
The termsand conditionsof thiscontractserve to insureUSAEliteFastpitch programs willbea pleasant athletic experiencefor all. The termsand conditions shallbe agreed upon and followed bytheUSAEliteFastpitchOrganization, theplayer and theplayer'sparents or legalguardians.

In thespiritof sportsmanship and fair play, theUSAEliteFastpitchSoftballOrganization, the

playerand theplayer’sparentsor legalguardians shall execute thiscontract.

USAEliteFastpitchteamsare comprised of dedicated athletes, parentsand coaches. It is necessaryto maintain apositiverelationship in order to provideagood experiencefor all. Although you maynot alwaysagreewith staff and coachingdecisions, you are encouraged to supportyour staff and coachesin this sometimesthanklesstask.

Asa competitiveprogram, playersarenotguaranteed equalplayingtime;however, the coaches will, in exercisingtheir discretion, makevariousdecisions which willprovidefor asmuch playingopportunityastheyseefit. Playingtimewillbedetermined byseveralfactors, including butnot limited to, the coachesassessmentof:

 Ability

 GamePerformance

 Attendance

 PracticePerformance

 Attitudeand Dedication

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Coaches Codeof Conduct

Coachesare expected to perform asprofessionals. Coaches willnotuseprofanity, screamor yell to instruct theplayers. Coachesmayraise their voicesto gain attention on thefield of play; however, USAEliteFastpitchcoaches willnotbelittleorberate anyplayer or parent. Coaches will makedecisions which are in thebest interestof the team; thesedecisions willbe made without the influenceof parentsor players. Coaches will attend all coachingmeetingsand trainingclinicsas scheduled. Each teamwillhavea teamrepresentative attend board meetings when requested bytheBoard of Directors. Coaches willberesponsiblefor all equipment and medicalkits which mustbereturnedto the equipment managerwithin seven daysafter the conclusionof theseason. Coaches shallnot allowathletesto participate in practices, gamesor other functionsif player feesaredelinquent absentprior approvalfrom theBoard of Directors.

Parents Codeof Conduct

Parents shallparticipate in allUSAEliteFastpitch fundraisingevents. Parents’ conductshallbe professional and positivewhen attending games, practices or other team and organization functions. Theroleof parents shallbe as supportivefans. Parents shallrefrain from conversationsor conductwhich isnot in thebest interestof the team, players, coachingstaffand officials. Thefollowingare examplesof inappropriatebehavior considered disruptive to the team and organization, and allparents shallrefrain from thefollowing:

 Enteringdugoutsduring game time

 Communicatingwith umpires, playersor coachesduringthegame exceptfor situationsinvolvingthesafetyof anumpire, player, coach or parent

 Removingyour child from thefieldof playor dugoutduring games

 Makingnegativeremarksregardingplayers, coaches, theopposition or umpires

 Usinginappropriate languagedirected toward umpires, players, coachesor the opposition

 Discussingplayingtimeof an athleteduringor at anytournamentor game

 Inappropriate conductor behavior detrimentalto asafe athletic environment

 Inappropriate conductor behavior directed toward umpires, players, coachesor anyUSAEliteFastpitch personnel

Parents’/LegalGuardians'FinancialandOther Obligations

Parents and/or theplayer'sLegalGuardiansareresponsible to:

 Be activeparticipantsin fundraisingactivities when assigned

 Paythe$300commitmentfeeon or prior to itsduedate

 Payallremainingplayer feeson or before their duedates

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 PayNSFBank feeson anychecks which arereturned totheOrganization

 Returnto USAEliteFastpitchall medicalreleaseforms, copiesof birth certificates, ASAcards, Contracts or other documentsrequested to be completed

Parentsherebyacknowledge that in order to field competitive teams, USAEliteFastpitch, at the startof and duringthe courseofeach season, undertakesasubstantialfinancialobligation. Further, it iseach player’sand player’sparents’obligation to meet their portion of thisfinancial commitmenton a timelybasisin order to allowUSAEliteFastpitchto meetthesefinancial obligations. As such, each player and their parentsacknowledge thatfailure to meet their individualfinancialobligation to USAEliteFastpitchwithin thepaymentscheduleprovided prior to thestartof each seasonwillresult in theplayer beingdeclared inactive to participate in practices, tournamentsor other functionsuntiltheobligationsarebrought current. Ongoing failure to bringtheplayer’saccount current(absentrelief granted bytheBoard of Directors based on uniquehardship, to bedetermined bytheBoard of Directorsin its solediscretion) shall result in theplayer’sdismissalfrom the teamand theplayer’sdelinquentstatusbeingturned

overto ASA and PGFSoftball. Further,USAEliteFastpitch, in itsdiscretionreservestheright to filea SmallClaimsaction in order to recover all amountsnotpaid. It isherebyacknowledgedand agreed thataplayer whovoluntarilyleavesthe teamprior to completion of theseason;or who is dismissedfrom the teamdue to failure to meetfinancialobligations; and/or theplayer's, parent(s) or legalguardian(s) violation of theCodeof Conductwillnotrelieve theplayer's

parentsor legalguardiansof their financialobligation to paytheplayer'sfullshareof player fees.


Parentsare expected to adhere to a24-hour “coolingdown period”prior to discussingplayer issues with theteamcoach. If thediscussion with the team coach doesnotresolved the issue, theparent(s) shalluse thefollowingchannelsto discussall concernsregardingplayers, coaches, parents, playingtime, etc. Parentsmust addressthe above concerns with thePresident of USA EliteFastpitch. All issues willbediscussed byappointmentonly. Please call theBoard President to schedule an appointmentwith theDirector of USAEliteFastpitch. Your concerns willbe managed in aprofessional environment takinginto consideration and offeringinsight from theperspectiveof theparent(s), theplayer's and the coaches. TheUSAEliteFastpitchDirector willdiscussissuesrelated to your concernsand makedecisionswhich are in thebest interestof theteam, athletes and coachesViolation of the abovepolicies willnotbe tolerated and willresult in theplayer’sremovalfrom allUSAEliteFastpitch functions, including practices, gamesand other activities.

PlayerCodeof Conduct

AllUSAEliteFastpitch players will conduct themselvesin aprofessional manner at all times. Playersare expected to refrainfrom approachingcoachesand staff during gamesor tournaments to discussplayingtime concerns. AllUSAEliteFastpitch players willfollowaCodeof Conduct thatrepresentsthevaluesof good sportsmanship and fair play. ThePlayer Codeof Conductis highlightedbelow:

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 Attendallpractices

 Arriveno lessthanonehour before allgame times

 Maintain, ata minimum, no lessthan a2.0 GPA

 Notify your coach of schedule conflicts which maypreventyour attendance at games(72 hoursin advance) or practices(24 hoursin advance)

 Support allof your teammatesand coaches

Respect theumpires, players, coachesandparentsfrom allorganizations

 Returnyour uniformslaundered within 7 daysof the end of theseason. Failure to do so willresult in a$100replacementfee

 Notobacco or druguse

 Noinappropriate language

 Displaygood sportsmanship at all times

 Do not addressyour coachesbytheir firstname alone. Alwaysuse the titleCoach

 Returnall contractsand other forms with thenecessarysignaturestoyour coaches on a timelybasis

AllSignatures areRequiredfor Participationwith USAEliteFastpitch

I(we) agree to the above termsand conditionsfor participation asmembersof theUSAElite FastpitchOrganization. Astheparent/guardian of aplayer under the ageof 18, Iam enteringthis contracton behalf of myself and theplayer.Thiscontract cancelsandsupersedes allprior USA EliteFastpitch Contracts.



Parents:Mother/Guardianof Player

Father/Guardianof Player


Fastpitch: TeamCoach

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