Friday 16th March
DyddGwener 16 Mawrth
‘Happy,United, Inspired Achievers, DysgwyrHapus, Unedig a Ysbrydoledig’

Dear Parent/Guardian/AnnwylRhieni/Gwarchodwyr,

As we are nearly at the end of another busy term I would like to thank you for your continued support. There has been a lot happing both in and out of school and much more to come as we enter the Summer Term. Hopefully we have seen the last of the snow.

Parking outside school

Please can you ensure that when you are dropping off/picking up your child(ren) that you DO NOT PARK ON THE YELLOW ZIG ZAG LANES OR ON THE PAVEMENT IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL.


The PTA have held some excellent events. The pizza and pottery night was a huge success. As was the Community Café. I would also like to thank them for the mother’s day planters that I hope you enjoyed on Mothering Sunday.

If you have any ideas that will boost fundraising or will bring our community together,

They can be contacted on:

Katy Roe -

Julie Ledsham -


As mentioned in the previous newsletter we have some trees to plant as phase 1 of our grounds development. The trees have now arrived and AM HannahBlythyn will be joining us on Friday afternoon with the local press to launch this initiative.

We will be holding a tree planting session (we have about 100 to plant) on Sunday18th March between 10am and 12pm Bacon butties and hot drinks will be provided by the PTA so please come along and help even if it is just 1 tree!


Please note we are collecting batteries and old Christmas cards in school for recycling, so if you have any please bring them in.

Reading and Spelling

Please can parents help children to learn their spellings and enjoying listening to their children read on a daily basis. This enrichment really does make a difference. It is lovely to read your comments in their reading records too.

Parents Evening – Thank you for attending our recent parents evening.

There will be additional meetings for the parents of children in Year 2 and 6 to discuss expectations for the end of phase. These will be as follows:

Thursday 12th April

Year 2 : 3.30pm

Year 6 : 4pm

I appreciate this is an early time allocation but please do not worry if you cannot attend I can speak to you at another time.

Rights Respecting School

We have been working on this initiative in school. The aim is to make children aware of their rights on an international level, as a child living in Wales and then their rights in school. It is important that children understand what their rights are, but that these are also the rights of the others around them and that their actions therefore have a consequence. I will be holding an information session on Thursday 12th April at 5pm to share The Rights with you and how this works in school.


Thank you attending it was a lovely afternoon celebrating our Welsh culture and our community school.

Kingswood Colomendy

What excellent attendance from all schools involved. I hope I put your minds at ease. Twitter will be full of photos from the Year 3 trip this week.


Forest School sessions are taking place every Tuesday morning. Please will you ensure your child has warm clothing including wellies, hats, gloves and scarves as it is cold and we need to keep them as warm as we can. Forest School clothes should be brought in a bag with all items of clothing labelled. This will ensure our sessions can go ahead all year round. Spellings and homework have been handed out this week, tests will be on Thursday and homework needs to be returned on this day also.

After School Clubs – WB

Monday 9th April – A Star Sports

Tuesday 10th April – Wrexham Football Club until 4.30pm

Wednesday 11th April – Rugby

Thursday 12th April – Theatre Train at Cilcain

Mrs O’Neill – Headteacher /Pennaeth