Final Review


·  How do peptide and steroid hormones differ in their modes of reception?

·  Describe the regulation of the pituitary gland.

·  What is a tropic hormone?


·  What are the roles of GnRH, FSH, and LH in males and females?

·  What is responsible for differences in GnRH release in males and females?

·  Which hormone initiates parturition (birthing process)?

Nervous System—

·  What is the primary reason for the negative resting potential of neurons?

·  For an action potential, which ions move in which direction and when do they move? (hint: reference the action potential diagram)

·  What is the purpose of the Na+, K+ ATPase?

·  Why do neurons have absolute and relative refractory periods?

·  Describe the “structural and functional subdivisions of the nervous system”.

·  Describe the functional areas of the cerebral cortex.

Sensory Systems—

·  List the different types of sensory receptors.

·  How do photoreceptors detect light?

·  Describe lateral inhibition. What is its purpose?

·  Describe retinal structure and function.

·  How do rods and cones differ?


·  Describe the structural components of skeletal muscle.

·  Describe the sliding filament model.

·  Describe excitation-contraction coupling.

·  List the different types of twitch fibers, and explain how they differ.

·  How do hyperplasia and hypertrophy differ?

Cumulative Review

Biomolecules and Bonds

·  List the 4 types of biomolecules and their monomers.

·  Describe protein and nucleic acid structures.

·  What chemical properties determine if something is hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

·  What is an active site?

·  Describe allosteric regulation.

·  What is a kinase?

Cells and Energetics—

·  Anabolism—

·  Catabolism—

·  -ΔG=

·  Redox Reaction—

·  How can you increase membrane fluidity?

·  Describe the different methods of cellular transport. Which method(s) require(s) energy?

·  What are the laws of thermodynamics?

·  How will reaction rate change when adding a competitive inhibitor to the solution (enzymes are present)? Non-competitive inhibitor?

Cellular Respiration

·  Describe the 3 parts of cellular respiration.

·  What is the purpose of cellular respiration?

·  Describe why coupling H+ ATPase to ATP synthase is important for the production of ATP.


·  Describe the light reactions and Calvin Cycle.

·  What is the purpose of electron transport chains (in both cellular respiration and photosynthesis)?

·  What is photorespiration, and how can plants prevent it?

DNA Replication—

·  List and describe the function of the enzymes associated with DNA replication.

Transcription and Translation—

·  What is the central dogma of biology?

·  How do transcription and translation differ in initiation, termination, machinery, and product?

·  Codon—

·  Polyribosome—

Gene Regulation—

·  Describe the Lac and Trp operons.

·  F plasmid—

·  Bacteriophage—

·  Transposable element—

·  Describe DNA organization and packing.

·  How does gene regulation differ between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

·  Differentiate between transformation, transduction, and conjugation.


·  Primary and secondary growth--

·  Describe the structures and methods of transport for xylem and phloem.

·  What are the components of water potential?

·  What is the function of the casparian strip?

·  Symplast vs. Apoplast

·  Describe biological nitrogen cycling.

·  Etiolation

·  Phytochrome

·  Short day vs. long day plants and the role of phytochrome.

·  Plant hormones:


·  4 Methods of Respiration

·  Describe why birds have continuous ventilation which most animals have tidal ventilation.


·  How do arteries and veins differ in structure and function?

·  Describe the Cardiac Cycle.

·  Describe hemoglobin affinity graphs.

·  Describe the various types of nitrogenous wastes and which animals have them.

·  Describe the mammalian excretory system (kidneys and nephrons).

·  Describe hormonal control of kidney function.

·  Describe the 2 parts of the immune system.

·  How do natural killer cells kill infected cells?

·  Why does HIV usually lead to AIDS?

·  Clonal Selection—