Registration Settings

1)SMS for new members : All users are automatically given some free units upon registration, vale should be any positive number

IT is done.

2)Alert member when units reach: Once credits reach specified value, members are alerted via email/sms as the care may be

IT is DoneRequire phone number from members?: If this is set to yes, members are prompted to register their mobile number before they can perform any operation


Allow customisingmesages with phonebook names?: We don’t need this


Notification Messages. Pls change to: Notification Settings

Done (

Please note that notification should be split into two, SMS AND EMAIL. Email should be able to accept either plain text or html and if we can add wysiwyg, I will appreciate


Pls change messages as follows

To disable messages, Kindly leave field empty. The following are variables needed for messages: {username}, {name}, {email}, {mobile}, {units}, {order_amount}, {order_unit}


Message to send to members when their orders have been approved = SMS/Email for approved orders


Message to send to members when their order have been declaned = SMS/Email for declined order


Message to send to members when their credit is low = SMS/Email for low credits


Message to send to members when they order: SMS/Email for Oders


Message to send to members when you give them SMS on credit ; SMS/Email for Manual Crediting

Not done

Reminder message for members who are owing: This not needed


Message to send to members on their birthday: Birthday Message


How many days should a member be inactive before a message is sent to that member; Not needed


Message for members who have been inactive for long; Not needed


Member ID for admin user (Credit will be deducted from this account for birthday and missing you messages): not need


Admin Bank Account Number's; Account Deatails

Append this text to all outgoing SMS. Signature for all out going SMS

Not Done


Signature for all out going email


3)We need sms routing to diffentapi based on mobile prefix\

4)Admin should be able to send mass sms to all users

5)Apart from banned words, we should also have banned sender ID

6)Please add advance/personalized message feature where users can send sms by uploading csv, sms send will be based on variable in excel sheet

7)Please develop api for app that admin can give to its client who want to integrate api into their application

8)Please add new column: message type to sent history e.g WEBSMS, API

9)Please create API for mobile application with also api

10)There is no where in app to manually credit users

11)What do we need Auto credit for?

12)Once users log in, they should be redirected to sms panel

13)Pls reduce size of icon menu in dashboard to 95X95 pixels

14)I cannot see where to manage voice from admin panel

15)Admin should be able to change colour of template. E.g button, text link etc

The above should make up 90 percent of my observation. I can see you have made lots of progress. Weldone