Classroom Policies & Expectations

Ms. Breinig



  • 1” 3-Ring Binder
  • Notebook Paper
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Flash drive
  • Student Agenda

Expectations - The 3 Be’s:

  • Be Prepared:
  • Arrive to class on time (in your seatready to work by the time the bell stops)
  • Have all of your materials (binder, pencil, etc.)
  • Complete all assignments and study for quizzes/tests
  • Be Respectful:
  • Listen and follow directions
  • Raise your hand
  • Treat others in the class as you would like to be treated
  • If it’s not yours, please don’t touch it
  • Be Willing to Do Your Best:
  • You control your attitude and effort every day
  • If you don’t succeed, try (and try) again
  • Attempt all activities with an honest effort
  • Take good notes, ask questions, and stay organized
  • Have the courage to do your best, take the time to problem solve, and ask questions

General Policies:

  • Students are expected to follow all policies of Loudoun County Public Schools and Briar Woods High School.
  • The computer is used frequently in CTE courses.
  • Students are expected to use the computer for the intended purpose/assignment
  • Inappropriate use of the computers or Internet will not be tolerated
  • Students who conduct themselves inappropriately will lose computer privileges and be given alternate assignments
  • Drinks and snacks are allowed in the classroom – please remember to keep the room clean by disposing of your trash properly


  • Promptness to class is expected and will be reported and acted upon in accordance to Briar Woods attendance policy
  • Students arriving after 9:05AM during Blocks 1 and 5 will report directly to the attendance office to sign-in and will be considered “Late to School”
  • Students arriving to class tardy-including those students who signed in late to school- will sign the classroom tardy form provided by the teacher
  • Students with 3 tardies within a quarter will be reported to the office and assigned Friday/Saturday school


  • CTE courses emphasize a collaborative teamwork environment, which is intended to simulate the workplace
  • Students are expected to be active participants in their groups and to share the workload
  • Homework isnot typically assigned; however, assignments outside of class may be assigned on occasion

Absences/Make-Up Work:

  • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work
  • Students should checkmy BWHS website for any missing assignments
  • Students with an excused absence will be allowed the same number of class periods to make up work, as the number of class periods they missed
  • Assignments due the class perioda student is absent, will be due the class period the student returns to class
  • Missed quizzes/tests are to be made up within 1 week and are to be scheduled with the teacher in advance


  • Grading is calculated using total points:
  • Points Earned ÷ Points Possible

Late Work:

  • Late work will be graded as follows:
  • 1 class period past the due date: 10 percent off
  • 2 class periods past the due date: 20 percent off
  • 3 class periods past the due date: will not be accepted and grade will be a 0


  • Students are expected to display appropriate behavior in the classroom and to follow all teacher, school, and County policies
  • Inappropriate behavior will be handled as follows:
  • 1st offense – Verbal warning
  • 2nd offense – Phone call/email communication to discuss issue with parent/guardian
  • 3rd offense – Referral to administration and phone call home


  • Students are encouraged to join the Briar Woods DECA and/or Briar Woods FBLA chapters
  • DECAis the co-curricular student organization for marketing education students
  • FBLA is the co-curricular student organization for business education students
  • DECA and FBLA activities are integrated in the classroom and are designed to enhance the academic curriculum with real-world application
  • Students have the opportunity to join both organizations at the regional, state and national levels
  • Membership provides additional opportunities for leadership development, competitive events, field trips, and social activities

Changes and/or additions to these expectations may be made as the year progresses.

Classroom Policies & Expectations

Ms. Breinig

Marketing Education


This is your first assignment of the semester!

Carefully read Ms. Breinig’s Classroom Policies Expectations as well as the Marketing Education Classroom Policies.

Complete this form with your parent/ guardian and return it next class period.

Student Name (Print): ______

I have read the classroom policies & procedures as directed above. I understand the class policies and expectations for students. I understand that I will need to earn my grade and to be accountable for my work and my behavior.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parents & Guardians – Please mark the appropriate selections below:

Yes No

My student has access to a computer at home.
My student has Internet access at home.

My student and I have read the classroom policies & procedures as directed above.

We understand the class policies, procedures and expectations as they are described.

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parents & Guardians

In the event that I need to contact you regarding your student,

please provide your preferred email address and phone number where I may reach you.

Parent/Guardian Email: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone: ______