SMBSS – Grand Unification of Science, Spirituality and Love

Main Event:


Would you like to know how the universe works, including how all your experiences are created, with a spiritual and scientific explanation? Register for this powerful workshop now:

The separation of spirituality and science has caused segregation within our soul, heart, mind, and body, within our cultures, societies, and the world. It has helped bring about large-scale wars, natural disasters, environmental issues, and difficulties in our relationships, finances, health and well-being. At this critical time, humanity and Mother Earth face serious challenges. Soul Mind Body Science System (SMBSS) offers solutions.Learn how to apply SMBSSto transform all life in this workshop:

Soul Mind Body Science System (SMBSS)integrates quantum physics with spiritual wisdom. It is built on the foundation that everyone and everything is made of information, energy, and matter. It provides a scientific definition for soul, heart, and mind with quantum physics. With this advancement, SMBSS can scientifically explain spiritual phenomena and universal laws, as well as to provide a formula for healing, transformation and oneness of all things. Learn how to apply this formula in your life. Register here:

Join Dr. & Master Rulin Xiu for this cutting edge spiritual wisdom, science and technology. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, a scientist, teacher, or healer, or seek healing, transformation, happiness and more from any walk of life, you can benefit greatly from Soul Mind Body Science System. Bless yourself and others by learning Soul Mind Body Science System now.

Soul Mind Body Science System is a huge breakthrough in both science and spirituality. Don’t miss your opportunity to 1) Learn a path-changing science that will open many doors 2) Reach a deeper understanding of profound spiritual wisdom 3) Utilize the power of your soul, heart, mind, and body on a much greater scale 4) Release blockages in every aspect of your life 5) Become who you truly are and 6) Experience a new level of health, well-being, joy, abundance and more. Register here:

It is important that as many as possible learn Soul Mind Body Science System to understand scientifically and spiritually who we are, where we come from and why we are here. Learn: the deeper meaning of life, the law of karma and how it works, how to access your higher power and potential, what is Divine and Tao, and how to gain greater access for healing, transformation, fulfillment and ultimately, freedom. Register here:

Many Buddhas, Taoist saints, Mayan saints, and holy beings are part of the Soul Mind Body Science System committee in Heaven and Tao realms. They actively participate in creating this amazing system that makes important contributions to science (andspirituality), including to advance quantum physics, string theory, and grand unification theory.It also provides one simple formula to heal and transform your life, based on the meaning of life. Learn to apply this and receive tremendous blessings. Register here:
Soul Mind Body Science System carries the important task of helping unify science and spirituality, bringing oneness to all religions and all souls, awakening humanity to the power and importance of the soul. Join this workshop to learn how to be a better soul healer, teacher and unconditional universal servant to humanity and all souls.
The workshop: Soul Mind Body Science System: Unification of Science, Spirituality and Love is an important workshop in which you will learn to apply Soul Mind Body Science System to 1) help enhance your soul, heart, mind, and body power for rapid healing and transformation, 2) stop creating new negative karma, 3) become a powerful creator so that you can live a fulfilling, abundant life and 4) significantly advance your soul journey. Register here: