111028 LCSP_Simplified_Outline (03-09-12)









Honorable Alan F. EstevezDate

Assistant Secretary of Defense

(Logistics & Materiel Readiness)


Product Support Manager / ______


Program Contracting Officer / ______
Date / ______
Program Manager / ______
Program Lead Engineer / ______
Date / ______
Program Financial Manager / ______


Program Executive Officer / ______
Date / ______
Sustainment Organization / ______

component approval (ACAT IC)



Component Acquisition Executive

Table of Contents[NOTIONAL: Please update or replace contents and pagination with your own once document is filled out.]


2Product Support Performance6

2.1Sustainment Performance Requirements6

2.2Demonstrated (tested) Sustainment Performance7

3Product Support Strategy8

3.1Sustainment Strategy Considerations9

3.2Sustainment Relationships9

4Product Support Arrangements10


4.2Performance Based Agreements (PBA)10

5Product Support Package Status11

5.1Program Review Results11

5.2Product Support Package Assessment11

6Regulatory/Statutory Requirements That Influence Sustainment Performance12

7Integrated Schedule13




9.1.1 Government Program Office Organization15

9.1.2Program Office Product Support Staffing Levels15

9.1.3Contractor(s) Program Office Organization15

9.1.4Product Support Team Organization16

9.2Management Approach18

9.2.1Product Support Manager Roles and Responsibilities18

9.2.2Sustainment Risk Management18

10Supportability Analysis19

10.1Design Interface19

10.1.1Design Analysis19 10.1.2Technical Reviews 21

10.2Product Support Element Determination22

10.3Sustaining Engineering22

11Additional Sustainment Planning Factors23

LCSP Annexes24

List of Tables[NOTIONAL: Please update or replace list of tables with your own once document is filled out.]

Table 2.1: Sustainment Performance Requirements6

Table 2.2: Sustainment Performance Metric Breakdown6

Table 2.3: Sustainment Performance Assessment/Test Results7

Table 3.1: Product Support Strategy8

Table 3.2: Sustainment Cost Drivers9

Table 4.1: Performance Based Arrangements Implemented in Contracts10

Table 4.2: Organic Performance Based Agreements10

Table 5.1: Program Review Results11

Table 5.2: Product Support Package Assessment11

Table 6.1: Sustainment Alignment of Regulatory/Statutory Requirements12

Table 8.1: Product Support Funding Summary14

Table 9.1: IPT Team Details17

Table 9.2: Risk Summary18

Table 10.1: FMECA Summary19

Table 10.2: Reliability Growth Plan Issues19

Table 10.3: Completed Supportability Trades20

Table 10.4: Planned Supportability Trades20

Table 10.5: Technical Reviews21

Table 10.6: Product Support Analytical Methods and Tools22

Table 10.7: Sustainment Performance Monitoring22

List of Figures[NOTIONAL: Please update or replace list of figures with your own once document is filled out.]

Figure 3.1: Product Support Reference Design Concept8

Figure 3.2: Sustainment Concept Performance9

Figure 3.3: Product Support Providers9

Figure 7 1: Product Support Schedule13

Figure 9 1: Program Office Organization15

Figure 9 2: Program Product Support Staffing15


This version of the LCSP focuses on

Table 11 lists the major LCSP revisions since the last ASD(L&MR) review.

LCSP Update Record
Revision Number / Date / Change and Rationale / Approved By

Table 11: LCSP Update Record

2Product Support Performance

2.1Sustainment Performance Requirements

Table21 lists the sustainment requirements integrated into the design process along with the corresponding performance expectations.

Sustainment Performance Requirements
(KPP, KSA, Derived requirement) / Documentation / Threshold / Objective / RFP/
Contract / TES / TEMP / IOC / FOC / Full Fielding

Table21: Sustainment Performance Requirements

Table 22 breaks down the system-level metrics upon which the product support plan and product support package are based.

Supporting “Design-To” Metrics
Requirement / Lower Level Metric / Documentation / Standard or Level

Table 22: Sustainment Performance Metric Breakdown

2.2Demonstrated (tested) Sustainment Performance

Table 23 identifies the current estimates based on the best engineering analysis and experience to date.

Demonstrated (tested) Sustainment Performance
Metric /
Feature / Contractual Requirements / Demonstration
Schedule / Requirement /
PS Elements Impacted / Performance Objective /
PS Package Baseline Value / Estimated Value / IOC Estimate

Table 23: Sustainment Performance Assessment/Test Results

3Product Support Strategy

Figure 31 provide an overview of the product support design concept and major subsystem features.

Figure 31: Product Support Reference Design Concept

Table 31 lists the overarching elements of the sustainment strategy.

Table 31: Product Support Strategy

Figure 32 identifies the roles and responsibilities for product support providers along withthe planned supply chain performance metrics.

Figure 32: Sustainment Concept Performance

3.1Sustainment Strategy Considerations

Table 32 lists the major drivers impacting the Sustainment Strategyand its associated costs.

Sustainment Cost Drivers
Consideration / Core Documents / Cost Driver / Product Support Element Impact/ Control

Table 32: Sustainment Cost Drivers

3.2Sustainment Relationships

Table 3-3 identifies theproduct support strategyrelationships.

Figure 33: Product Support Providers

4Product Support Arrangements


Table 41 identifies the sustainment related contract efforts, in place and planned.

Product Support Related Contracts
Name / Organizations / Products / Timeframe / Responsibilities/Authority and Functions / Metrics & Incentives
Type: / Products Covered:
Timeframe: / Responsibilities:
Functions: / Metrics:
Type: / Products Covered:
Time frame: / Responsibilities:
Functions: / Metrics:

Table 41: Performance Based Arrangements Implemented in Contracts

4.2Performance Based Agreements (PBA)

Table 42 identifies the current and planned PBAs.

Organic Performance Based Agreements
Name / Organizations / Products / Schedule / Responsibilities/Authority and Functions / Performance Metrics

Table 42: Organic Performance Based Agreements

5Product Support Package Status

5.1Program ReviewIssues and Corrective Actions

Table 51identifies the open and in-work findings from the program reviews.

Program Review Results
Review / Finding / Corrective Action/Planned Completion Date

Table 51: Program Review Results

5.2Product Support Package Assessment

Table 52 identifies the of assessment resultsfrom the most recent Logistics Assessment which was conducted between ___ and___ .

Product Support Package / Logistics Assessment
Product Support Element / Assessment / Discussion/Issues / Corrective Action/ECD

Table 52: Product Support Package Assessment

6Regulatory/Statutory Requirements That Influence Sustainment Performance

Table 61lists thestatutory and regulatory requirements impacting sustainment and potentially affect sustainment performance.

Regulatory/Statutory Requirements
Requirement / Documentation / OPR / Start Date /
Date / CLIN / Review Cycle / Affected Performance Metric
Core Logistics Analysis / 10 USC 2464
Source of Repair Analysis / Public Law 111-23
Public-Private Partnership / 10 USC 2474
Corrosion / DODI 5000.67 (Feb 2010)
IUID / DODI 5000.02 (Dec 08)
DODI 8320.04 (Jun 08)
CBM + / DODI 4151.22 (Dec 07)
Serialized Item Management / DOD 4140.1-R
DODI 4151.19 (Dec 06)
Supply Chain Risk Management / DEPSECDEF DTM 09-016, SCRM to Improve the Integrity of Components Used in DOD Systems
DODI 5200.39 (Jul 08)
Affordability / AT&L Better Buying Power Memo, Nov 3, 2010

Table 61: Sustainment Alignment of Regulatory/Statutory Requirements

7Integrated Schedule

Figure 71 illustrates the major sustainment related events relative to the integrated master schedule.

Figure 71: Product Support Schedule


Table 8-1 identifies the program’s major sustainment funding requirements and funding availability,

Table 81: Product Support Funding Summary



9.1.1Government Program Office Organization

Figure 9-1 illustrates the current and planned organization.

Figure 91: Program Office Organization

9.1.2Program Office Product Support Staffing Levels

Figure 92 identifies the program’s current and planned product support staffing levels.

Figure 92: Program Product Support Staffing

9.1.3Contractor(s) Program Office Organization

Figure 9-3 illustrates the current and planned organization and the corresponding staffing levels are identified Figure 9-4.

Figure 93: Contractor Program Office Organization

Figure 94: Program Product Support Staffing

9.1.4Product Support Team Organization

Figure 9-5illustrates the current and planned sustainment related Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) and working groups.

Figure 95: Integrated Product Team (IPT) Organization

IPT Details –Table 91 identifies details on the IPTs and Working Groups.

IPT Teams:
Team Name / POC / Team Membership / Team Role, Responsibility, and Authority / Products & Metrics
Size: / Role:
Schedule and frequency / Products:
Size: / Role:
Schedule and frequency / Products:

Table 91: IPT Team Details

9.2Management Approach

9.2.1Product Support Manager (PSM) Roles and Responsibilities

9.2.2Sustainment Risk Management

Table 92 lists key sustainment risks identified in the program reviews.

Risk Summary
Risk / Rating / Driver / Mitigation Plan / Status

Table 92: Risk Summary

10Supportability Analysis

10.1Design Interface

10.1.1Design Analysis

Table 101 lists key sustainment related results from the Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) for the major and critical subsystems.

FMECA Results Summary
System / Schedule / Issues/Likelihood / Impact / comments

Table 101: FMECA Summary

Reliability Growth Plan Issues–Table 102 lists the systems where the current Reliability Growth Plan estimate is reliability --%or more below target.

Reliability Growth Plan Issues
System / Planned/ De-rated Values(failures per operating hour) / Estimate at IOC / ConfidenceLevel / Mitigation efforts

Table 102: Reliability Growth Plan Issues

Completed Supportability Trades - Table 103lists the major supportability trade studies completed since the last LCSP update.

Completed Supportability Trades
(Completed since -) / IPT / Options Analyzed / Results / Impact

Table 103: Completed Supportability Trades

Planned Supportability Trades –Table 104 lists the major upcoming trades.

Planned Supportability Trades
Trade / IPT / Options Analyzed / Expected Results/ Outcome / Impact
Projected Date: / Alternatives:
Post MS __ Supportability Trades
Trade / IPT / Options Analyzed / Expected Results/ Outcome / Impact
Projected Timeframe: / Alternatives:

Table 104: Planned Supportability Trades

10.1.2Technical Reviews

Table 105 identifies key sustainment related information from the Technical Reviews.

Technical Reviews
Review / Sustainment Participants / Sustainment Focus / Criteria

Table 105: Technical Reviews

10.2Product Support Element Determination

Table 106 identifies the supportability analysis methods and toolsto define the product support package.

Product Support Analytical Support Methods and Tools
Process/Analyst / Schedule / Tool / Output Product / Update Timeframe

Table 106: Product Support Analytical Methods and Tools

10.3Sustaining Engineering

Table 107 list the tools that will be used to monitor the performance of the product support package.

Sustainment Performance Data Collection and Reporting
Tool / OPR/IPT / Metrics/Data Monitored / Feedback Mechanism / Review Timeframes

Table 107: Sustainment Performance Monitoring

11Additional Sustainment Planning Factors

LCSP Annexes

Blank Table 3-1