terms for participation in the 11th international fireworks display of the festivals of the virgin blanca 2013

1.- AIM

To select companies to carry out fireworks displays at the Festivals of the Virgen Blanca 2013, held in Vitoria-Gasteiz from 5th to 8th August.

The selection process for this year’s edition is for:

·  3 FIREWORKS displays scheduled for 5th, 6th and 7th August. The displays will take place at the Mendizabala exhibition grounds at 11:00pm.

·  Displays must last for a minimum duration of 20 minutes.


All pyrotechnic companies, either domestic or international, able to execute this form of display.

Companies entering the contest whose headquarters are outside the Spanish State will apply in collaboration with a Spanish fireworks company that will submit the documentation required by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz.


Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked:

11th International Fireworks Display for the Festivals of the Virgen Blanca 2013

The following documentation must be enclosed:

3.1- Letter of application stating complete adherence to the present terms

3.2.- A written declaration on the part of the company confirming that the established minimum safety distance of 250 metres is sufficient, without modification or amendment, for the specific fireworks display to be executed, and confirming acceptance of the “Binding conditions for pyrotechnic companies”. (In accordance with Model 1)

3.3- .- Company CV outlining the displays the company has executed in the past 5 years.

3.4.- Technical project proposal for the display, detailing the firing sequence, time in seconds of each section, numeric quantity of fireworks and weight of the explosive material (net and gross), observing at all times the conditions established in Appendix 1 for the Festivals of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

4.- DEADLINE AND address for submission of project proposals

All project proposals must be submitted to the following address before 2:00pm on 25th April 2013:

Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz

Servicio de Planificación Cultural y Fiestas

Palacio de Villa Suso

Plaza del Machete s/n



The participating companies shall be remunerated as follows:

·  €17,000 (including VAT) per FIREWORKS display.

Each participating company assumes responsibility for its transport costs and all subsistence expenses incurred by the pyrotechnician and his/her support staff during the course of their stay in Vitoria.

Each participating company will also be responsible for collecting and transporting the waste it generates. The firing area should be cleaned of all waste generated by the firing.

Applicant companies based outside the Iberian Peninsula or the Spanish State may, at the discretion of the Technical Selection Committee, be provided with a special financial support payment of €2,500.

The City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz reserves the right to provide transport cost supplements to companies should this be considered of exceptional interest.

Any applicable customs duties and import charges must be borne by the overseas pyrotechnic company.

6.- project proposal assessment and contract award proposal

The Technical Selection Committee, constituted by individuals appointed by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz, shall evaluate each submitted proposal on 6th May 2013, following which all applicant companies shall be informed of the Committee’s decision, which may not be appealed.

A public draw to determine the firing order shall be held at the premises of the Ministry of Culture at the same day, on 6th May 2013.

7.- obligations of selected companies

Once selected, participating companies are required to provide the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz with the following documentation in order to enable the City Council to obtain the necessary administrative authorisations for the organisation of the fireworks displays:

7. 1.- For the purpose of obtaining authorisation from the Government Sub-delegation:

7.1.1.- Certification, issued by an insurance company or broker and undersigned by the specialist company, confirming the engagement of a civil liability insurance policy covering the activities involved in the execution of the requested display and allowing a minimum capital of €600,000 civil liability. If the specialist company is based outside Spain, the aforementioned certification must be submitted in Spanish translation.

7.1.2.- Identification of the specialist company executing the display, including the following information and documentation:

1. A copy of the licensing certification of the pyrotechnic workshop used by the company for preparation and assembly.

2. Substantiation of the storage capacity of the pyrotechnic workshop used by the company for preparation and assembly, which must exceed the quantity fired during the display.

3. A record of the pyrotechnic devices to be fired detailing type and number, as well as the quantity of regulated material in each device, both for those marked CE and for those of own manufacture without the CE label. In addition, the total amount of the set must be listed.

4. Predicted time for the execution of each section or homogenous set.

5. Initial firing sequence between sections and shot order for each section, including a graphic representation of the firing plan.

6. Identification of the specialists and trainees engaged in the execution of the display (in addition to their possible replacements), including copies of the relevant qualification licences or certificates, as well as identification of the individual in charge of the execution of the display (and his/her possible replacement).

7. Official employment document substantiating the existence of an employment contract between the company and the stated individuals.

8. If applicable, contractual documents existing between specialist companies concerning the loaning of personnel qualified for the execution of the display.

9. Declaration by the Executive Director of the specialist company confirming observation of the regulations stipulated in the Law 31/1995 of 8 November for the Prevention of Workplace Risks, and its implementing regulations, in the specific action of firing and particularly for the planned display.

10. Planned firing angle if firing is not vertical.

If the specialist company is based outside Spain, the aforementioned documents or equivalent documents must, as a minimum requirement, be submitted in acceptable Spanish translation.

7.2.- For the purpose of obtaining authorisation from the Basque Government

7.2.1.- A certifying document signed by the insurance company and undersigned by the pyrotechnic company confirming the engagement of a civil liability insurance policy, completed in accordance with Model 2 and observing the requirement of the Basque Government for a minimum capital of €300,506, with an excess of up to 1/1000 of the minimum required amount, which may under no circumstances exceed €901.52. This certifying document will not be accepted if it is not completed in absolute accordance with the template established in Model 2.

7.2.2- A certifying document issued by the pyrotechnic company indicating if all shots shall be executed at an angle of 0 (if 0 = vertical), the elements and characteristics of the devices to be fired, the net weight of explosive substances in the pyrotechnic materials to be fired, and the individual in charge and the pyrotechnic operators engaged in the execution of the display. Furthermore, a graphic representation of the safety area must also be included. This certifying document must be completed in accordance with Model 3 (a model graphic representation has been attached to this).


7.2.- The companies selected must submit this documentation, in addition to any other documentation required for the processing of administrative authorisations, within the period stated by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

8.- Prizes

The companies participating in the show will compete for one prize.

The company rated highest by a public vote shall be included next year on the programme of the 12th International Fireworks Show in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

The winning fireworks company will participate in the display contest next year, under the same conditions as any other participating fireworks company, and will be submitted to the popular jury vote. The firing date of the winning company will be defined by a draw once the rest of the firework companies have been selected.

The popular jury will vote through the website of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz www.vitoria-gasteiz.org and by calling the telephone number 010, according to the rules posted on the aforementioned website.



1.  The firing area (a rectangle of approx. 1200 m²) shall be marked off by the City Council with a warning tape barrier. Under no circumstances may shells or pyrotechnic elements be installed outside the marked area.

2.  As a general rule and for safety reasons, the City Council has determined to prohibit the firing of shells exceeding 250 mm. When shell changes or repetition shells are expected to be used, he has determined to prohibit the firing of shells exceeding 200 mm of diameter. If for exceptional reasons the pyrotechnic company proposes the firing of shells of a diameter greater than this, the proposal shall be communicated to the Fire Department and evaluated in each case. Following assessment of possible supplementary safety measures, exceptional permission may then be granted.

3.  As a general rule and for safety reasons, angled firings of shells of a diameter greater than 175 mm or shell changes or repetition shells will not be permitted

4.  As far as is possible, the shells of the largest diameter shall be positioned in the area located furthest from the public.

5.  The start of the firework display will be preceded by three isolated firings which will take place three minutes before, two minutes before and at the precise time of the start of the display.

6.  The pyrotechnician shall assume responsibility for ensuring that the firing area is left clean and free of residual elements following the termination of his/her display. Special attention must be paid to the removal of all elements that may still contain unexploded materials. For this purpose, the pyrotechnic company shall be provided with lighting and a waste container for such residual elements.

7.  The City Council shall provide the firing company with sand for the purpose of fixing shells in position. This sand may be used by other pyrotechnicians, and where possible must therefore be left in an appropriate state for use.





Coordinates: X= 525,898.48 m

Y= 4,742,066.21 m

Latitude: 42º 49´50,61”

Longitude: 2º 40´59,26”

Rectangle of approx. 1200 m². The closest part of the rectangle is situated more than 250 metres from the nearest section of the public viewing area.


Two connected areas. Landscaped area located between roads and adapted area of the Monte La Tortilla.


Public viewing area Access to firing area


Declaration of acceptance of the minimum safety distance and conditions established by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz

Mr/Mrs/Ms…………………………………………………………………………., in

the capacity of………………………………………………………………………of the Pyrotechnic Company

…………………………………………………, VAT number………………………….., domiciled in…………………………(town/city),

...... (street/number)


his/her acceptance of the established minimum safety distance of 250 metres and confirms that this is sufficient for the firework display to be executed, and additionally states his/her agreement with the conditions established by the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

…………...(place), this………day of...... 20

Signature: Representative of the pyrotechnic company



Mr/Mrs/Ms……………………………………………………………………………………………….. in

the capacity of……………………………………………………….of the Insurance Company or Broker……………………………………………………

HEREBY CERTIFIES that the civil liability insurance policy no. ……………………issued by the Insurance Company……………………………………………………....contracted to attend to the risks resulting from the execution of displays using pyrotechnic devices by the pyrotechnic company...... on (date)...... 20...... , in the municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz, is in compliance with the terms of the Decree 240/1998(1) of 22 September regulating the execution of displays using pyrotechnic devices in the Basque Autonomous Community and the terms of the Decree 389/1998(2) of 22 December regulating civil liability insurance required for the execution of public displays and recreational activities, covering a capital of...... Euros.

Which I certify in witness whereof for all pertinent purposes before the Directorate for Games and Shows of the Ministry of the Interior of the Basque Government,

...... (place) this...... day of...... 20......


(1) Decree 240/1998 of 22 September establishes that the policy must cover a minimum capital of €300,506.

(2) Decree 389/1998 of 22 December establishes that civil liability insurance engaged for displays involving the firing of pyrotechnic devices may have a minimum excess of 1/1000 of the minimum required amount, which under no circumstances may exceed €901.52.




Mr/Ms ...... , as the...... working with XXXX Fireworks ...... , holding VAT No...... with registered offices at ………………………………......



That in compliance with the provisions of Decree-Law 240/1998, of September 22 the display & show of fireworks, which shall be held on ...... in ...... , comply with the following characteristics:

1. All and every discharge shall feature angle 0. Yes

2. The defined fireworks safety perimeter is set forth in the table below.

2.1 Vertical discharges of firework devices that define the safety field of a larger radius.

2.2 Non-vertical discharges of firework devices that need a wider safety field generated by the device set forth in paragraph 2.1. for each sense of direction.

The safety radius established in the table of Annex VI in accordance with Decree-Law 240/1998 as well as the trajectory modification in virtue of Article 7.9 of such a Decree-Law. In this last case the technical arguments backing up such a modification shall be annexed. Such arguments, which shall include all those devices whose safety radius has been established in compliance with Article 7.9, shall refer to the specific fireworks show. Date, time and fireworks discharge location point of the intended fireworks show shall be recorded.

(1) For non-vertical discharges, an addend shall be specified (safety radius + trajectory)

3. A site map showing the location of the exhibition and the safety field defined in paragraph 2 is set forth in Annex I

4.-In accordance with Article 2 of the Decree-Law 240/1998 of September 22 the net weight of the fireworks device to be fired shall be of...... Kilograms (2)

(2) Explosive net weight is the difference between the total weight and the inert material weight, by understanding as such the one including the wrapping (plastics, cardboard, etc.) and other elements and accessories of similar nature.