Division Avenue High School

English 11

Mr. Verdi

Classroom Policies

  1. Students are expected to arrive on time. Any student who is late will receive detention.
  2. Food is not allowed in the classroom. Water is acceptable.
  3. There is a bathroom pass (please do not bend it, fold it, or make it into a periscope). Please use your time between periods wisely. Bathroom breaks are for bathroom use. Do not abuse this privilege.
  4. There will be no hats or sunglasses (unless prescription).
  5. There will be no CDs, cell phones, beepers, calculators, etc. to be used in this classroom. If found, items will be confiscated and given to Ms. Dolecek.
  6. Make-up, brushes, nail polish, etc. are all items to be used in the bathrooms. Please do not bring them to class.
  7. Discussion in class is just that, a discussion. Please volunteer any information that you feel is relevant to the discussion. Please don’t hold back any knowledge that you can offer to the class.
  8. Homework is assigned nightly and weekly. Assignments are checked nightly and weekly. It is important to keep up with the assigned reading because the daily class discussions will revolve around the homework.
  9. Respect. Every student deserves it and so do you. When someone in the class is talking, everyone else is listening. When the teacher is talking, everyone else is listening. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
  10. Textbooks and/or books used in class are not your property forever. Students will be using them after you. Please treat them with care. If you lose it, replace it. I don’t want your money; go buy a book.
  11. Class does not end until the bell rings. Please do not pack up until then.
  12. Be prepared for each class. Your English binder, appropriate book or materials, homework assignment, and pen or pencil are expected in class each day.
  13. Extra help is offered every morning and most afternoons. I am also available during period 3, 4(lunch room), 5and 9.
  14. There is no whining in class.
  15. Attendance is taken every day. Do not cut, I will catch you. Be aware of the attendance policy for the school.
  16. This is an English Classroom. Expect to be writing, reading, and conversing always.
  17. I am involved in the Author/Book Club, Newspaper Club, Peer Leader Advisor, senior class advisor, and many other aspects of the school. If you need me, just look around and you will find me. During the day, I am generally in my classroom.
  18. My classroom is always open for you to work in.
  19. English Regents is a state mandated test that consists of four essays and twenty-six multiple choice questions. Be prepared to practice heavily. You will be taking exam in ______.
  20. SAT – ACT (Collegeboard.com – problem of the day)

20. The rest we take as we go.

21. Communication is key for both of us to succeed.


Notebook – Your choice.

Some type of paper supply (binder, notebook, folder with paper in it)

Pen or pencil

***** I have made a collection of binders, folders and notebooks over the years. Please help yourself to these at any time throughout the year.

Mr. Verdi’s Website

I will try to update the website frequently with the worksheets. If you lose a worksheet, it is your responsibility to go to the website and print out a copy. If there is something important for the class, I will also try to submit it on the website.

Grading Policy

  1. Homework is to be done each night. All homework assignments for each quarter will be averaged to count as a test grade for the quarter (Homework graded from0 - 100).
  2. Quizzes, for each unit, will be averaged and will count as one test grade.
  3. Every test will count as a separate test grade. If you know you are going to be absent the day of an exam, please inform me so that we can make arrangements for you to take the exam on the day you return during a free or lunch period.

***** Buddy up and take a number so when you miss something, a friend will collect your papers for you.

  1. Every essay will count individually as a test grade.
  2. Class work is checked regularly. Class work add up to one test grade.
  3. Class participation is essential to a successful English class. Class participation and group activities may count as quiz grades and classwork grades.
  4. Extra credit assignments will count as quiz grades. Extra credit assignments are always available.

Extra credit assignments: any additional essay (critical lens), Movie write-up (must write a page about how movie contains literary elements, NOT A MOVIE REVIEW), Find 10 vocabulary words out in the world that are in this course, create a CD soundtrack for a novel we are reading. Others are available, discuss with me. If you are artistic, ask me how you can leave your legacy in Division.

I’m looking forward to a great year, and I am sure you are, too. If there is anything you’d like me to know, if you have any suggestions, or if there is ever anything I can do to help you, please let me know. I promise to listen and to do what I can to help.


Dear Parents,

Please speak with me whenever you have a question and/or concern. The school telephone number is 520-8350. William Zimmer is the Curriculum Associate for English Language Arts and he is located at Wisdom Middle School. The number there is 520-8370 Ext. 138. If I am unavailable when you call, please leave a message, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Please read over the grading policies so that you are aware of how your child’s grade is computed.


Mr. Verdi

Please sign and return by Friday, September 9th, 2011.

Student Name ______Date ______

Parents Signature ______Date ______