Student Government Notes

August 26th, 2015

6:00 pm, 425 TUC

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Alma Mater
Roll Call


Approval of the Minutes

Special Order

Meghan Pope and Jackey Mulay present on eLearning

eLearning is an umbrella term that refers to all types of training, education, and instruction that occurs on a digital medium, like a computer or mobile phone.


Collect feedback from 1000 students- Fall 2015

Deliver final report/plan- Spring 2016

Take survey at:

Comments from the Gallery

Nicole Mayo welcomes students back and explains the transition into Steger Student Life Center.

Meghan Pope reminds At-Large Senators to check their emails for further work on their platforms with individuals on cabinet that can help.

Report of the Speaker of Senate

Project Portal

Updated Project Portal with Office Hour reporting and UC Login Integration is being rolled out, stay tuned.

Round Table Discussion

Next week, 5:30 pm, 425 TUC, which pushes Student Government meeting to 7:30 pm.

Discussing the UCPD related incident.

New UCBA Campus Senator!

Report of the Student Body President and Vice-President

$400,000+ increase in funding to CAPS to support our university’s counseling and psychological services.

Five free sessions per student per semester. It will cost $25 per session after those first five sessions.

Papa John’s meal equivalency pilot program slated to begin SS 2016.

$15,000 commitment

Off-Campus housing portal listing website going live October 2015.

Add/drop process moving online with Catalyst release SS 2016.

Lobbying at statehouse supported 2-year tuition freeze, later passed.

2-year tuition freeze for in-state undergraduates and 4% annual growth in state funding.

Gender Neutral Spaces in progress

Classes as safer spaces

GTL: Get That Laundry

Fighting student homelessness

Your Flight Connection

UC AirPort Ride

Slashing Textbook Costs

Finish On Time

Revamped degree audit system to be rolled out with new Student Information System during 2015-2016 academic year.

Food trucks are coming back September 11th.

Black Lives Matter

Volleyball Court

Report of the Internal Holdover Senator

Internal Holdover Senator Adams reminds tribunal senators to come to her with anything in the next couple of weeks to discuss the semester if they have events they want to plan and/or questions/concerns to discuss.

Report of the External Holdover Senator

External Holdover Senator Cappel reminds senators to work with cabinet, and asks tribunal to reach out if they would like to help with these events and ideas.

Report of the Treasurer

Treasurer Phelps announces a future quiz and presentation on finance within student government to see where exactly the budget is going.

Report of the Student Trustee

Student Trustee Maull introduces himself, announces a successful meeting yesterday where 3D models of Fifth Third renovation were approved, as well as collaboration and planning for the set up of the arena to include lecture spaces and room for extra curricular activities. Also, our statistics for our freshman class are also outstanding; 309 students of color, which is a 25% increase from last year, as well as other important increases.

Executive Nominations

Induction of the UCBA Senator

Ellie Thiemann was nominated and voted in as a Co-Marketing Director along with Dana Drage.

Committee Reports

Student Rights and Interests committee met on Monday for the first time.

On September 13th at 4pm, they will be meeting to discuss issues like the shooting right off campus.

On September 21st at 5pm, there will be SafeZone training.

Governmental Affairs Committee will be meeting at 8pm next Monday.

Academic Affairs Committee will be meeting for the first time tomorrow in the Student Government Office.

EFC will be meeting tomorrow at 9pm, and still need members if anyone is interested.

Board Reports

Applications are now live for the Student Safety Board and are due Thursday at 5pm.

Hall Government is beginning, so promote residents to be apart of that process.

SAB has open registration for membership until September 4th at 7pm.

UFB meets tomorrow kicking off the year. Their applications are open as well and close on the 7th.

Tribunal Reports

CEAS Tribunal are looking for students to join their intern program.

CCM Tribunal is having a general meeting next Tuesday.

LSA has their first meeting next Monday in Linder and are having a cookout this Friday and is launching iCats.

Old Business

Student Senate Enactment Bill S. 16-E-001 regarding bi-laws. Bill passed.

Student Senate Enactment Bill S.16-E-002 regarding mentorship. Bill passed.

New Business

President Naab opens the floor to discuss RECLAIM.

UCIT is looking for employees (potential co-op) to update their website.

Football begins soon!

October 9th and 10th are the student government retreat dates (overnight).

Black Student Welcome on Sunday night from 3-6pm.

Kroger Shuttle will begin on the 4th—help will be needed tabling for this.

International Student kickoff on September 12th—help needed.

Good and Welfare
