This project is required for all honors biology students. Students may work alone or with one partner. The project will be worked on during 3rd and 4th quarter and will account for about 15% of the quarter grades. Documents with further instructions and due dates will be posted in the classroom and on the teacher’s webpage.
This is a list of the steps that students will take to complete this requirement.
- Review all the topic/experimental choices for your class. These options and links that clearly explain each possibility are posted on the teacher’s PFHS webpage. If you would like to do something else it must be approved by your teacher.
- Decide whether you would like to work alone or with a partner. If working with a partner, be sure to determine if you and your partner will be able to find time to work together on every aspect of the project. Each student writes a paper, but students with a partner will collaborate and submit only one document for other parts of the project. Partners must do the experiment together in the classroom either before school, during FLEX or after school. The teacher will post days for each experiment and there will be about 2 weeks during which you must complete that experiment.
- Sign up for the experiment of your choice. Each student must bring in $15 to cover the cost of supplies for the project. Students will sign up for the experiment and name their partner if they chose to have one. After this commitment,nochanges can be made.
- Read all material concerning your experimentand the procedure given. You will have some decisions to make concerning the exact procedure you will use. You need to be sure you understand the purpose of the lab and know some background or basic information about the organisms and materials you will use.
- Write a two page research paper with parenthetical citations. The paper will include general information about the organism/organisms used in your experiment, and other information to help you understand and prepare for your experiment. Research paper advice will be posted on teacher webpage. Students will turn in paper electronically for grading through
- Design your experiment. Each experiment has something that must be decided upon by the student. Students must carefully read the experiment documents and make a list of materials they will need, write a procedure and experimental design for their experiment. A data table must be constructedfor recording data during the experiment. This draft document will be turned in to the teacher for grading and comments.
- Run experiment. You will need to complete your experiment during the 2 weeks that your particular project is scheduled to be completed. You can work on it during FLEX or before or after school. Check with your teacher for the schedule and options.
Be prepared when you show up to do your experiment. You must have a clear understanding of what you will do. You will need to have at least 3 trials or replicates. During the experimentation phase you may need to make changes to your procedure such that it reflects exactly what was done. Quantitative data must be collected and other observations recorded. Photos must be taken for use on the project board.
- Write a lab report following the Lab Report Instructions document. Your data table must show all data collected and averages for your trials/replicates. Your graph should show average data. Analysis questions will vary depending on the experiment and they will be posted on the webpage.
- Make a Presentation Board. Directions for this can be found on the Display Board document posted on the webpage. This will be used to present your experiment and findings to the class in a 3-5 minute talk. Your board will show updated and corrected work from the various documents you had already turned in and had graded. The board will also be on display at the school’s Science Symposium the end of the school year.
I have carefully read and understand the general requirements stated above.
I will check the teacher’s webpage for more information as the project proceeds during 3rd and 4th quarter.
I know I must meet deadlines or I will lose 10% of the grade earned for each day late. There are no resubmissions once each piece of written work has been graded, although changes and improvements are required for the presentation board.
I understand that once I commit to a particular project I cannot change my mind.
I have carefully considered whether it would be in my best interest to work alone or with a partner (I have checked that my partner’s schedule allows for us to work together).
Student signature- ______date- ______
Parents: Please review this document so you will have an understanding of this Honors Biology requirement and the impact on the 3rd and 4th quarter grades.
Parent signature- ______date- ______