP and Exhibit “B”.

2.  Experience.

A.  Scope of consulting services typically provided or offered by the Bidder; the percentage of the Bidder’s gross revenue over the immediately preceding three (3) year period generated by consulting agreements similar or identical to those subject to this RFP.

B.  Summary of the Bidder’s firm history.

C.  Prior experience as consultant to public agencies for services similar or identical to those subject to this RFP and a general description of the scope of services provided on each contract including:

·  Experience as an analyst in an ERP system implementation.

·  Experience in a software application needs assessment.

·  Experience in leading an ERP system acquisition and implementation project.

·  Experience as a project manager for a software implementation project in a public agency.

·  Ability to work cooperatively and effectively with diverse constituent groups.

·  Demonstrated ability to fully support the team concept, strong technical and people skills to lead technical and non-technical teams through complex process.


D.  Services as an ERP Project Manager for other California community college, California K-12 school districts, or a California institution of higher education.

3.  Capacity

A.  Staff and Technical Resources

i.  Identify specific proposed staff personnel which the Bidder anticipates will be dedicated for performance of any portion of Basic Services and provide a description of each staff member’s education and experience. For staff personnel identified, provide a description of the typical anticipated role(s) or responsibility (ies) of each staff member relative to the Basic Services.

ii.  Identify each proposed Sub-Consultant and describe the anticipated scope of Basic Services, qualifications, capabilities, and experience of each Sub-Consultant. For each Sub-Consultant, identify each staff member which the Sub-Consultant is anticipated to propose for performance of a portion of the Basic Services. For each identified staff member of each Sub-Consultant, provide a description of the person’s educational and professional background along with a description of the anticipated role(s) or responsibility (ies) of each person identified.

B.  Financial Resources

i.  Provide a current Financial Statement of the Bidder’s firm in accordance with the requirements noted in the attached Statement of Qualifications. If the Financial Statement was prepared more than twelve (12) months prior to the date of the Bidder’s response to this RFP, the District reserves the right to request additional and/or updated financial information; failure of a Bidder to provide additional/updated financial information requested by the District within the time limits established by the District will result in rejection of the Bidder’s Proposal.

ii.  Identify insurance coverages maintained by the Bidder including specific confirmation of commercial general liability, professional liability, workers compensation, and employer’s liability coverages as required by the attached form of Consultant Contract.

iii.  For each proposed Sub-Consultant, confirm that each Sub-Consultant has or will obtain each of the policies of insurance with the minimum coverage amounts set forth in the Consultant Contract.

C.  Staffing and Methodology

i.  Address the extent to which the District will be permitted to request specific staff personnel to provide or perform all or portions of the Basic Services.

ii.  Bidder’s commitment of Bidder’s staff for specific Basic Services.

iii.  Describe the manner in which the Basic Services will be completed.

D.  Schedule for Completion of Consultant Services

i.  Provide a project time line for each of the following major project phases; for each of the phases described below, provide an estimate of the duration of time necessary to complete each phase of service.

a) Project organization and planning

b) Needs assessment

c) Procurement of the ERP application system

d) Implementation of the selected ERP application system

The time line should consider the sequencing of additional projects that are dependent on either the current system and/or the new system. It is possible that the ERP project may start and stall when resources are diverted to other system dependent projects. The time line should also include those deliverables itemized in Addendum No. 1, Item 4, Consultant Deliverables.

E.  Consultant Deliverables

For those deliverables itemized in Addendum No. 1, Item 4, Consultant Deliverables, provide, at a minimum, a sample or an example of each, who is responsible for the information contained in each, and how this is coordinated and accomplished.


Bidders must include a proposed fee schedule for Basic Services for the Project and potential Additional or Contingent Services which may be requested by the District. The proposed fee schedule must be inclusive of any Sub-Consultant services. The proposed fee schedule should also include a discussion concerning the impact if the ERP project starts and stalls when resources are diverted to other system dependent projects.


Included with this RFP is the District’s form of Consultant Contract. Bidders must thoroughly review the Consultant Contract included herewith and must in their respective responses to this RFP identify any term or condition of the Consultant Contract which the Bidder requests modification, by amendment to existing provisions, addition of additional provisions or deletion of existing provisions. Where any requested modification consists of amendments to existing provisions or additional provisions, the response to this RFP must set forth the text of the requested amendment or addition. Any Bidder whose proposal does not identify modifications to terms or conditions of the attached Consultant Contract will be deemed to have agreed to all terms and conditions set forth therein.


To be considered by the Selection Committee, responses to this RFP must be in writing and must be responsive to all of the material requirements of this RFP. Each Bidder must submit an original and four copies of its response to this RFP. A response to this RFP which is not responsive to all material requirements of this RFP will be rejected. Responses to this RFP must be submitted to Joseph Keeler, Vice President Administrative Services, RFP # 99-035, Gavilan College, 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard, Gilroy, California 95020. Responses to this RFP must be submitted and received prior to 3:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 20, 2005. Bidders are solely responsible for timely submission of responses to this RFP. Any response to this RFP which is not received at or prior to the latest date/time for submission of responses will be rejected and returned to the Bidder submitting the same unopened.