Mrs. Jackson’s Kindergarten Handbook

Mrs. Jackson Contact Information

School #: 205-342-2951

School email:

Class Website:

ABC’s of Kindergarten

Attendance: Many Kindergarten learning activities are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates. Therefore, it is next to impossible to recreate these activities at home. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or emergency. When your child is absent, please send a note explaining the reason for the absence with your child on his/her first day back at school. If your child is going to be out for an extended period of time, please let me know so that assignments may be prepared in advance. When students are absent, they are responsible for making up the work. Students will have their “Make-Up” work in a folder to be completed and returned. Students have the same number of absent days to make up their missing work. For example, if a student misses 2 days of school, he/she would have 2 days after he/she returned to school to make up the work.

Behavior Management: I plan to use a “5,4,3,2,1” system to help monitor student behavior. Each child is expected to follow the rules and become a cooperative part of our classroom. The children will earn a number from 1 to 5 each day that correlates with their behavior. 5 being the best and 1 needing the most improvement. All of the children will begin each day on number 3 and may move up or down according to their behavior.

3- Satisfactory: The child is following the rules for the most part.

4 and 5- Very good: The child is showing excellent behavior!

2- Needs to improve: The child is exhibiting inappropriate behavior.

1- STOP! The child is continuing to exhibit inappropriate behavior.

Children who maintain 4’s, and 5’s will be praised and rewarded for following the rules. Your child will have time out away from the group to reflect on the rules if their name is moved to 3, 2, or 1. If your child’s name is on 3, he/she will miss 5 minutes of free choice in the afternoon. If your child’s name is on 2 or 1, he/she will miss 10 minutes of free choice time in the afternoon. Children who stay on 4 or 5 all week will get to visit the treasure chest at the end of the week! If necessary, a behavior note will be sent home that must be signed and returned the next day. Severe misbehavior will result in a referral to the principal. I will begin to enforce the behavior system after we have had ample time to discuss these rules. Also, there will be a daily calendar in your child’s take home folder which will be marked with either a 5,4,3,2, or 1 each day. This will let you know what kind of day your child had at school. Please initial in the box by your child’s behavior number so I will know you were aware of their behavior for the day. Class Rules are “Be Safe, Be Kind, Be a Good Listener, and Have Fun!” Please do not worry if your child has their name moved and has to miss some free choice time. Know that this is typical of a child beginning school in a more structured environment. Since kindergarteners are usually eager to please their parents and teachers, moving a symbol such as a name, clothespin, etc. is often very effective in curbing undesirable behaviors. I will definitely contact you if I am concerned about any misbehavior. Thank you for your support in helping your child learn to follow the rules and become a responsible, independent kindergartner!

Binder: (BEE take- home binder) The BEE binder (BRING EVERYTHING EVERYDAY) is very important. Please check your child’s BEE binder daily for any papers sent home regarding homework, projects, reminders, or any other pertinent information. It should come home EVERY DAY and be brought back to school EVERY MORNING.

Birthdays: We celebrate birthdays during snack time. If you want to send a treat for the class on your child's birthday, please feel free to do so. This is not mandatory. The TCSS wellness policy must be followed therefore, all items must be store bought.

Book Orders: Scholastic book orders will be sent home monthly. This isoften a very inexpensive way for parents to get great books for their child’s home library, however, please do not feel like you have to purchase any books. It is just an option for you. For each book that is ordered our class receives bonus points which I use to buy books and items for our classroom. Please makechecks payable to Scholastic Book Club.

Breakfast: Breakfast is from 7:30 - 7:50 every morning. The cost of breakfast is $1.00 for all students. Reduced price breakfast is $0.30.

Calendar: In your child’s BEE binder will be a monthly calendar. This calendar will inform you of your child’s special school/classroom events. Your child’s behavior will be marked daily. A separate calendar of events and the monthly school breakfast/lunch menus will be sent home monthly in your BEE binder.

Communication: Communication is an essential ingredient in our success together. Please use the BEE (BRING EVERYTHING EVERYDAY) binder for daily notes to me and/or office. You must send a note if your child is to go home a different way than his/her normal schedule.

Conferences: Parent/Teacher Conferences will be scheduled with all parents soon. You may schedule a conference at any time during the school year if you have any concerns or questions. I may also request to meet with you if I feel that your child is havingdifficulty in a subject area or with behavior. If you ever have any concerns, questions, ideas, etc., please feel free to write a note or call (205-342-2951) or e-mail ().

Discipline: Establishing good classroom discipline is essential to each child’s success, confidence and well being. Every child should feel that the classroom environment is safe and secure, as well as, free from all threats of physical and emotional harm. It is important that each child learn to develop self-discipline and good work habits, resolve conflicts peacefully, and think independently. In order for all children in our class to learn, we have rules, procedures and guidelines to follow. Without this structure, the behavior of some children may distract others, prohibiting them from learning. With your support of our classroom discipline system, I will be better able to teach and help your child reach his or her potential. (See Behavior Management for further detail)

Donations: Donations will be listed on your newsletter as needed. Thank you for helping make our classroom a great place to learn!

Emergencies: Please make certain that I have the correct emergency numbers and information on file for your child.

Emergency School Closings: In the event of a school closing for any reason, the Tuscaloosa County School System’s Central Office will notify the media to broadcast or televise details of the situation. Please DO NOT CALL the Central Office, individual schools, radio stations, or television stations. Necessary details will be broadcast or televised as information is available. For information about SCHOOL CLOSINGS, listen to or watch:

*ABC 33/40 *WTTO-Channel 21 *WBEI-101.7 FM

*WTUG-92.9FM *WBRC-Fox 6 *WVTM-NBC 13

*WDJC-93.7 FM *WTXT-98.1 FM *WBMG-CBS42

*WVUA-Channel 7 *WERC-960 AM *WUAL-91.5 AM

*Charter 5 *Comcast 3 *WFFN-95.3 FM

*WVUA-90.7 FM *Charter 6 *Comcast 4

*WLXY-100.7FM *WZBQ-94.1 FM *Charter 7

*Comcast 5 *Charter 8 *Comcast 6

Extended Day: (2:50 - 5:45 pm) there is a $10 fee for every 5 minutes late for pick-up

·  $12.00 Registration Fee Per Child

·  $8.00 per day / $35 per week (1 child)

·  $60.00 per week or $8.00 per day (2 children)

·  $75.00 per week or $8.00 per day (3 children)

·  $90.00 per week or $8.00 per day (4 children)

Extra Clothes: Sometimes accidents may occur; therefore I ask that you send an extra set of clothes for your child. If your child has an accident and doesn’t have extra clothes you will be called to bring clothes to the school. In a gallon Ziploc bag please send a shirt, pants, underwear and socks. All clothing must be labeled. You will need to update the clothes changes as the seasons change and as your child grows. Each child will keep their extra clothes in their backpack at school.

Field Trips: We will be going on approximately 4 field trips throughout the school year. The first field trip is scheduled for Wednesday, October 10 to Old Baker Farm in Harpersville, AL. You may visit their website at All parents will be invited to attend and drive their own vehicles. All students must have a signed permission slip to attend. More information will be made available later in the school year.

Field Trip T-Shirt: We will be purchasing a kindergarten t-shirt that your child will wear on field trips so that they can be easily indentified. The estimated cost will be $10.00 per shirt. You will be receiving more information within the first month of school.

Forgotten Books, Lunch Boxes/Money, etc.: If your child forgets lunch money, books, homework, etc., please take the item to the office and they will notify your child to come pick it up in the office.

Goals: My goal for your child is this: That your child has fun while learning, as well as gain independence and responsibility throughout the school year. It is also my goal that your child is adequately prepared for success in first grade.

Grading Scale: The following grading scale is used in Kindergarten:
I= does not meet standard, II= partially meets standard, III= meets standard, IV= above standard
All graded work will come home in the BEE binders. Parents need to sign and return only the marked papers.

Hands-on Learning: I feel that the best way to help students learn is to make learning fun. Important concepts can be learned by doing meaningful hands-on activities. There are times when seatwork is required and necessary, but for the most part, our classroom will be an active learning environment.

Homework: Your child will have homework. This homework should take no longer than one hour each night.

Internet: Your child will use the Internet to conduct research and practice skills this year. All Internet searches will be guided by the teacher.

Journals: Your child will write in a journal daily throughout the school year.

June and July: Enjoy your summer off! Continue reading and writing to prepare for first grade!

Kindness: Students in my classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others, with kindness and respect. Hitting, fighting, name calling, and making fun of others will not be tolerated!

Library: We will go to the library once a week. Students will be allowed to check out one book per week, providing they return the previous week’s books. Please remind your child to be prepared and return the books each week. He or she can re-check the book if they are not finished reading it. We also have many books in class to read as well.

Lunch: Your child will receive a lunch number and will need to memorize their number the first week of school. You will receive a copy of a key pad with your child’s number to practice at home. Any lunch money sent to school needs to be sent in an envelope labeled with child’s name, teacher’s name, and lunch number. The envelope should be sent to school in the zipper pouch located in your child’s BEE binder. When your child’s lunch account is out of money, a reminder sticker will be sent home. Students are not allowed to charge a lunch on their account, so please be aware when your child needs lunch money. Students will only be able to purchase ice cream on FRIDAYS. Please see the cafeteria price list for costs of any extra items. Your child is welcome to bring their lunch. The microwaving of items will not be permitted. Milk, juice, and bottled water can be purchased if you do not want to pack a beverage for your child.

Lunch Prices:

Please fill out and return the free/reduced lunch form even if you are able to afford our breakfast and lunch program. I must receive a form from every parent regardless of financial ability.

  • Student Lunch: $2.00
  • Reduced Student Lunch: $0.40
  • Visitor Lunch: $3.15

*If you have applied for free or reduced meal, your child must pay full price for lunch/breakfast until the paperwork is fully completed and approved.

Money: Please make sure that any money that is sent to school is either in an envelope or baggie with your child’s name and a note telling me what it is for (lunch, field trip, pictures, etc.). Students often hand me money with no idea what it is for!

Morning Care: (6:45 am - 7:30 am)

·  $2.00 per day per child. There are not any multiple children discounts for Morning Care.

·  $12.00 registration fee for Morning Care and Extended Day. You will not have to pay 2 separate registration fees.

·  Drop off will be at the cafeteria entrance.

·  Your child may eat breakfast at 7:30 or proceed to the commons area until the bell rings for class to begin.

Naps: Traditionally kindergarten students were allowed to rest for 20 -30 minutes per day. Now we are trying to get away from nap time in order to teach more academics throughout the day. We will be resting for about 10 - 15 minutes at our tables only for the first month or so of school. This will allow kids to adjust to a full school day. We will not be napping on nap mat.