Parashah 37

Shelach lecha (Send out for yourself) July 8, 2017

Friends of the Bridegroom Ministries “Proclaiming the TRUTH by Divine Appointment”

Torah Questions for Discussion Numbers 13:1-15:41

1 / 13:1 “Adonai said to Moshe, send men on your behalf to reconnoiter the land of Kena’an, which I Am giving to the people of Isra’el”. Isra’el was to come into the prepared land of Kena’an promised by YHVH. Coming into the land speaks beyond the spatial boundaries of land, but they were to reveal the true wonders and majesty of YHVH, which was linked to their physical deliverance. As believers in Yeshua, when we are called into new territories or a new season, we are to fulfill our human potential and reveal the glory of Adonai.
·  Are you willing to move into this new territory of “Revival”, which none has seen?
Adonai tested Isra’el by allowing Moshe to send out twelve spies, a chieftain from each tribe. They were to preview the land that had been promised as an eternal inheritance. The spies were sent to discern the enemy’s strength, what tactics to employ, what methods would be most beneficial for military purpose, assess the character of the inhabitants, find existence of trees (life), and return with samples of the fruit of the land after 40 days. They did not follow orders. They did not spy out the land for the purpose for which they were sent, but they shifted the focus of their mission and in doing so they dishearten the people. Ten of the spies reported undefeatable enemies and two testified “…there is no question that we can conquer it”. Because of their “act of foolishness”, they caused rebellion and fear to overcome the people. One who acts foolish acts without forethought, with no purpose, and no objective. He acts in response to his whim of the moment.
·  Are you easily brought into fear by other’s reports? Are you a person of faith? (Hebrews 11:6)
·  As a believer, are you one who continues to act foolish, or have you realized that through your relationship with YHVH that life has purpose and you are to live as one with destiny in mind?
2 / 14:6-10 Y’hoshua and Kalev tore their clothes. They could not tolerate that these men spoke with a spirit of defeatism and impunity against YHVH and His chosen agents. They witness an attack on the faithfulness of YHVH, causing the people to see Him as deficient. Kalev tried to counter their acts by assuring Isra’el of YHVH’s integrity. The people threaten to stone Y’hoshua and Kalev but Adonai’s cloud of glory descends before them.
·  When Adonai looks upon the earth, would He see you as a witness of His integrity?
14:13-35 Moshe intercedes for Isra’el. Because of Isra’el’s failure, rebellion, and unbelief during their testing of faith, Adonai threatened to destroy them. However, Moshe appeals to His mercy and Adonai concedes; yet He decreed judgment (vs.20-24). Those who never lived as slaves, ruled by fear and panic (next generation) will enter the promise land after 40 years and bearing the guilt of their parents. Despite Israel’s failure, Moshe had great love for Adonai’s people and felt a responsibility for their future. He was willing to even suffer the same consequences. As believers in Yeshua we are to be intercessors of hope as YHVH, Noah, Abraham, Moshe, the Apostles (Ro 9.3; 10.1; 16.4) and Yeshua (John 6.51; 10:28), never claiming dis-ownership. After all, destroying them would only reinforce the worlds idolatrous misconception of the greatness and awe-inspiring nature of YHVH. It’s by the intercession of believers that Adonai conducts the affairs of men. (1Timothy 2.1-5)
·  Have you grown to this magnitude of love for the brethren? (Ezekiel 22.30)
3 / 14:39-45 “They arose early the next morning…But they were presumptuous and went on up toward the high parts of the hill country…So the Amalekim and the Kena’anim living in that hill-country descended, struck them down and beat them back all the way to Hormah”. Awaking the next morning and realizing the full extent of their sin consequences filled with remorse, but still in rebellion, take their own counsel and in arrogance cause their own destruction. Soon after rebellion, one should not move quickly in decision making but draw close to the Heavenly Bridegroom and spend quiet time in His chamber of forgiveness. (Psalm 4.8; 3.5, 24; 46.10a)
·  Have you learned how to be still under the wing of the “Most High” after being confronted with your sin?
15.37 Adonai instructs Moshe to make fringes for the corners of their garments-a thread of deep turquoise. In seeing this thread, they will remember the commandments and not rely on their hearts; it will remind them of their goal in life. During the wedding ceremony of a bridegroom and his bride, the garment (tallit) is wrapped around the bride. The bridegroom has added responsibilities; a partner in life. The bridegroom is no longer focused just on personal issues (individualistic) but is now concerned with the potential of another, he is obligated to shift his focus to the greater need. Adonai wanted Isra’el and believers in Yeshua to remember that He provides for our needs and we are to remember that we are His, therefore, we are to shift our focus from our individual issues, to being representatives of His Kingdom to a fallen world. To witness to the world the integrity and commitment of Yeshua to bring us into His watch-care for eternity.
·  Are you allowing the Ruach HaKodesh to bring you into obedience by loving Adonai, paying attention to what He says and clinging to him? (Deuteronomy 30:20)
·  Are you focused on your individual needs, or YHVH’s plan and purpose?

Treasuring the words of Adonai

Haftorah/Gospel Reading Notes Hebrews 3:7-19

Psalms 64

Number 40 = Testing, preparation & leadership, transition or change (harbinger of something new)

·  When one is ritually impure, he must immerse in water (mikveh) with 40 measures of water

·  It rained for 40 days (Noah)

·  Moshe was on Mt Sinai 40 days retreating with the stone tablets

·  Israel was at Mt Sinai for 40 days before being transformed in YHVH’s nation

·  Moshe lived in Egypt for 40 years-prepared for leadership in Midian 40 yrs.

·  Goliath challenged Israel 40 days before David defeated him

·  Yeshua was tested in the wilderness 40 days

·  40 days period from the resurrection of Yeshua to his ascension

Heart of an Intercessor:

1.  Unselfish

2.  Forgiving

3.  Dedicated to destiny

4.  Love YHVH & His ways

5.  Visionary for others & needs

6.  Persistant in faith