Created on / May 2006
Last update / July 2009


Financial Support / Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Name /
AECID- Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacionalpara el Desarrollo
Department / International Spanish Cooperation
Code ACF / FB
Localisation / Madrid-Spain
Address / Reyes Católicos 4
28040 Madrid /

General Information

Principles / Main principlesfollowed are established in the 23/1998 Law (July 7th 1998) on International Cooperation and the Director Plan,established as a changing document wheresectorial, thematic and geographical priorities are reviewed according to the Spanish International Policy.
Intervention Areas / Development Programmes, Humanitarian Aid. Major intervention areas described in Director Plans / DirectorPlan 2009-2012
Intervention sectors / All main sectors: Food Security, Education, Health, Democratic governability, protection of vulnerable sectors, access to safe water and sanitation. climate change and environmental sustainability, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Preparedness (DP) / Thematic approach
Geographical priorities / Group A: broad cooperation with fewer developing countries in a long term approach.
Group B: focused cooperation with countries to one or two axis in a medium term
Group A: Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru Ecuador and Dominican Republic
Group B: Colombia
Group A: Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Cape Verde y Niger
Group B:Equatorial Guinea, Sudan, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo and Guinea Conakry
Group A:Philippines and Vietnam
Group B: Timor Oriental, Afghanistan, Cambodia and Bangladesh
East EuropeMiddle East:
Group A: Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Occupied PalestinianTerritories and Saharan
Group B: Irak and Lebanon / AECIDCountries
Other Geographical areas of interest / Group C: cooperation based on the achievement of development reinforcement.
Group C: Costa Rica, Brazil, México, Venezuela, Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Namibia,Syria, Tunez, Egypt and Jordan
Types of programmes / Short and long term development
Rehabilitation and crisis prevention
Emergency response/Humanitarian Action / Types of program
Thematic Priorities / Water and Sanitation; Medical care; Food Security; Food Aid; Risk preparation and prevention; / Thematic priorities
Cross-cutting priorities / Gender and Equality programmes for women and men / Cross-cutting priority
Annual Budget / 2.898.000.000 Euros in 2009 / Annual budget 2009
Partners / Spanish certified NGOs and International organisations / Quality certification of NGO
Internal Structure/ Decision units / The AECID precedence is divided into 4 offices:
Technical cabinet: unit in charge of transversal technical issues
Humanitarian Aid Office
Emergency and Post Conflict Department
Director: is the “political unit” designing general strategy. Under this unit are established the different geographical Units ( a)LatinAmerica & Caribe, b)Africa, Asia and Middle East, c) Multilateral Cooperation, d)Scientific and cultural relationships e)Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation, f)General Secretary.
At field level OTC: (Oficina Técnica de Cooperación) highly influence AECID Head Quarters, where final decisions are taken. / Organigramme
Decentralisation/contracts on the field / Small budgets usually available through Spanish embassies.
Contracts can be advised and influence on the field, but final decisions are done at central level / Decentralisation
Positive aspects / ACF Spain first certified as NGO partner in 2005, and renewed in 2009.Good communication; funds are available for emergencies through direct negotiation.
Negative aspects / CAP only devoted to emergency and crisis context.
Max 5.000.000 E is the total funds/per year NGOs can receive.

Internal Procedures

Guidelines / Support to Development NGOs: OTC requests for submission are managed by the Geographical Department (NGOs Unit Cooperation). Specific emergency responses and Humanitarian Aid (Managed by the Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Department). Three major calls fro NGOs:
Support to Development NGOs cooperation programmes subscribing the Millennium Goals, Country Strategy, Annual Plan and Director Plan Policies.
Guideline updates: Followed Convenios norms for projects funded after 2008.
Followed Law 1303/2005_Submitted at HQ level/Subdirección General de Cooperación Multilateral y Horizontal
Deadlines: Ordinary call (once a year/March).
Max. Funded: 900.000/ max. 24 months
Increasingly devoted to NGOs outside the AECID convenios.( ACF has limited possibilities if not directly invited by AECID to participate / NGO's Calls
CooperationNormative Law
Normative Convenios & Projetcs 2009
CAP general normative
Agreement (CONVENIOS)
Multi annual and multi sectoral and geographical support todevelopment NGOs programmes overseas subscribe to Millennium and AECID goals.
Guideline updates:
Last updated in March 2009, new norms and regulations are retroactive fro all running convenios.
Followed (Ley de Subvenciones: Law 1303/2005) & Normativa AECID_BOE_ 5/05/09
Deadlines : Annual/ around June for pre-negotiations
Max. Funded: 20 million E/ max. 4 years
Max funded per year (5 million E) max. eligibility for budget ( 4 years)
Agreement extension allowed for two years.
Convocatoria Abierta y Permanente (CAP)
Funding of projects/activities link to social, economic, cultural, or technological development and crisis or emergency recovering, and activities promoting international cooperation, to be implemented in Spain and abroad.
Guideline updated:
every appeal, but without major changes
Specific regulation ( see link)
Submitted on line, paper copy at HQ level and/ OTC. Open through the year with three deadlines (March, May and September). Only available for ACF-IN as an emergency response funding line, OTC agreement recommended prior submission.
Fiscal Year / January 1st to December 31st / See BOE 24 Marzo 2009 page 35376 (Num 93)

Working Language

/ Spanish for proposals, reports and evaluations.
Reporting annexes are allowed in the country of implementation first language (English, French, Portuguese and Italian) annexes in other languages must be translated.
Agenda/ Decision process / Each unit has their own budget approved annually. Ad hoc decisions can be taken in cases of emergency and humanitarian crisis.Max. Overall financial support granted per NGO/per year (all AECID budgetary lines consolidated) cannot exceed 5.000.000 E
Selection Criteria / OTCS are inviting NGOs in the field in order to closely define and monitor country strategies and programmes. Technical Gabinetes have internal budgets and occasionally can fund specific projects through direct negotiation at HQ level. / OTC general information
Projects Length / CAPs: Maximum: 18 months.
Convenios4 years Agreement (possible extension for a further 2 year period)
Ordinarias: 24 months (2 months extension is possible) / CAPproject length (primera)
Convenio length (Quinta sección 4)
Ordinaria length (Oct. sección 3)
Total per project / CAP: 300 000 E
Convenios: 5.000.000 E
Ordinary Call: 900.000 E
Maximum: 5 Million per year/NGO considering all funds (except for CAP and emergency responses)
Types of Funding / Finance of eligible goods, personnel and services necessary to the setting of a project. Projects up to 2 years can receive at once 100% of the total funding granted.
Co-funding / As a rule 80% of the total direct cost of the project is covered, the applicant is requested a 20% cofunding. Private cofunding requested for grants over 800.000€ (with a variable percentage, max 4%)
AECID must be informed in writing once a co-funding for the convenios has been granted. It is the same with the ER Convenio. / Ordinarias and Convenios rules of co-funding
(Novena; section 2)
CAP rules of co-funding (Novena)
Registration / AECID as Spanish cooperation depending of Ministry of Foreign Affaires only funds through to register NGOs. ACF-E is member of AECID register since 1st December 1999. (Registration process to become qualified NGOs was requested in 2005. Being a registered NGO allows ACF-E to participate in the Ordinary call and the Convenios agreement.) / ACH registration
Different rules/Exception / Non registered organisations can apply only to the CAP to or through consortium.


Concept paper / CAP/ ORDINARIA: Not requested, but useful for pre-negotiation at field level.
CONVENIOS: Compulsory in order to pre-negotiate pluriannual convenios
Content and format / Follow standard guidelines of the project cycle and the Methodology of Project Management of the Spanish Cooperation (Templates available for ordinaria/ CAP and Convenio calls)
Detail requested / Narrative: Intervention designed should include problem and objective tree.
Logical framework, Chronograms and gender focus integration are compulsory
Budget: Detailed budget with specific requests:
1)Expat costs are considered in real (and not in forfeit). The cost for expats must be divided in two different chapters: (1- salary, 2- per diem, allocation and all others costs)
2)Special donor exchange rate (cf. no TMP but average of real exchange)
3)Exclusive bank account for the project must be open (the account number will be requested prior contract signature) / Templates
Ordinaria proposal form
Convenio proposal form
Currency for budget / Euro
Co-funding / Minimum 20% of the total budget
Private Cofunding:requested in grants over 800.000 (max. 4%)
In kind Contributions/Valuations: accepted
Audit / External audit compulsory for projects over 350.000€ andconvenios
(see below)
Advance Payment / Total cost for up to two years projects is paid .
Ordinary calls and convenios (one advance payment per year)
Indirect Costs / From 9 to 12% of total budget (depending of the total amount)
When is it paid? / Two to four weeks after written project approval
Who pays / Specific unit managing the grant
To whom / Separate and specific bank account -exclusively for each project- must be opened.
Sample to be sent / CAP: 1 (on line submission)
Ordinaria+Convenios: (1 Paper copy, 1 CD electronic copy or email to AECID)
Decision Process
Response Delayed / 2-3 months (cannot exceed 6 months)
Exceptions/ / Proposal submission is on line for CAP and Ordinary calls since 2007, and for convenios from 2010. Certified courier submission is also compulsory for on line proposals.

Contract Management

Dates / ORDINARIA: Starting date allowed two months after payment is confirmed
CAP: Starting date allowed three months after payment is confirmed and any date within the budgetary year.
CONVENIOS: starting date cannot be postponed more than 6 months from the CONVENIO SUBMISSION DATE.
Selected date for project start must be informed to the Project Management Unit in writing.
Eligibility: From day 1 of implementation (prior in emergency context)
Retroactivity / Non emergency programmes:
Only allowed direct cost for the identification phase:
Ordinaria: max. 20.000 E ( eligible up to 5 months prior to proposal call submission deadline)
Convenio: max. 60.000 E (eligible during the first 4 moths after the convenio pre-agreement signature, only for Identification Phase)
Emegency Programmes:
CAP:Emergency projects allowed retroactivity, the starting date can be any day within the current annual budget of the resolution (January 1st- December 31st)
Noneligible / Indenisations, indirect taxes (when recoverable) administrative penalties, judicial costs, protocol expenses.
Convenio Identification Phase Budget: Durable Equipment and Stock
(amortizations are not allowed at this phase)
Eligible / Project related , please refer to each call for proposal
Running Administrative cost at field level: max 1%
Specific guidelines for each call must be reviewed to ensuretotal/ partialsubcontracting activitiesare allowed. If the call guidelines do not give specific information, up to a maximum of 50% of the project budget can be subcontracted.
Compulsory to include certification that this tax cannot be claimed, either witha certificate of the local Tax administration of the country, or NGO's owncertification with agreement of signed by the Spanish Embassy or OTC.
Expatriates / Field and HQ: REAL COSTS (no forfeit allowed)
Suspension / If substantial modifications are in place with no discussion /donor’s approval
CAP ( Section 11) Convenios ( section 17)
Flexibility / 10% between budget chapters accepted. Check with HQ before exceeding this.
Equipments / As per defined by the applicant.
Property of equipment and stock / AMORTIZATION:
Whenever stocks refer exclusively to the subsidized period and the subvention has not contributed to the purchase of goods, those could be subsidized. Amortization is calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting norms. It must be include only full months. Under the execution periods can be included. Original or certified invoices compulsory to justify expenses. Life time allocated to amortized goods: Generators, Industrial and agriculture machinery: 120 months (10 years), Office furniture: 120 months (10 years) , Transport means: 72 months (6 years), IT, photocopy machines, fax, radio, etc: 48 months (4 years)
Provision Log procedures / Over 30.000 Eservices and / 12.000 E for works/
Convenio: over 12.000 Ealso for technical and professional services.
Three quotations requested. (Convenio: original documents and certified copies are required to support your justification. Customs declaration/documents of importedsupplies are required) The quotation selection process must be explained within the final report.
Sub-contracts must not exceed 15% of donor’s grant
Donations / All goods and materials acquire with AECID funds must be transferred to local public organisations after project lifetime. Written justification is required with the final report. If public organisations chosen cannot take responsibility and optional donation alternative should be submitted to AECID for approval
Advance Payment and liquidations / 100% in projects of less than two years
Convenio: Full one year budget pre-payment done annually
Financial interests obtained must be reimbursed in the project
Others / Convenio: Pre-convenio Agreement, and Convenio contract
CAP/ Ordinaria: No formal contract available, the contract starts with the applicant response to AECID letter of approval where the started day of the project must be indicated


Types of modifications / 1.Time extension: over three months must be requested in writing and approved by AECID
2. Non substantial modifications
3.Substantial modifications (imply changes to objectives, results, beneficiaries and geographical area)
4. Budget modification: when flexibility between chapters over 10%. Only notification if no substantial modification.
5. Use of receipts must be approved by the Donor by written letter
Content and modifications
When to do it? / General Amendments: Once approved and before payment
Time extension: 3 months before end of project
Non-substantial modifications: Inform through Intermediate and Final report
Substantial modifications: a written request must be submitted for approval within the two months in which modifications occurred at field level. OTC must be also informed on time.
Convenios: Together with the annual report to be submitted in June and the re-formulation of the following year.
Convenios: To make any substantial modification resulting from unforeseen but fully justified circumstances: request to Management Unit, no more than two months after those circumstances occurred. AECID approval and ACH signature’s representative needed. The rest of the modifications: to be included in the Annual or Final Reports
Who? / Project Management & HQ
To who? / AECID Unit managing the grant
Decision Process / If no written response is given in two months, we can legally assume AECID has no objections to our request except for:
  • If we are requesting to keep equipment of buildings
  • If we are requesting to donate the equipment later
  • If we are requesting to use the equipment for another project

Time for response / 2/ 3 months

Intermediate Reports

Types, periodicity, cycles / Not requested for project of less than 1 year
Convenio: Annual follow up report to be submitted no later 1st. June. As ACH has subscribed to reporting modality b.1: Annual reporting has to be presented together with the audit report. (No later 1st sept.)
Content and template / No standard template available for CAP, (as per request and publish with call appeal)
Convenio: 1 annual Follow up report- specific template available. Next project planning must be included covering fiscal year (1st January- 31st December)
Projects over two years: 1 annual follow up report. Follow Convenio templates / Convenios Template
Detail requested / Standard Narrative and financial reporting
Who send it? / ACF-Spain HQ
To whom? / AECID HQ- Unit managing the grant. (cc/ to OTC Filed Offices recommended)
Samples given / 1
Decision process / 2 months maximum
Delayed allowed? / Extension can be requested with technical justification
Advance Payment / N/A
Convenios: anticipated annual payment.
Declaration for equipment and stock / N/A

Final Report

Date / Projects: 4 months after the end of the project.
Convenio: 6 months after the end of the convenio (if the final evaluation is to presented along with final annual report it can be extended to 11 months)
Content and format / Template standard for technical and financial justification.
Detail requested / Very exhaustive financial justification requested (100% of the invoices).
Justification requirements are explained in the AECID Grants Manual for justification. Please refer to it.
Convenio:financial update from last follow up report / Annexes CONVENIO
Anexes CAP
Annexes / List of all expenses detailed in Annex II with original certificates/ or validated copies
Who / HQ
To who / AECID HQ- Unit managing the grant , addressed to Madrid HQ and cc/ Field offices, OTC
Samples to be given / 1 (plus heavy annexes on CD)
Decision process / 3 months
Timeframe for final liquidation / 3 months
Equipments and stock declaration / Donation certificate to the beneficiaries to the continuation of the project.

Audit/ Evaluation and Supervision

Ex post Evaluations(Impact)are done by external consultants annually to specific programmes and projects.Annual Evaluation reports are published in the web.
Over 350.000 Euros: compulsory external audit.
Over 350.000: Recommended Internal evaluations
Convenios: Compulsory external evaluation and audit / External Audit rules (Section Décima)
Rules of audit
(Section Decimosexte; 2)
Guidelines / Recommended to refer to the AECID Evaluation methodology. / Methodology evaluation
Conditions / CONVENIOS:
Intermediate Evaluation external compulsory (must be budgeted), to be conducted once half term of the stated agreement period has passed, TOR must be shared and validated by AECID, and the evaluation report must be submitted within a maximum 9 months period.
Intermediate internal evaluations recommended
Final external evaluation: At the end of the activities, within 6-9 months.
Final report must include technical and economic information and audit for the last period reported. A very exhaustive list of basic documents, that are to accompany the report, is given. Please refer to Normative AECID_BOE_ 5/05/09.
Final External Audit: Planning and monitoring Annual Report must be presented to the management Unit before 1st June (refer to Annex I, II or for template and filling in instructions)
Internal evaluations recommended
Final Evaluation for projects over 350.000 must be budgeted
Financial reports (over 350.000 Euros): compulsory external audit.
In projects including local NGOs managing Revolving Funds over 50.000, an external audit of this local NGO must be submitted with the project final report
Formularies / EVALUATION TOR to follow AECID template ( must be validated by AECID)
AUDIT: ACH template validated by AECID
Finance / Compulsory evaluations and audits should be budgeted as direct costs.
Internal evaluations recommended to be budgeted as direct cost.
Who made it? / External Auditory: External firm
External Evaluation: External Final
(cannot be performed no ex ACH staff under contract during the project formulation)
Internal Evaluations: ACH HQs
Responsible? / Audit global: AECID
Audit Field:AECID
Audit projet: Applicant
Evaluation globale: AECID
Evaluation projet: Applicant
Conservation documents / Minimum 6 years

Lessons Learnt