High School Art Classes

*There will be a $25 cost for materials needed for personal project retained by the students (except for Introduction to Studio Art which is $13). Any additional costs will vary based on student choice of materials and extent of the project.

*Classes are available dependant upon registration and enrollment numbers and may vary from school year to school year.

Introduction to Studio Art - Semester 8800 .5 Credit

Open to: Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior

-Introduction to Studio Art (semester long class) offers a variety of both two and three dimensional art experiences. Drawing, design, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, and commercial art activities will be explored. This is an excellent course for those students who wish to improve art skills and techniques in a studio setting where individual interest can be pursued.

Art Survey 8500 1 Credit

Open to: Freshmen/Sophomore/Junior/Senior

-Art Survey offers a variety of both two and three dimensional art experiences. Drawing, design, painting, printmaking, sculpture, crafts and commercial art activities

will be explored. This is an excellent course for students who need to improve their art background before electing other art courses or for those students who plan to take only

one art course to fulfill the fine arts graduation requirement.

Drawing and Painting 1 8600 1 Credit

Open to: Sophomore/Junior/Senior

-The relationship between drawing, painting, printmaking and design will be emphasized. Various painting styles and printmaking techniques will be investigated.

Drawing and Painting 2 8700 1 Credit

Open to: Junior/Senior

Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting 8600

-This course will offer advanced work in painting and printmaking using a variety of media. The focus will be upon strengthening composition, use of color and

expressive content. It will include an in-depth study of other artists, their styles and work.

Ceramics and Sculpture 1 8660 1 Credit

Open to: Sophomore/Junior/Senior

-This course is an introduction and application of design principles to hand built and wheel thrown pottery, including decoration and glazing methods. Students will gain an

understanding of sculptural materials and forms in space by solving three-dimensional problems utilizing materials such as paper-mache, wood, plaster and clay.

Ceramics and Sculpture 2 8760 1 Credit

Open to: Junior/Senior

Prerequisite: Ceramics and Sculpture 8660

-This course will further explore hand built and wheel thrown pottery, as well as other sculptural techniques. Students may also explore glaze makeup, firing methods, use of slips, plus other decorating and construction techniques.

Jewelry and Art Metals 1 8620 1 Credit

Open to: Sophomore/Junior/Senior

-This course is an introduction and application of design fundamentals for basic jewelry and metal fabrication through the use of brass, copper, nickel and silver. Some basic casting techniques will also be explored, with emphasis on both functional and decorative design.

Jewelry and Art Metals 2 8720 1 Credit

Open to: Junior/Senior

Prerequisite: Jewelry and Art Metals 8620

-This course offers further exploration of form and function covered in Jewelry and Art Metals 8620 with greater emphasis on craftsmanship and original design. Experiences may include forming, chasing, enameling and other advanced metals techniques.

Craft Design 1 8690 1 Credit

Open to: Sophomore/Junior/Senior

-This course is for students who enjoy designing and creating their own work in the area of crafts. Experiences may include stained glass, ceramics, metals, paper-making and fundamental fiber techniques such as weaving, macramé, coiling, silk painting, batik and stitchery.

Craft Design 2 8790 1 Credit

Open to: Junior/Senior

Prerequisite: Craft Design 8690

-Students will pursue contemporary craft projects with an emphasis on personal expression through the medium of fibers, clay, metal, wood, paper and stained glass.