Subject: Visual Arts Teacher: Jones-Hunt RM: 507

Unit: Elements of Art Focus: Shape Duration: 9wks Grade(s): K-5

Week: Shape E.Q. What is shape? What are the two kinds of shapes?

E.Q. Answer: Shape: A flat area, such as a circle or a square, that has clear boundaries. Shape is an element of art. Shapes can be Geometric- A word describing shapes and forms such as squares, circles, cubes, and spheres or Organic- A word describing shapes and forms similar to those in nature and the opposite of geometric.

I can_____

·  identify various shapes within artwork.

·  understand how shapes build foundations for basic drawings.

·  Distinguish between organic and geometric shapes.

·  create original artwork focusing in the element of shape.

·  connect art and math through a study of shapes and the lines that create shape.

NC Essential Standards General headings for Grades K-5 (please see educator to better understand to what capacity each grade level obtained practice and knowledge under each heading):

Visual Literacy

_x___V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.

o  K.V.1.1 Identify various art materials and tools.

o  K.V.1.2 Create original art that expresses ideas about oneself.

o  K.V.1.3 Recognize various symbols and themes in daily life.

o  K.V.1.4 Understand characteristics of the Elements of Art, including lines, shapes, colors, and texture.

o  K.V.1.5 Recognize characteristics of the Principles of Design, including repetition and contrast.

__x__V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.K.V.2.1 Recognize that artists may view or interpret art differently.

o  K.V.2.2 Use sensory exploration of the environment as a source of imagery.

o  K.V.2.3 Create original art that does not rely on copying or tracing.

_x___V.3 Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and appropriately.

Contextual Relevancy

__x__CX.1 Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.

__x__CX.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.

Critical Response

__x__CR.1 Use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts.

National Standards for Visual Art

The National Standards for Arts Education

___x___Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

Achievement Standard:

·  Students know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes

·  Students describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses

·  Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories

·  Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

__x____Content Standard #2: Using knowledge of structures and functions

Achievement Standard:

·  Students know the differences among visual characteristics and purposes of art in order to convey ideas

·  Students describe how different expressive features and organizational principles cause different responses

·  Students use visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas

_____Content Standard #3: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas

Achievement Standard:

·  Students explore and understand prospective content for works of art

·  Students select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning

__x___Content Standard #4: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures

Achievement Standard:

·  Students know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to various

·  cultures

·  Students identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places

·  Students demonstrate how history, culture, and the visual arts can influence each other in making and studying works of art

__x___Content Standard #5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the

work of others

Achievement Standard:

·  Students understand there are various purposes for creating works of visual art

·  Students describe how people's experiences influence the development of specific artworks

·  Students understand there are different responses to specific artworks

_x___Content Standard #6: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines

Achievement Standard:

·  Students understand and use similarities and differences between characteristics of the visual arts and other arts disciplines

·  Students identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum

Introduction to Shape Unit

Present E.Q. and vocabulary

Teacher Directed

Grades K-2:

Teacher read aloud: The Shape Game by Anthony Browne

Group Discovery and Sharing

Grades K-2:

Play the shape game with Anthony Browne

Turning a doodle into a picture is one of Anthony Browne's favourite games. So what happened when the children's laureate sent an outline to artists, authors and actors and asked them to have a go?

The original shape and, right, Quentin Blake's interpretation from the webite challenge.

The shape will be enlarged and printed for this project/display. Attached electronically.

·  Additional task- In pairs, Student A and Student B will draw either an organic or geometric shape on drawing paper. The two will exchange papers. the new drawing will create something out of the shape provided. After 5 mins, the students will switch back; with the original drawer now adding the background, details, and color to the work.

What is a tangram? A Chinese geometric puzzle consisting of a square cut into seven pieces that can be arranged to make various other shapes.

It consists of 7 shapes
2 large triangles, 1 medium triangle,
2 little triangles, 1 parallogram and a square.
When it put together, they formed a big square.
When you separated the 7 shapes, it is called " Tan."
Read more:

Tangram activities: Set up Tangram stations: Pairs create the animal in the envelope with the pieces in the envelope. See attachment.

·  Use tangrams to create animals/people shown in the puzzle examples supplied by the teacher.

Technology Integration/support To be inserted in class during the duration of the unit, when time allows. Can serve as a What's Next activity

Online Tangrams:

Quadrilateral Quest as a group- play on big screen.

Ticket-out-the door

Grades K-2 What is your favorite shape? Name something that has that shape. What type of shape is it? Organic or geometric?


Geometry Vocabulary sheet attached for the Monthly Unit