Please return Availability Sheet by Monday, August 9, 2010.
Name ______Significant Other (if applicable)______
Address (include City and Zip)______
Home Ph. ______Cell Ph. ______Work Ph. ______Fax: ______
Email Address(es) ______
Can you be called at work? ______Times per wk. you want to work ______
Are you willing to work Jr. High Games ______
For the dates listed below: in the blank column write in the time of day you are available,
this means you can be at the site at that time and most are within an hour of Iowa City.
If you cannot work at all that day put an X in the box. If you are already scheduled somewhere
please write that location in the box.
FRI 8/20 / MON 9/27THU 8/26 / TUE 9/28
FRI 8/27 / WED 9/29
SAT 8/28 / THU 9/30
MON 8/30 / FRI 10/1
TUE 8/31 / SAT 10/2
WED 9/1 / MON 10/4
THU 9/2 / TUE 10/5
FRI 9/3 / WED 10/6
SAT 9/4 / THU 10/7
MON 9/6 / FRI 10/8
TUE 9/7 / SAT 10/9
WED 9/8 / MON 10/11
THU 9/9 / TUE 10/12
FRI 9/10 / WED 10/13
SAT 9/11 / THU 10/14
MON 9/13 / FRI 10/15
TUE 9/14 / SAT 10/16
WED 9/15 / MON 10/18
THU 9/16 / TUE 10/19
FRI 9/17 / WED 10/20
SAT 9/18 / THU 10/21
MON 9/20 / FRI 10/22
TUE 9/21 / SAT 10/23
WED 9/22 / MON 10/25
THU 9/23
FRI 9/24
SAT 9/25
Once the schedule is out you are responsible for finding your own subs unless it’s an emergency or
work related type of instance. Please inform me of any substitutions.
My plan is to have the schedule out prior to the clinic on 8/15. Return availability by 8/9.
See next page for meetings and other information.
Attendance at the IHSAA State Meeting (in person or online) is mandatory if you are putting in to work the playoffs. Otherwise, you must attend every third year. If it is your first year of registration it’s not required to attend the first year, but strongly recommended.
STATE MEETING SITE: Meeting lasts about an hour and a half.
7 p.m. START; Tue. 8/3 @ Oskaloosa
STATE CLINIC: Officials wanting to work playoffs must attend once in a three-year period, and new officials must attend once in your first three years.
STATE CLINIC SITES: Clinic lasts about three hours, and includes a rules meeting.
6 p.m. START; Fri. 8/6 @ BGM (presented by ICAOA) or Sat. 8/7 @ Muscatine
Closed book (Part II) test will be 7:00 on 8/24 & 8/25 at City High, or Tue. 8/24 at CR Washington
Local meetings are held to further the knowledge of the officials working the games. Please attend as
many local meetings as you can.
Unless otherwised noted, local meetings will be held at 2000 James St. in the Conference Room next to Access Direct. Picture of building is available on the website with directions.
Meeting #1, Thu. 7/29 6:45 Introductions, Rules 1,2, POE by John Mathias
Meeting #2, Mon. 8/2 7:30 @ IOWA ATHLETICS HALL OF FAME Rules 3,4,5 by Ted Sueppel
Meeting #3, Mon. 8/9 6:45 Rules 6,7,8 by John Calacci
ICAOA CLINIC – Sun. 8/15 1-5 p.m. at KINNICK STADIUM
Meeting #5, Mon. 8/23 6:30 Food & Pop; 6:45 Rules 9 & 10 by Dan Bontrager;
Part I Test Review to follow