I am the president of the Cellular Phone Task Force, a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to work with scientists, doctors and citizens worldwide to confront a new and frightening danger to public health. That danger was universal microwave radiation from digital cell phones and cell towers.

Today the danger from universal wireless broadband looms even larger. Money to provide broadband to presently unserved populations must be spent on fiber optics and communication cables, and NOT on wireless technologies.

Where a single source of radiation once sufficed to serve thousands of cell phone users who used their phones intermittently, today wireless broadband requires a dense concentration of antennas, wireless access points and wireless computers that broadcast 24/7. The greater the population density, the greater the concentration of antennas, access points and computers.

The public and, unfortunately, the regulators, for the most part, do not understand the physics. They don't understand the critical importance of distance: a WiFi antenna exposes you to much more radiation than a cell tower. A WiFi antenna transmitting only 1 watt exposes you to 100 times more radiation than a cell tower transmitting 1000 watts, if the WiFi antenna is 10 yards away and the cell tower is two miles away. A WiFi antenna is almost always much more dangerous than a cell tower, because cell towers are further away and WiFi antennas and access points are right on top of you.

People don't understand the importance of bandwidth. For the same amount of power, the more frequencies your body is hit with, the more harmful. Broadband radiation is more harmful than narrowband radiation. Data transmission is more harmful than voice transmission.

People don't understand that exposure to this radiation is involuntary. If you're allergic to cigarette smoke, you can shut your doors. The smoke doesn't come in. But microwave radiation does. If you lay a cloud of WiFi/WiMax over the whole country, you trap within it 300,000,000 people regardless of whether they are children, pregnant, old, sick, or sensitive. If this type of radiation already causes certain people pain and they have learned how to keep their distance, you condemn them to torture for the rest of their life.

People are dying. My phone does not stop ringing with the cries of individuals whose neighbors have installed WiFi, or whose cities have installed citywide WiFi. I get to listen to them tell me how suddenly they can't sleep, their ears ring, their joints hurt, their heart pounds, and their blood pressure is through the roof. They can't think and their memory is gone. They suffer from nosebleeds. Their children are acting out. Where can they go, they ask me. I get to listen to the same story I have heard so many thousands of times before. And I no longer have an answer, because wireless Internet is coming to my neighborhood as well, and yours, unless people wake up.

Attached are three documents:

(1) A press release that has been sent out by a group whose members represent many communities across this nation;

(2) A letter to President Obama on this subject, with links to scientific databases, websites, and other informative documents. This letter is being circulated nationally as a petition.

(3) A partial list of governments and organizations worldwide that ban or warn against wireless technology.