To : SVHS Football Players and Supporters of Spring Valley High School

From : Coach Dingess & SVHS Football Coaching Staff

Date: 1-12-2015

Subject : 8th Annual Winter Lift-a-thon

The SVHS Football program is hosting its 8th Annual Lift-a-Thon to emphasize the importance of our off-season strength program. The Awards and competition event and revealing of results will be held on Thursday, January 29th from 4:00-6:00pm.

Purpose: The Lift-a-thon is a major fundraiser for the football program.

The money raised will be used in the following ways:

1.  Continuing upgrades and maintenance of the weight room for off-season workout programs

2.  Upgrading both practice and game fields

3.  Numerous other expenses required to operate a first class football program.

Procedures: Each participant, with the help of his parents and family will seek sponsors to donate any amount towards the Lift-a thon. The participant will acquire a maximum lift in the BENCH, SQUAT, POWER CLEAN, & PUSH PRESS and will have a four lift total.

Donations: Participants are encouraged to find a minimum of 4 sponsors for the lift-a-thon. Flat Donations can be made in any dollar amount. Donations can also be made in form of pledges per pound. For example if a participant lifts a total of 750 lbs. in the four lifts, someone who donates a nickel a lb. would be donating $37.50, someone who donates a dime would be donating $75.00, etc.

Goals: 1. Each participant sets a personal goal for each lift

2. Participants raise enough money to earn Gift Certificates to restaurants and Dicks

3. Team to raise $10,000.00

Awards: The following money amounts turned in will receive these incentives:


$10,000.00 – Team Trip to Canton, OH to the Football Hall Of Fame (Spring)


$250 player will get a $25.00 gift card to Rocky Tops or SV Adidas or UA T-Shirt (10 point bonus)

$300 player will get above and a SV Adidids or Under Armour Sweat Shirt (20 point bonus)

$400 player will get above and choice of Under Armour or Adidas Game Cleat 30 point Bonus)

$500 player will get above and first choice of equipment and Spirit Pack package paid. (40 Point Bonus)

January 12, 2015

Dear SVHS Football Supporters,

As our Off-Season Workouts start up, it is once again to be thinking about next football season. When we talk about being successful on and off the field here, we talk specifically about dedication, sacrifices, team work, being a role model and working hard towards your goals. We view playing football as a great chance to compete and improve ourselves in these areas every day. As we continue our work towards the 2015 season, our kids are hungry to take the next step as a football program. We know we accomplished a lot over the past several seasons but now we must work relentlessly to compete for a state championship. Our saying this year is “ALL IN!” In saying that, our student-athletes have made a commitment and pledged to each other to fully develop themselves in all areas, making them better students, better football players, and better young men in our society.

On the week of January 26th 2015, our football program will be taking part in the 8th annual Lift-a-thon, in the SVHS FOOTBALL Weight Room. We are striving to make sure our program becomes a standard of excellence not only in the tri-state area but the state of West Virginia. We are asking for your help in donating money to our football program. On January 26th we will be maxing out on Bench Press and Squats and on the 27th we will max on Power Clean and Push Press. All money raised will directly benefit our student-athletes and the SVHS Football Program.

We are asking that you pledge a monetary amount per pound that your football player totals in the four lifts. Usually people pledge such amounts as a penny, nickel, dime, quarter or dollar a pound lifted by the player.

For example if one player lifts a total:

Bench Press 200lbs

Squat 300lbs

Power Clean 200lbs

Push Press 300lbs

Total LBS 900lbs

If you pledged a nickel per pound you would give that player $45.00

If you feel more comfortable giving a flat donation, that is perfectly acceptable as well.

All, parents, siblings, family member, friends, alumni and sponsors are invited to attend the event on Thursday the 29th and cheer on our program and and players as we compete against ourselves in the weight room.

Thank you for your interest and support of our program. As coaches and players, we have dedicated our entire off-season to making sure the SVHS football program continues to make strides toward an WV State Championship!

Go Wolves!

Coach Brad Dingess

Head Football Coach

If you want to help out the program but don’t have a player to sponsor, you can sponsor a player through our coaching staff. Just drop us an email with the amount that you would like to pledge and we let you know who you will be sponsoring prior to January 26th. Please include your name, phone number and email address. Send your pledges to: or

AAA WV State Playoffs 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014