Twin Cities Campus Psychological Foundations of Education/ 250 EdSciB

Quantitative Methods in Education 56 East River Rd

Department of Educational Psychology Minneapolis, MN 55455

College of Education and Human Development

Office: 612-624-6083

Fax: 612-624-8241

To: Graduate Students and Advisors

From: M. Harwell, A. Zieffler, B. delMas

Re: Enrolling in Introductory Statistics Courses in Educational Psychology Beginning

Fall 2016

Date: March 30, 2016

Effective fall 2015, Educational Psychology (EPsy) 8251/8261 were combined into a single first semester course in introductory statistics, and EPsy 8252/8262 into a single second semester course in introductory statistics. Effective Fall 2016, we will fully transition to a single sequence: EPsy 8251 and 8252. The old courses, EPsy 8261 and 8262, will be deactivated, and students enrolling in the 8XXX level Introductory Statistics Course in Educational Psychology should enroll in EPsy 8251 and 8252.

Our website ( offers the following guidance to students preparing to enroll in the EPsy 8000 level sequence in introductory statistics beginning fall 2016:

1.  Students enrolling in EPsy 8251 should be sufficiently familiar with the topics outlined below to draw on that familiarity to support their learning in EPsy 8251. For example, in encountering one-way analysis of variance of means in 8251 students should be able to draw on their conceptual understanding of the two-sample t-test of means and how to properly apply and interpret this procedure in ways that use the latter to promote a deep understanding of the former.

Specifically, students planning to enroll in EPsy 8251 should have a sound understanding of:

·  Data collection and scope of inference

o  Random sampling

o  Random assignment

·  Exploratory data analysis

o  Plots (Box-and-whiskers plot, histograms etc.)

o  Descriptive Statistics

·  Basics of inferential analyses

o  Normal distributions

o  Estimators, parameters

o  Sampling distributions

o  Central Limit Theorem

·  One-sample inference (mean, correlation/slope)

o  Hypothesis testing

o  Confidence intervals

·  Two-sample inference (means)

o  Hypothesis testing

o  Confidence intervals

·  Association/Relationships

o  Correlation

o  Simple Regression

o  Chi-square test

Our experience is that students lacking this prerequisite knowledge often struggle in EPsy 8251, and these students are strongly encouraged to first take EPsy 5261 (Introductory Statistical Methods) which explicitly covers these and other topics helpful in preparing for EPsy 8251. Students planning to enroll in EPsy 8251 are also strongly advised to be familiar with the R software prior to enrolling. R is used in EPsy 5261.

A syllabus outlining the topics covered in EPsy 8251 can be obtained by contacting Dr. Michael Harwell ( , ph: 612-625-0196), Dr. Andy Zieffler ( , ph: 612-624-6083), or Dr. Bob delMas (, ph: 612-625-2076). The 8251 syllabus is also available at the Educational Psychology office in Room 250 Educational Sciences Building M - F 8:30-4:00.

2.  Students planning to enroll in EPsy 8252 without having completed EPsy 8251 should have completed a course comparable to EPsy 8251. The syllabus for EPsy 8252 can be obtained by contacting Dr. Michael Harwell ( , ph: 612-625-0196), Dr. Andy Zieffler ( , ph: 612-624-6083), or Dr. Bob delMas (, ph: 612-625-2076). The 8252 syllabus is also available at the Educational Psychology office in Room 250 Educational Sciences Building M - F 8:30-4:00.

3.  The expectation continues to be that students planning to enroll in an upper-level statistics/measurement course have completed a two-semester graduate-level introductory statistics sequence. Upper level courses include courses such as:

·  EPsy 8266 (Statistical Analysis Using Structural Equation Methods)

·  EPsy 8267 (Applied Multivariate Analysis)

·  EPsy 8268 (Hierarchical Linear Modeling in Educational Research)

·  EPsy 8282 (Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Data)

·  EPsy 8290 (Item Response Theory)

Students who completed EPsy 8252 or who completed EPsy 8262 in fall 2015 or later should be prepared for upper-level statistics/measurement courses. Students planning on taking upper-level courses in statistics/measurement need to be aware that several topics covered in EPsy 8252 were not covered in EPsy 8262 prior to fall 2015, and they should examine the following topics before enrolling in upper-level courses in statistics/measurement in Educational Psychology:

·  Weighted least squares estimation, maximum likelihood estimation (likelihood function, log-likelihood function, deviance function)

·  Information criteria (AIC, BIC, etc.) and use of information criteria for model selection

·  Using matrix algebra to express models, compute estimates, etc.

·  Regression diagnostics (leverage and influential observations)

·  Multi-level models for clustering (HLM) for cross-sectional and longitudinal data

Some resources that you might want to consult to help you in this endeavor include:

·  Fox, J. (2009). A mathematical primer for social statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

·  Burnham, K. C., & Anderson, D. R. (2004). Multimodel inference: Understanding AIC and BIC in model selection. Sociological Methods and Research, 33, 261–304.

·  Myung, I. (2003). Tutorial on maximum likelihood estimation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47(1), 90–100.

·  Revelle, W. (2007). Matrix Algebra in R. Supplement to the Guide to R for Psychologists, 1–24. Retrieved from

·  Woltman, H., Feldstain, A., MacKay, J. C., & Rocchi, M. (2012). An introduction to hierarchical linear modeling. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 8(1), 52–69.

·  Osgood, D. W., & Smith, G. L. (1995). Applying hierarchical linear modeling to extended longitudinal evaluations. Evaluation Review, 19(1), 3–38.

To help students plan their degree programs, the current graduate catalog lists all of our advanced courses in statistics/measurement, and it describes the planned schedule of offerings (e.g. every semester, every spring semester, fall semester odd numbered years, etc.). Students can find the catalog and the tentative schedule of offerings by going to MyU > Academics > Enrollment Tools > Course Catalog > EPSY[1]. We will make every effort to adhere to this schedule of offerings within the limits of our faculty resources.

If you have questions about the transition to a single introductory statistics sequence (EPsy 8251, EPsy 8252) or preparing for upper-level EPsy courses in statistics/measurement please contact Dr. Michael Harwell ( , ph: 612-625-0196), Dr. Andy Zieffler ( , ph: 612-624-6083), or Dr. Bob delMas (, ph: 612-625-2076).

[1] Students can access the schedule with these command steps, but faculty may not be able to do so at this time. The University’s new system is still in the process of transition.