Nombre: ______


As part of the 5th grade curriculum, students are to become more familiar with the many countries in the world that speak Spanish as their official language. From a list of over twenty countries, your group of 4 will pick a country that you wish to present to the class. (Please make sure that you divide the work up evenly. If you experience problems with yours partner(s), try to work it out with them first. If you can’t, let Señorita Kelly know A.S.A.P. If you choose to work alone, make that decision today.)

You will:

1.  Research a Spanish-speaking country using resources from the given “RESOURCE LIST” on the back side of this page (& on my wiki).

2.  Create 1-2 visuals (a bulletin board or poster, flipchart, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) that represent the information you found out about your country. (You may put Spanish words on it to help you with the speaking parts of the project. It’s absolutely ok to copy & paste the required phrases!)

3.  Give an oral presentation in Spanish (we will be learning the phrases in class prior to your presentation) about your country.

4.  Give the rest of the presentation in English.

5.  Optional: make a food item to share with the class that is popular in your country (please don’t even think about going to Taco Bell or bringing in nacho chips J – ¡Ay de mí!) Please also bring plates, napkins, &/or plastic ware (whatever is needed) for your food item to be enjoyed.

PRESENTATION MUST INCLUDE (This should take no longer than 10 minutes please):

1. An oral presentation in Spanish with the following phrases. (Each member of group must speak equal amount of time, and a visual should be shown as you’re saying these phrases.) The items with “ ” are required. Check them off as you finish them. Those with a “·” in front are optional. Write the person’s name who will say the phrase in the blank line after the phrase.

  ¡Les presentamos ______! (Name of country) ______

  La capital de ______es ______. (Capital city) ______

  El/la (presidente, dictador, rey) de ______es ______. (Current leader’s name) ______

  La población de ______es ______millones de personas. (Population) ______

  Los colores de la bandera son… (Colors on flag) ______

  El clima de ______es (tropical, árido [dry], templado [moderate])… you may need to add (en el norte, en el sur, en el este, en el oeste [west], en el centro). (Climate) ______

  La religión primaria es (católica). (If you find it is a different religion, ask me how to say it J) ______

  Los deportes populares son ______(tenis, fútbol, béisbol, básquetbol, golf, el boxeo, pescar) (Sports) ______

  Los animales que viven aquí son______(if you don’t know the Spanish name for the animal, then look at or ______

  Las comidas populares son______(the food items will usually already be in Spanish, but if not, look up on or (Popular Food) ______

·  La música popular es______(The popular music is….) ______

·  Los instrumentos de música que son populares son______(The musical instruments that are popular are……….) ______

·  El arte popular es______( The art that is popular is……) ______

·  Un baile popular es______(A popular dance is….) ______

2. A visual (a bulletin board or poster, flipchart, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) that includes the following information. (You will share this in English. Each member of group must speak an equal amount of time.) The items with “ ” are required. Check them off as you finish them. Those with a “·” in front are optional. Write the person’s name who will talk about the item in the blank line after the phrase.

  The country’s current currency – and know the exchange rate (10 pesos = $1.00) ______

  The country’s flag - know what the colors and symbols mean (see resource list) ______

  A map of the country with 3 important places noted (capital, historical places, famous geog. sites, etc.) ______

·  Pictures of famous people, places, or landmarks (KNOW WHAT/WHO THEY ARE AND WHY THEY’RE IMPORTANT/show us on the map) (Please don’t include current government officials – you may need to search for people by typing in (your country name) + athletes OR (country name) + artists on Google or another search engine with my or your parents’ permission) ______

·  Pictures of popular foods, sports, celebrations, art, musical instruments, etc. – as much information as possible!

·  Try to find out information about a popular dance and a picture of it if possible. (Note: you may want to consider teaching the class a few dance moves if possible.) ______

·  Try to find out information about a popular art and a picture of it if possible. (Note: You may want to consult with the art teacher if you need help.) ______

·  Try to find out information about a popular song, popular music, and/or musical instruments. Include a picture of the music or a sample of it. (Note: You may want to consult with the music teacher if you need help.) ______

3. Optional: the name (in Spanish) and a description (in English) of the food item you brought to share.

4. A sources page- show were you got all of your information for this presentation.


Online Encyclopedias – through the school’s “Media Center” link

World Book- Can only be accessed from school using the media center link and then online resources

From home you need a username:research and password find123

Links on Señorita Kelly’s 5th grade, unit 1 wiki page

Finally you may do a google search with permission of your parents by just typing in your country’s name and the word “facts.” For example, search “Puerto Rico Facts”

***If you get pictures online, be sure to show where they came from on your sources page!***

**************************************************************************************************Student Name: ______Country: ______

*We have gone over the directions with our child and understand that he/she will present on:______

***PLEASE NOTE, you your child may use the internet, including YouTube with your permission! Please be aware of this and be sure to monitor them if they use the internet at home.

Parent Signature: ______

Please return this paper signed by October 30, 2014 or any time before that date.

Any questions? Please e-mail me at: