Dear Parents,

Hi, and welcome to second grade. I am Ms. Frater, and I look forward to working with your child. This year will be an important one filled with many new and interesting experiences. We will focus heavily on concepts and STARR skills in order to help your child meet the state’s requirements. The first six weeks your child will review previous taught skills. The second six weeks you may notice a reduction in grades, please do not be alarmed. Your child will adjust to the more challenging workload. He/She will be required to read and work specific assignments independently. Your child will also be expected to produce quality work based on specific objectives in the content areas.

There will be anassessment given each nine-weeks to assess your child’s learning in the core areas such as math, science, and reading/language arts. A spelling test will be given weekly. Reading with your child nightly and helping with homework are two ways to reinforce skills, prepare students for new concepts, teach responsibility, and help your child develop positive work habits.

Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday nights excluding special days. Please look in his/her take home folder for the homework chart. Homework will be taken up at the beginning of class each day. If your child does not return his/her homework completed, first a warning will be given. If the behavior reoccurs, your child will be asked to stand out during recess and lose conduct points. Repeated behavior will be sent to the office.

I will keep in frequent contact with you about your child’s progress and behavior. A behavior chart along with the homework assignment will be sent home daily. Please sign the chart daily and return it with your child. I will also send home graded work. You may keep your child’s work, but sign and return the front cover of the graded work. Please do not hesitate to call me (903-489-0313) or schedule to meet with me during my conference time at 10:00-10:50 a.m.

Together you and I can help your child achieve great success. I look forward to working with your child. I know this will be a fun year filled with exciting challenges and great rewards. Thanks for the opportunity to work with your child.


Ms. Frater