Bristow Advent Christian Church

Bristow, Oklahoma July 6, 2014

Pastor: Russell Carle

Church: 918-367-3247 Cell: 918-805-4817

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. / Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 p.m.
Morning Worship Service: 10:45 a.m. / Mid-Week Service: 2:00 p.m.


*Worship Hymn #36

*Call to Worship

Memory Verse


Worship with Tithes & Offerings

*Worship & Praise Give Me Jesus, #5, How Deep the Father’s Love

Worship in Prayer Time

Special Music

Children’s Story


Worship in the Word


**Closing Hymn #302

**Altar of Worship If you desire to accept Jesus Christ as Savior or need prayer, we invite you to come forward at this time.

*Please Stand


There will be no Youth Group scheduled until fall, due to Youth Camp, vacations and summer activities. Ladies’ Bible study will also take a break during July and August.

Pastor Carle will be ministering at Camp Wilderness in Iberia, MO this week. He can be reached at 918-805-4817.

The Carles are so happy to announce the birth of Owen Russell Storey, on Monday, July 1. Praise the Lord with us for his safe delivery!


Sunday School: 9:45 AM

Morning Worship: 10:45 AM

Evening Service 6:00 PM Chad Hagood will be our speaker

This Week

Wednesday 2:00 PM – Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Wednesday 7:00 PM – Worship Team Practice

Friday: 5:15 PM – To Tulsa for Celebrate Recovery

Coming Events:

New Life Int’l Worship Center will be holding VBS on Wednesday nights in July from 6 to 8 PM. All are invited.

Pool Party – Wednesday, July 16 from 6-8. Please invite your friends, bring snacks & drinks and plan to have a fun evening.

Missionaries Tony & Carrie Taylor will be sharing with us on Sunday July 20th during our morning worship service. We will have our Fellowship Meal following the service.

~July’s Memory Verse~

You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isa. 26:3

Prayer Team 1 Amanda & Brenda

Usher Team 1: David McSpadden, Aaron Smith, Ty & Trey Smith

Greeter: Kristi VanOrsdol

Nursery: Bailey McSpadden

Last Week’s Offering: $11,914.30

Weekly Budget: $1,792.50

Prayer List

Physical Needs / Physical Needs / Church Ministries
Jackie Smith / Shut-ins: Joe Stubblefield, Marjorie Hill, Evelyn Smith, Eva Lake, Mildred Thrash / Youth Group
Birdie Hutchings / Julia Dearman / Sunday School
Elton Teague / Kenny Shores / Ladies Bible Study
Brad Weaver / Terry Sanford / Prayer Meeting
Joe Duncan / Connie Morrell / Sunday School teachers
Johnny Smith / Bobby Nixon / Youth Camp
Nita Watts / Terry Plum
Gene McGuire / Crystal Carle / Leaders
Rick Gillus / Darla Rufner / Pastor Carle
David Skaggs / Emmie King / Worship Team
Special Needs / ACGC / Praise!
Our troops in Afghanistan / Ron Thomas – Ex. Dir.
Missions: Tony & Carrie Taylor / Steve Lawson – New President of ACGC / Baby Owen Russell Storey born July 1!
Lorraine Olmstead & family
Missions: Lana Jernigan going to Africa
Kris Byrd
Randy Keeton

If you have a prayer need, please fill out the pink slip in your pew and drop it in the offering basket or give to Pastor Carle.

Sunday, July 6, 2014 Advent Christian Church Pastor Russell Carle

The Outreach Class is collecting school supplies for fall. This is a list of items they are gathering that you can be working on through the summer.

Please drop items off at the office. Thanks!

o  Paper (wide ruled or college ruled)

o  Pencils

o  Pens

o  Crayons

o  Folders

o  Glue

o  Glue sticks

o  Notebooks

o  Scissors

o  Colored pencils

o  Erasers (pink pearl or pencil toppers)

The Outreach Class is collecting school supplies for fall. This is a list of items they are gathering that you can be working on through the summer. Please drop items off at the office. Thanks!

o  Paper (wide ruled or college ruled)

o  Pencils

o  Pens

o  Crayons

o  Folders

o  Glue

o  Glue sticks

o  Notebooks

o  Scissors

o  Colored pencils

o  Erasers (pink pearl or pencil toppers)

The Five Love Languages

Rate 1-5, 1 being most true, 5 least true

1. Words of praise


My spouse, child, parent, other:

2. Acts of service


My spouse, child, parent, other:

3. Physical closeness and touching


My spouse, child, parent, other:

4. Quality time


My spouse, child, parent, other:

5. Gift giving


My spouse, child, parent, other:

The Five Love Languages

Rate 1-5, 1 being most true, 5 least true

1. Words of praise


My spouse, child, parent, other:

2. Acts of service


My spouse, child, parent, other:

3. Physical closeness and touching


My spouse, child, parent, other:

4. Quality time


My spouse, child, parent, other:

5. Gift giving


My spouse, child, parent, other: