
La première année du français.

Directions for the family book project.

Requirements:You are making a book about your family.

You must describe 9 family members real or imaginary. You may use your pet(s) or friends as family members.

You must write at least nine sentences about each family member including two compound or complex sentences per person. You must explain the family relation of each person – ex. my grandmother, my dad’s mother. You must include 3 likes, 2 dislikes, a physical description, and the age of each family member. You must write a Cinquain (see right) about one family member.

Grammatical concepts required

·  avoir, être, and –er verbs

·  negation

·  adjective agreement including possessives

·  conjunctions and relative pronouns

·  possession with de

You must provide a photo (real, drawn, or published without captions) of your family member. You may have imaginary family members.

To assemble the project, you must put one person on each page along with the description or poem. You must balance each page like a children’s book. Ex. Avoid large empty spaces on the page, create a border, or put a colored matte behind each photo. (You may scan the finished page and print it if you do not want to hand in your photos.)

You must decorate the cover page in a similar fashion as the inside pages.

You must leave a one inch margin on the left side of every page including the title and back page so I will able to bind it.

You must include this form with the project.

If you choose to type your descriptions, you must type the accents. In order to type with accents, use the following commands on the number pad. If one you need is not listed, they are within the range 128-155.

Alt + 128 = Ç Alt + 135 = ç

Alt + 130 = é Alt + 136 = ê

Alt + 137 = ë Alt + 138 = è

Alt + 133 = à Alt + 139 = ï

Alt + 150 = ù Alt + 147 = ô

On a Mac, hold down the key and the options will pop up, and then, enter the number from above the letter.

You will work hard on this project. So, show it off and have that person sign to show that he/she saw it.


Le grand livre de ma famille
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Quality of Construction / The book pages show considerable attention to construction. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains. Nothing is hanging over the edges.
1” left margin / The book pages show attention to construction. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges.
1” left margin / The book pages show some attention to construction.
Most items are neatly cut. All items are securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges.
½” left margin / The book pages were put together sloppily. Items appear to be just "slapped on". Pieces may be loose or hanging over the edges. Smudges, stains, rips, uneven or curled edges, and/or stray marks are evident.
No margin
Design / Text and images are trimmed to an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged. Care has been taken to balance the pictures across the page. / Graphics are trimmed to an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged. The page seems slightly askew. / Graphics have been trimmed to an appropriate size and shape, but the arrangement of items is not very balanced. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement. / Graphics are untrimmed OR of inappropriate size and/or shape. It appears little attention was given to designing the book pages.
Content / Writer uses appropriate functions and vocabulary words for the topic. / Writer usually uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic. / Writer uses few of the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic. / Writer usually uses none of the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic.
X3 / Reader can understand all of what the writer is trying to communicate. / Reader can understand most of what the writer is trying to communicate. / Reader can understand less than half of what the writer is trying to communicate. / Reader can understand little of what the writer is trying to communicate.
X2 / Writer uses grammar, spelling word order, and punctuation correctly. There are no more than 7 grammatical errors in the ENTIRE book. / Writer usually uses grammar, spelling, word order, and punctuation correctly. There are no more than 8 grammatical errors in the ENTIRE book. / Writer has some problems with language usage.
There are no more than 10 grammatical errors in the ENTIRE book. / Writer makes a significant number of errors in language usage.
There are no more than 12 grammatical errors in the ENTIRE book.
x2 / Presentation of ideas is logical and effective. Sentences are logical – My mother likes to swim and cook. / Presentation is generally logical and effective with a few minor problems. / Presentation is somewhat illogical and confusing in places. –
My mother likes to swim and dogs. / Presentation lacks logical order and organization.
Writing Effort / Writer exceeds the requirements of the assignment and has put care and effort into the process. More than the required 9 sentences per family member or 1 extra family member with the required 9 sentences. No extra poems. / Writer fulfills the requirements of the assignment.
9 people – 1 poem, 72 sentences. / Writer fulfills most of the requirements of the assignment.
7 people minimum / Writer fulfills few of the requirements of the assignment.
6 or fewer people