Course Discussion Prompts
PSY/340 Version 4 / 1

University of Phoenix Material

First Messages

Week 1 First Messages

·  What is the relationship between genes, cells, and behavior? Provide an example that illustrates this relationship.

·  Utilizing information about genetics, what are the pros and cons of having genetic testing for breast cancer or Alzheimer’s disease?

·  What are the functions of the peripheral nervous system that are essential to survival? Provide an example of how one of these functions has helped humans to survive as a species.

·  A person is born with congenital analgesia and is not able to feel pain. What are potential issues that may occur with this disorder? How may this disorder affect this person’s life?

·  What are the four lobes of the brain and their associated psychological functions? Provide an example of a behavior that is governed by one of the lobes, and discuss how damage to this lobe may affect this behavior. What can be done to minimize the effects of this damage?

·  What are the advantages and disadvantages to using humans in biopsychology research?

·  Consider this statement: “My brother is an alcoholic. It runs in my family. My dad’s sister, her two kids, and my dad all have alcoholism. I guess my brother inherited alcoholism from my dad.” What are your thoughts about this conclusion? Do you believe it is accurate or inaccurate? Explain why.

·  Why is estimating heritability discussed, as opposed to proving heritability? What are the implications?

·  What factors can influence how heritability can be expressed? How have seen this in your life?

Week 2 First Messages

·  Explain the formation of the action potential, its propagation down the axon, and its contribution to releasing neurotransmitters at the synapse. What are examples of disruptions to this process?

·  How is the function of the neuron similar to the binary processes of a computer? What are the limitations of this comparison?

·  Choose a psychotropic drug. How can this drug affect synaptic transmissions? How can this affect behavior?

·  How can neurotransmitters play a role in mental illness? Choose either GABA, serotonin, or dopamine, discuss a mental illness that has been tied to this neurotransmitter, and explain why.

·  Watch a film on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder from Films on Demand in the University Library. How extensive was the damage to the brain? How could this damage affect neural plasticity in this person? Why?

·  Researchers have recently discovered that the surgical treatment to Parkinson’s disease is a temporary treatment, rather than the previous notion that it was a cure. How does this relate to neural plasticity?

Week 3 First Messages

·  Jeremy grew up in an area where the land was flat. Sally grew up a large city with tall buildings. How may their depth perception be different? How does this illustrate the concepts of object recognition and visual perception?

·  What are the roles of rods and cones in the retina? How are they relevant in people who are colorblind?

·  How would you describe the damage to the motor pathway in the brain of a person with Huntington’s or Lou Gehrig’s (ALD) disease?

·  What is an absolute threshold? Choose one of the five senses and identify its absolute threshold. Discuss how this can be affected by age and environment.

·  Researchers have found phenomena related to taste sensory experiences. How does the phenomenon of the supertaster demonstrate individual differences? Would you want to experience this phenomenon? Why?

Imagine you have damaged your olfactory bulb and are unable to smell. How might your life be different? Is smell important to your life? Why?

Week 4 First Messages

·  Why do you eat the foods that you do? What are some biological reasons for your personal preferences? How may these reasons be influenced by your culture?

·  Ann stayed up all night to study before her test. Karen studied the same amount, but had a full night of quality sleep. Who do you think will perform better on the test? Why?

·  How does the brain, behavior, and the environment influence sexuality? Provide an example of this influence.

·  Describe the biological correlates of temperature regulation, thirst, and hunger. What are some factors that may affect these behaviors in an individual and across a species?

·  What is the relationship between heredity and aggression from a biological perspective? Include the hormones involved. Provide an example that demonstrates this relationship.

·  You and your family are camping in the woods, and a bear comes into your camp. Explain your emotional response and the resulting behavior. How can this behavior facilitate or hinder your survival?

·  Choose insomnia, sleep apnea, or narcolepsy. Discuss how the chosen disorder can affect sleep quality and daily functioning. What are some strategies to counter these effects?

Week 5 First Messages

·  What is the role of a psychostimulant in learning and memory? Psychostimulants have typically been prescribed to individuals with ADHD. What are some affects of taking a psychostimulant for a person who does not have ADHD? Should this medication be prescribed more widely? Why?

·  How can damage to Broca’s or Wernicke’s area affect speech? From speech patterns, how can you differentiate between which area was affected? How can this affect the quality of life?

·  Describe one area of the brain that contributes to memory formation. How does this differ from another brain area? Provide an example of a type of memory that would be formed in this area.

·  Why do you think there is a reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in highly educated people?

·  What is the relationship between learning and memory? Is it possible to learn without remembering? Why?

·  How does lifelong learning improve brain health and longevity? Provide an example.

·  What are the most important lifestyle choices one could make to protect the brain? Why are these important?

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