March 31, 2017

Dear Friends of Choices,

“Daya” is here in the US on a student Visa from Morocco. She had been living with her boyfriend for a year and told us that he was sometimes abusive. They had broken up but he learned that she could be pregnant and told her she would need to “get rid of it”. She came to CHOICES to verify her pregnancy and receive an ultrasound. We confirmed she was pregnant and showed her the fetal development video on the iPad app. During the ultrasound “Daya” smiled when she saw the baby's heart beating. She asked questions about the baby's heart rate and the size of the baby. After the ultrasound, our Sonographer showed her the fetal model and explained more about the baby inside her. Her baby was 6 weeks and 1 day.

Although considering abortion, you could tell “Daya” felt torn about the information she was receiving and her fears of being ostracized from her family. Yet, she did not want to go through with the abortion because her Muslim faith says it is wrong. She had no family here and no friends she could truly trust compounded by a family in Morocco who would not be supportive. She felt alone but made a courageous decision to choose LIFE!

Our volunteer advocate walked through resources available and talked with her about making a plan. “Daya” said she could not go to a Mosque for help and support because they would reject and chastise her for being pregnant outside of marriage. The Advocate spoke of Jesus and His grace and that He will not ostracize her! She listened intently and we gave her referrals to a women’s clinic for prenatal care, as well as to a local church. She attended the church that next week and heard the Gospel again!

Through the remainder of her pregnancy “Daya” has kept in contact visited us at CHOICES. We have seen God do some amazing things even beyond saving her baby’s life. A few weeks ago, we got to meet baby “Khaled”! We were able to encourage and assure her that His love and care are available for her whenever she reaches out to Him. THANK YOU for your investment and saving lives with CHOICES! You are making a difference forever!

She was able to tell the father of the baby about the pregnancy, and he was ecstatic!!! She is also being seen by a doctor for prenatal care. But the best part is.... THEY GOT MARRIED! She was over the moon excited as she was giving us the news. She kept thanking us for what we do and how much we helped her. We are so thankful to be a part of such an important time in her life. heart emoticonLIFE Matters,

Vicky Botsford Mathews

Executive Director