September 6, 2011

CALL TO ORDER: The monthly meeting of the Spring Garden Township Planning Commission was held on April 5, 2011 in the Township Municipal Building, 340 Tri Hill Rd., York, PA.

Present: Doug George Linda Keller, SGT Representative

Bob Sandmeyer

John DeHaas

Mike Dorgan

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: There were no public comments.

Spring Garden Township

Planning Commission—September 6, 2011

The Meeting was called to order at 7:32 by the chair. The first order of business was the approval of the April minutes. The minutes were accepted 4-0 with Bob Sandmeyer making the motion and Michael Dorgan seconding.

The first application for a special exception was 125-04-11, 1422 S George St. John asked whether any clients stop by the office. The answer by Steve K. was that an occasional client stops to pay a bill, but nothing regular. Michael asked how many trucks at the business and the answer by Steve was 2. Bob asked why this was a special exception and a discussion ensued, with a recommendation that Lynn provide this information to us at the next meeting. In addition to the applicant, Ken Gerrick of Bob Yost Realtors appeared. Michael made a motion to recommend to the Planning Board approval, John seconded and the motion passed 4-0.

The second application was 125-05-11, 150 Rathton Rd. for two variances, one for setback and one for height regarding a proposed addition to a house on Rathton Road. Appearing were Robert Sandmeyer, Robert Godfrey, Andrew Dagenais and Jim Williams. Bob Sandmeyer recused himself as he is representing the client on behalf of Site Design Concepts. According to the presentation, a hardship exists in that the property is at the corner of an arterial street thus creating two front yards. They are planning a 22x22 foot garage that would incur 13 feet into the Rathton Road setback. In addition, they are planning to eliminate the Rathton Road driveway. The height they are asking for is to balance the building. The new driveway will be 22 feet wide. There were questions whether the 15 foot code for a garage is correct or a typo. Another question was whether the maximum width of the driveway was indeed allowed to be 22 feet. Michael made a motion to recommend approval for the setback and the height with an assurance that the Rathton Road Driveway be removed. John seconded the motion. The vote was 3-0 in favor of the motion.

The land development plan for Luther Memorial Church was presented next. Layman Mortorff, AICP, appeared on behalf of the church. He made a presentation on the addition and the traffic changes and parking changes taking place on this project and asked for a waiver on stormwater management conditioned upon infiltration perk testing. Bob made a motion to approve with the following conditions and/or waivers; the engineers seal and signature is required, York County Conservation District approval of the erosion and sedimentation control plan is required, the owner’s notarized signature is required and a waiver of stormwater management is granted with infiltration testing. Michael seconded and the vote was 4-0 to approve with conditions.

Neil Metzger and Ken Martin appeared on behalf of York College. Their first presentation was McKay Hall’s renovation and addition. The project is about 2400 sq. ft. and there is no additional impervious surface. John made a motion to approve with the following conditions; the engineer’s seal and signature and the owner’s notarized signature are required. Bob seconded and the motion passed 4-0

The second presentation for York College was for the land development plan for the Business Administration Building addition. This project is slated for a spring 2012 start and finish by August 2013. Michael made a motion to approve the land development plan with the following conditions and/or waivers; The engineer’s seal and signature and the owner’s notarized signature are required, DEP approval is required, York County Conservation District approval of erosion and sedimentation control is required and a recommendation for a waiver of the stormwater management be granted. Bob seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 in support of the motion.

The last land development plan was for Donald C. and Janet B. Dallmeyer. Bob Sandmeyer recused himself to appear on behalf of the applicants. William Davis, also of Site Design Concepts appeared on behalf of the Dallmeyers. William Davis presented the site layout, the affected properties and some reasoning behind the requested changes, sight lines and Fairview Drive. John made a motion to approve with the following condition; the DEP approval of planning modules is required, the owner’s notarized signatures and the engineer’s seal and signature are required and the following waivers be granted, a preliminary subdivision plan be waived since no public improvements are proposed, the stormwater management waiver be changed to a deferral with compliance by future lot owners at the time of development, a waiver to connection of the public sewer subject to DEP approval of planning modules and a waiver to the widening of Shady Dell Road cartway be approved if a note is added to the plan indicating that the owner, his/her heirs and assigns will, within six months notice from Spring Garden Township, widen the cartway of all adjoining streets to current Township requirements. Michael seconded the motion. The vote was 3-0 in favor of the motion.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

John W. DeHaas

Planning Board Member