NAO Project SHARE Focus Group Questions

Question / Rationale (in terms of program objectives)
1. What are your most and least favorite program-related experiences and why? (Probe: Let students start, then specifically probe for what was great and what was not so great). / Introduction / overview
2. What were the main things that you learned in this program?[this question may be skipped / appended to the first one] / Introduction / overview
3. How did this program affect your understanding of health issues in your community? / Supplements the survey’s questions about understanding health disparities, plus, more importantly, assesses community connectedness objectives
4. What do you think about your ability to take some kind of action to improve these health issues? (Probe: did the program have something to do with your opinion on this?) / Leadership / empowerment and communication/advocacy
5. What did you learn from working together? (Probe: If there were disagreements, how did you resolve them? How did your relationship and group dynamics change over time?) / Community connectedness, leadership, communication.
6. In this program, you learned how to look for trustworthy health information websites on the Internet. Can you talk about any real-life situations where you might use this? (Probe: has anyone actually done this already? – don’t collect more than 3 anecdotes, use show of hands) / This expands on the survey assessment of the health information literacy objective
7. How did you feel presenting to other people as part of this program? What were the benefits and challenges of those experiences? (Feel free to modify this question by mentioning specific activities that involved presentations) / Communication objective.
8. Part of this program introduced you to different careers in healthcare. What were the main things you learned? / This expands on the survey assessment of health career objectives
9. Did this program influenced your thinking about what to do after high school? If yes, how? If no, why not? [may be a probe to the previous] / See above
10. How did participating in this project affect your relationship or interactions with other people? Think of students who did not participate, or your family, or teachers. / Community connectedness.
11. What recommendations do you have for the next version of this program? (skip if limited time) / Process question