C.S. Lewis Academy

Governing Board Minutes

Date: June 23rd, 2015

Time: 1937

Board: Claire Robinson, Heather Allinson, Emily Wright, Paul Michalczuk (via speakerphone), Amy Workman, Westyn Robinson, and Mike Cataldo (at 1945)

Staff: Vickie Peterson, Lena Barney, Jane Webster

Call to Order

Approval of Minutes: May 19th and June 9th, 2105

Motion to approve minutes for May 19th, 2015: Paul Second: Emily Voting: Claire, Paul, Emily, Heather approve, Westyn, Mike and Amy not present or voting members

Motion to approve minutes for June 9th, 2015: Heather Second: Emily Voting: Claire, Paul and Emily approve. Mike, Heather, Westyn and Amy not present or voting members

Public: None

PTO: Sheridan not present but still trying to get new members for next year.

Continued Business

Surveys: We discussed this in our work session on June 9th. We are looking at options to proceed.

Warning Status: Nothing new

RFP for MAP curriculum reviewed, Harmony Educational Services and another sent in bids. Harmony Educational Services seems to be the best option. The other bid would need us to have an online structure for the MAP but we cannot update our system right now. We would also have to have a designated lab for the MAP students which we don’t have the resources for.

Motion to approve RFP committee to use Harmony Educational Services for MAP curriculum: Heather Second: Mike Voting: Claire, Heather, Emily, Mike and Paul; Westyn and Amy not voting members.

Parade/ Booth: We are using the bus with no students hanging out of the bus and nothing thrown from the bus. We are ordering a banner and shirts for the parade. We will have students and parents walking alongside the bus throwing swag.

Adopt a Highway: Vickie turned in the form. Paul will email this company for a confirmation to set up a date to start. We would like to get a date set at the beginning of the school year. The dates we are discussing are September 12th, August 22nd or August 29th.

New Business:

Replacement Copier Lease: We discussed the two proposals at length and decided on keeping the same company but updating the copier in the back and the copier at the front office will be used. The lease is $46,000 for 5 year lease.

Motion to approve replacement copier lease: Heather Second: Paul Voting: Claire, Heather, Paul, Mike and Emily; Westyn and Amy not voting members yet.

Fiscal Year 2014 – 2015 Budget: We discussed the current budget and have adjusted it a little bit. We allocated funds for new two (2) new lunch tables. We also are buying board shirts and library books. We put $1300 in for lunch tables, $120 for board shirts and $1000 for library books. We discussed buying a subscription to a grant website for access to apply for grants. We decided to use the free websites instead of using more funds. We need to form a gran committee and write a policy for it.

Motion to approve Fiscal Year 2014- 2015 Budget as discussed: Heather Second: Mike Voting: Claire, Heather, Mike, Emily, Paul; Westyn and Amy not voting members

Director’s Report: Our current count is 264 committed to coming back, still trying to confine on at least 20 more. We need a board member to be on the Title I focus school committee. Heather committed. We have new staff for next year; Liz at office, Marty in kitchen, hiring a new Spanish teacher.

Financial Report: The finance committee reviewed the reports and the bank accounts. There are no concerns at this time. The tax situation is unresolved at this time.

Executive Session: Motion to move into executive session: Heather Second: Paul Voting: Claire, Heather, Paul, Mike, Emily approve; Westyn and Amy not voting members

Moved into executive session: 2050

Board Members Present: Claire Robinson, Heather Allinson, Paul Michalczuk (via speakerphone), Mike Cataldo, Emily Wright, Westyn Robinson and Amy Workman

Staff Present: Vickie Peterson

Open Session: Motion to move back into open session: Mike Second: Emily Voting: Claire, Emily, Mike, Heather (stepped out), Paul (lost phone connection)

Moved back into open: 2137

Board Members: Claire Robinson, Emily Wright, Heather Allinson; New members Westyn Robinson and Amy Workman; Paul and Mike had to leave

Evaluation for Director: Vickie Peterson; She has a great evaluation for the year and would like her to continue for another year. We have instructed her to write goals and give to board by September’s board meeting.

Motion to direct Director Peterson to have goals by September’s board meeting: Heather Second: Emily Vote: Claire, Emily, Heather

Officially Appointed: New board members Westyn Robinson and Amy Workman.

Nominations/ Assignments: Claire Robinson’s term has ended so we need a CAO for next year. We also need a vice chair for next year. Currently Heather Allinson is treasurer and Emily Wright is secretary. These positions can be changed. Due to not all board members being present we will table this for now and discuss this at our next meeting.

Scheduling of future board meetings:

We discussed keeping these on Tuesdays for now but we again don’t have all board members so we may have to change this. We will continue to review this at our next meeting.

Monthly Work Sessions: We discussed having a monthly work session.

Motion to have monthly work sessions: Heather Second: Westyn Voting: Heather, Emily, Westyn, Amy

GRAMA policy: We discussed this briefly but decided to table this until August.

Motion to table GRAMA policy until August: Heather Second: Westyn

Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 Budget: The administration does not recommend taking all this money out of reserves. We discussed the budget again. We have discussed this budget in length in our last work session on June 9th, 2015.

Motion to approve 2015 -2016 Budget as discussed: Heather Second: Amy Voting: Heather, Amy, Westyn, Emily


Motion to adjourn: Heather Second: Amy Voting: Heather, Amy, Westyn, Emily

Adjourned: 2219