Harbor Commission meeting minutes from June 17, 2014


1.) Chairman Roger Reed called the meeting called to order.

2.) Roll Call: Dick Olson, Butch Mehlberg, Roger Reed, Nancy Rhode

Excused: Ellis Mercier

Others Present: Mayor Victoria Bostedt, John Bostedt (Director of Parks, Rec., and Forestry), Jeremy Wusterbarth (Superintendent of Public Works), William Vandenbush, John Mick, Robert LeBreck, former Mayor Tom/Sharon Fulton, Jim Lemerond, Bill Clement, Jim Berol, Brian Paradis, Julie Reed, and 9 others

3.) Approval of agenda was called by Rhode and seconded by Mehlberg.

(4 Ayes)

4.) Rhode moved for approval of the 5/14/2014 meeting minutes. Mehlberg seconded. (4 Ayes)

5.) Public Input: None.

6.) Correspondence: A letter of resignation was issued from Wayne Bostwick with a Committee replacement of Dick Olson.

7.) Discussion/possible recommendation/updates on the following:

  1. Boat Ramp Extensions at the BreakwaterPark— Wusterbarth distributed the quotes in a packet which would include rental of a spreader bar: $25,580.00 (a cost raise due to freight change). He suggested we approve the total amount of $65,000.00 to cover labor. Pat Scanlon would be a needed machinery factor. The boat ramp would be extended 16’.Rhode motioned to recommend extension of the boat launch lanes not to exceed $65,000.00 and that it moves to City Council at whose meeting more costs will be given. Mehlberg called a second. (4 Ayes)
  1. Access @ Harbor for Ice Fishermen update— Wusterbarth initiated with his meeting that occurred with Dan and Nancy, Michele, and Roger anticipating location: the original plan at the jetty, needing an IP permit, avoiding river flow hindrance. After he explained the timing, DNR involvement, size, description of gravel ramp/rail, and non-access months, the Mayor explained its purpose to local fishermen and tourism hoping it is of benefit to all. Safety is a City responsibility. Approval requires a 30 day public comment via the DNR. Residents living in the vicinity had the following concerns: Jim Lemerond questioned a budget and suggested a user’s fee and other options; Sharon and Tom Fulton expressed concerns with partying, snowmobiles, and animal feces; Rhode indicated that the City is not aware that motorized vehicles are not allowed on exposed bay bottom; Bill Clement addressed ATV’s, motorcycles, and litter (He also inserted a complement to our Harbor Masters excellent job at work.); Jim Berol mentioned 4-wheelers; Brian Paradis, who complimented the Harbor improvements, mentioned trespassers, and Julie Reed water levels and wildlife. They suggested the operation move to CityPark. These residents don’t want the access and as Lemerond suggested he would personally give access off his property to fish if the jetty were forgotten, they wanted the issue removed from the agenda. Director Wusterbarth needed Harbor Commission direction. Despite the process explained, the time and effortCity personal has dedicated to the issue, and interest of local ice fishermen, in the end Olson suggested we no longer pursue the issue. Rhode seconded the recommendation that we drop the ice ramp issue off the Harbor Commission agenda. (3 Ayes, 1 Nay)

In the end, Bob LeBreck clarified that the problem has been now moved to the CityPark. City property is the access, that is the difference, says Rhode.

  1. The Pay Request for Oconto River Dredging Phase 1 to Veit Dredging, Inc. for $16,613.63 was approved by Mehlberg and seconded by Rhode. (4 Ayes)

Wusterbarth clarified. The City will hold a $12,000.00 retainage.

  1. A Pay Request for Oconto River Dredging Phase 2 to Veit Dredging, Inc. for $243,612.60 was recognized by Olson with a second by Mehlberg. (4 Ayes)
  1. River Dredging Update— Wusterbarth showed where we are located at this time. Wusterbarth also gave John Mick of Hi Seas thanks for his extended assistance to VEIT and throughout the dredging. State gave approval to take extras/spend more; Robert E. Lee agreed to the extension. Superintendent Wusterbarth said that at the end of next week we’ll be out of the water.
  2. John Bostedt updated on rented slips for 2014: we have up to 16 presently with 29 possible. Reed questioned the value of spreading rental over a 12 month period. Mick told us that he, like the City, does it in a 1 shot deal. Director Bostedt asserted that though the option is there no problems have occurred in the past.
  3. Mission Statement and goals for Harbor— None at this time though Mick would like to see the Commission statement in writing. Willy Vandenbush informed us that Lee Rockwell is keeping a guest list that is very telling.
  4. Plan of action for Harbor Commission— None.
  5. The Cottonwood trees on causeway at the Harbor are on the work list Bostedt reported for Wusterbarth.
  6. Bait Machine @ Harbor— Mayor Bostedt was approached by Mike Thompson concerning a bait machine. She felt that no City personal should be dealing with it and that electricity should be charged. Reed said that it was tried before…. Down the road the Mayor predicts we’ll have a Sport/Bait Shop.

8.) Board Report:

a. Marketing & Advertisement— None. Rhode said that others are impressed with our boating magazine spread.

b. City boat ramps (Ellis) — The Mayor said that the Grant comes possible in July.

c. Fishing Tournaments /Special Events— These were reviewed and happening as early as this weekend. There ensued discussion of early motor home arrival and space occupation. Nature Fest will be announced and brochures available.

d. Park(s) Inspection Report (John) — Everything is set to go.

9.) A motion was called by Mehlberg for an approval of Accounts Payable from May 8, 2014 thru June 12, 2014 in the amount of $7,385.16. A second was established by Rhode. (4 Ayes)

10.) The Revenue/expenditure reports were observed and discussed.

11.) Next meeting date, time: Tuesday, June 24, 4:30 p.m. @ Harbor (included how/where of plaques mounted) Tuesday, July 15, 4:30 p.m. Agenda items:

12.) Adjournment was moved by Mehlberg with a second issued from Olson @ 6:17 p.m.(M/C)

Minutes submitted by- Susan K. Seidl