Thursday, April 18, 2013


Room 309, (Foods Lab) Academic B Building

Madera South High School


Protective Services Pathway

Marianne Rock, MSHS Instructor of Introduction to Public Safety

Lawrence Fernandez, ROP Instructor

Raul Garcia, MSHS Student in Protective Services Pathway

Joseph Ramer, Kerman Police Department

Ronn Dominici, Retired CHP Officer

Durbin Lloren, Madera Police Department

Education Pathway

Joyce Young, MSHS Instructor of Exploring Childhood

Patty Hanson, Substitute Teacher, Madera Unified School District

Vicky Bandy, Teacher on Special Assignment, Madera Unified School District

Otilia Morales, MHS/MSHS Cal-Safe Instructor

Terri DeLa Gerra, Teacher, Alpha School

Food Service and Hospitality Pathway

Janine K. Bergdahl, MSHS Human Services Department Chair

Yvette Barragan, MSHS Senior in Beginning Restaurant Management
Janet Fuentes, MSHS Senior in Beginning Restaurant Management

Robert Young, Sous Chef, Cedar Creek Retirement Center

Don Waddel, Division Director, Institute of Technology, Culinary Program

Joshua Shapiro, Vice-Principal, School of Business and Human Services, MSHS

Shirley Woods, MUSD CTE/ROP Coordinator


Brett Frazier, Papa Murphy’s

Robby Achee, General Manager, Black Bear Diner

I.  Committee members helped themselves to appetizers prepared and served by the Beginning Restaurant Management class

II.  Josh Shapiro welcomed and introduced the members present

III.  Durbin Lloren called the meeting to order at 3:40

IV.  April 19, 2012 minutes were reviewed and approved.

V.  Janine Bergdahl handed out Human Services Advisory Committee: Functions and Responsibilities, and discussed our hopes for the Advisory Committee (see handout attached). It is the sincere hope that the Advisory Committee provide advice, support, counsel, and recommendations regarding industry direction and needs. By doing this, we can provide our students with an up-to-date and pertinent education, and prepare them for entry level jobs or further study upon graduation from high school.

VI.  The Annual Report

Achievements and Challenges this past year

Josh Shapiro explained the Common Core, and how our CTE courses fit into the Common Core. Janine explained that the State Standards have been updated since our last meeting.

Joyce Young gave an update on FHA/HERO club, and some of the exciting things students have been doing (see handout)

Janine Bergdahl reported the three main goals the department has for the upcoming year:

-Begin to provide partnerships and supervised work learning experiences for our students

-Have a graded leadership component in all classes

-Become an affiliate of FHA/HERO

VII.  Election/Appointment of President and Secretary

This was tabled for the individual pathways. (see proposal, next item, to break into four advisory committees, for each of the pathways)

VIII.  Janine Bergdahl made the following proposals for full advisory:

1.  Break into three separate committees:

a.  Protective Services

b.  Food Service and Hospitality

c.  Education and Child Development

Rationale: since our programs are so varied, it seems that we would do better to focus each advisory committee on the areas of the expertise of the advisors

2.  Set up an Advisory for Beauty/Fashion and Interior Design

Shirley Woods stated that the full advisory was not the place to pursue this proposal, and that we should be talking with District and CTE. This proposal was rejected. The department will carry this discussion on with the appropriate personnel.

3.  Meet twice a year – once in September/October, once in March/April.

Proposals one and three were passed by the Advisory.

IX.  At 4:05 we broke into individual committees

-Food Service and Hospitality Pathway – Janine Bergdahl, room 307

-Education and Child Development Pathway – Joyce Young, room 308

-Protective Services – Marianne Rock, room 310

Minutes for each are on the following pages:



Don Waddell, Institute of Technology

Robert Young, Cedar Creek Retirement Community

Janet Fuentes, current MSHS senior in Restaurant Management

Yvette Barragan, current MSHS senior in Restaurant Management


Brett Frazier, Papa Murphy’s

Robby Achee, Black Bear Diner

The Advisory Committee moved to room 307 and the meeting began at 4:10.

I.  Janine introduced each of the committee members to each other and explained why she invited each to join. It is the goal of the department to have committee members from a wide range of food service institutions. It was recommended that we also invite someone from the hospital and prison to join our advisory committee, since many food service jobs are in institutions. (After the meeting it was recommended that we invite someone from the Chukchansi Casino). Janine will make invitations to these for the next meeting we will have in the fall.

II.  Status of Previous Recommendations

We reviewed the minutes of the last meeting, and were embarrassed to see that few of the recommendations of last year were followed up on! Update on recommendations are as follows:

a.  Text: Culinary Essentials. Students are still using the textbooks that Ms. Young personally bought last year. Janine has submitted an order for a class set with supporting materials, but is unsure if the district will approve the order.

Don questioned how the text is used in class, and suggested that it be used as introductory material for students to read on their own prior to hands-on experiences.

b.  Text: On Cooking. This has not been ordered.

c.  On-line magazine: Cooks Illustrated. This has not been ordered.

d.  Perkins “wish list”- many of these were purchased this year.- specifically stand mixers for each kitchen, one food processor for the lab, new dry measuring cups, 1 large stock pot, 2 Henckels knife sets

It was suggested that in the future, each recommendation contain an action plan and persons responsible for each action. This was agreed upon.

III.  Curriculum Review

Janine asked what the committee felt that we need to teach above all else. Don said once again (like last year) that you can teach anyone to cook, but you can’t teach personal work ethic skills – like dependability, punctuality, honesty, team work, etc. These professional work skills need to be part of our curriculum, and students graded on it.

Action Plan: Janine will incorporate an employee performance evaluation into the curriculum, with students evaluating their own performance and work skills, and reviewing them with the instructor. This should be done each semester.

IV.  New State CTE standards

Janine handed out the new CTE standards. She explained that to date, only the draft standards have been available. On May 9th she will be attending a professional development webinar on a standards update. At this point it appears that the standards are similar to the older ones.

V.  CTE Sequence of Courses, Perkins pathway plan was handed out and discussed, edited and approved. Instructional Materials, and Equipment and Certifications were discussed and approved. (See attached final copy)

VI.  Professional Development

Janine requested that the faculty be allowed to attend up-to-date professional development provided by the Home Economics Careers and Technology Curriculum and Professional Development Project at Fresno State as they are offered. She also requested that at least one faculty member can attend the Annual Leadership and Management Conference offered in the summer. This was approved by the committee.

VII.  Leadership component in all classes (graded)

Janine shared that CTE requires a leadership component in all classes, and she is looking at possible lessons that she could incorporate into her classes. Many lessons currently used include character, work ethic, and team building.

VIII.  Internships/Job Shadowing/Volunteer experiences, community projects/field trips

We need to find ways that students can gain experience even if they are not able to take the capstone ROP course at Madera High School. Janine has been able to place one student in the Workability program with Deirdre Bishel, and he will begin working at Black Bear Restaurant in the near future. More collaboration needs to be done with the Work Experience and WorkAbility programs on campus.

Janine asked the committee if they felt that the cost of field trips was worth the benefit, and what kind of field trips might we offer? Ideas that were offered included visiting IT and Colombia College (the two Culinary programs near here), Food Bank, MUSD Central kitchen, a hospital kitchen, and Black Bear Diner (touring the front and back of house).

IX. Our next meeting was set for September 17, 2013 3:30-5(ish)

X.  Meeting adjourned at about 5:30.


I. Introduction of Staff Members present

Joyce Young, MSHS Instructor of Exploring Childhood

Patty Hanson, Substitute Teacher, Madera Unified School District

Vicky Bandy, Preschool Teacher on Special Assignment, Madera Unified School District

Otilia Morales, MHS/MSHS Cal-Safe Instructor – Infant & Toddler Program

Terri DeLa Gerra, Teacher, Alpha Elementary School

Not able to attend: Linda Nicacio – Great Beginnings Preschool / Co-Owner/ Director

II. Selection of Advisory board president and secretary

A. Vicky Bandy volunteered to be President

B. Tilly Morales volunteered to be secretary

C. Board accepted their offers with great appreciation

III. Status of Previous Recommendations

A. We reviewed the minutes of the last meeting, where Mr. Chavez had suggested that the books appeared to be outdate and suggested updated text be looked into.

B. Update on this recommendation is as follows:

i. Students continue to use these; Mrs. Young reported that at this time this is the most recent revision of this text that is School Board Approved. She stated that at her previous site the staff supplemented the text with current periodicals and internet magazines.

a. The Advisory Committee suggested the use of current magazines to support the text and lecture curriculum. Using magazine articles is important for several reasons. Most magazine articles are written in a simpler text. Periodicals offer articles that deal with current topics, events, trends and research. Magazine articles could also be a resource for extra credit, homework, and home hospital assignments. Current suggestions include:

b. Parents

c. Parenting

d. American Baby

e. Future Educator Association

ii. Terry DeLa Gerra commented that the reading comprehension level might be challenging to some students, and encouraged using supplemental materials for students still developing EL proficiency.

iii. Mrs. Young stated that some students do struggle with understanding the contents of the text. She has tried different support techniques to use, especially with the terminology. These include:

a. Illustrations of terms

b. Power point support lectures

c. Other techniques suggested by Eileen Pistachio , English support coach MSHS

d. Students all have been loaned a binder kept in class where all of their assignments and notes are kept. These are all available to use during test assessments.

e. Some assessments are non-test projects where students create a poster or game that illustrate the concepts learned.

i. Creating hands-on activities was encouraged by the Advisory Committee. These activities create more authentic learning by taking information from lectures and text and using this information to create an activity or project. Mrs. Young stated that supplies are often in short supply when gotten through the book keeper on campus, the Advisory Committee agreed that for this type of class that materials be readily available for projects. They suggested the following be purchased and kept on hand:

ii. Construction Paper, markers, colored pencils

iii. Glue sticks, felt, tongue depressors,

C. It was requested last year that an additional 5 infant simulators be purchased. The current 5 are in their 4th year of use. The warrantee is no longer in effect and having only 5 means that they are in almost continual use throughout the semester, when one has a problem it sets the pacing off for the entire semester.

i. The Advisory board suggested that since these simulators can be used by so many classes that a total of 10 new simulators be purchased. If funds are not available for all 10 than perhaps 5 this year and 5 the year following.

ii. There are also yearly expenses for wrist bands, misplaced bottles and warn out accessories. Mrs. Young stated that after 4 years in service many of the computer chips in the bottles & diapers are not reading correctly and should be replaced.

iii. These simulators can be used in the introductory class during the units relating to child care. At the concentration level they can be used during the parenting and the infant care units.

iv. Reality Works, the company that sells the “Real Care Baby”, has developed a total curriculum to meet the Common Core Technical Core Standards and the Common Core State Standards - Mathematical Practice and English Language Arts

v. Besides teaching care and handling this curriculum also teaches:

vi. Responsibility of taking care of a child

vii. Time management

viii. Challenges of caring for an infant

ix. Documentation of experiences – diary

Curriculum Review

IV. New State CTE standards

1. Joyce handed out the new CTE standards. She explained that to date, only the draft standards have been available. On May 9th Mrs. Bergdahl will be attending a professional development webinar on a standards update

2. One new addition is that there be a graded leadership component in all classes

a. Some classes are using fundraising activities to meet this component, however legally we cannot require a student to participate in such activities

b. FCCLA HERO, STALLION CAFÉ, and other clubs on campus have many opportunities for students, but students cannot be forced to participate in these.

c. Mrs. Young has used “weekly monitor” before with some success.

i. One student is selected each week, they sit in the first desk by the door and are responsible for:

1. Passing out papers and returning them (with an assistant)

2. Handling any notes / passes that are brought in

3. Handle a bathroom pass list

4. Making sure that textbooks and supplies are returned correctly

5. Any debris is put in the trash or recycle cans

d. The assistant sits next to them and helps or takes over if monitor is absent

e. Monitor checks the room and only when they say it is ready is the class allowed to leave. Monitor leaves first

f. The assistant monitor becomes the monitor the following week.

g. At this time this is graded as extra credit but could easily be a part of the semester grade

3. Internships/Job Shadowing/Volunteer experiences, community projects/field trips